Even reports regarding the relaxation of the Arab Boycott against Israel by Oman and other Gulf countries did not inspire the Yemeni government to follow suit. The President of Yemen expressed full support for the Palestinian struggle, and they discussed ways to bring all Palestinian factions to agree on a common strategy. [16] Yemeni sources were careful to state that the visitors were being hosted in their capacity as Arab citizens, and not as Knesset representatives. Read Dr. Ezzat’s Kindle book “Egypt Knew No Pharaohs Nor Israelites“, Jonas Alexis – Ian Greenhalgh The ruling party, General People's Congress strongly condemned the actions of which it considered to be aggressions against the Palestinians and the Lebanese and called for the international community to intervene. He graduated from the faculty of Medicine at Alexandria University. The general public in Israel are increasingly growing concerned in regards to Houthi capability to potentially attack Israel. In March the Israeli airline, El Al, asked permission to use Yemeni airspace for its flights to the Far East but this was refused. Yemen has seen decades of war, first with the 1960’s civil war that ended North Yemen's monarchy. In October 2008, security forces arrested six alleged Islamist militants linked to Israeli intelligence. Israel, Houthi said, had been inciting a military action against Yemen months before the Saudi-led coalition decided to do so. A Shiite uprising could well be the Saudi ticket to the Arab Spring mayhem. With backing from the UAE, groups in the south of Yemen are warming up to the idea of normalized relations. In an interview with an Egyptian newspaper, Saleh expressed his country's unqualified support for Egypt. However, the Yemeni government offered no more than vocal support. History of the ancient Near East and of Ancient Egypt has long been an area of special interest to him. [25] The unnamed spoken also said that "The Yemeni government calls for the international community to bare their responsibilities towards the Zionist offensive and take swift action to stop this brutal aggression". Covert negotiations regarding the transfer of Jews to Israel were denied by San'a. In March 1994, Sheikh Abd-al-Majid al-Zindani, member of the Yemeni Presidential Council warned against what he regarded as a foreign and Zionist scheme to partition Yemen into several stateless in order to make it easier to control its oil wealth and strategic location, especially in the strait of Bab el Mandab. Yemeni officials suggested that Israel supplied ammunition and equipment to the Eritrean forces in return for military bases on the Red Sea islands. [27] On 17 November, Permanent Representative of Yemen to the Arab League, Mohammed al-Haisami called "all Arab states to put an end to the cruel Zionist aggression on the Gaza Strip and to stop the crimes committed by Israel on the Palestinian people". Iran is the world’s biggest Shia power, while Saudi Arabia is the world’s most influential Sunni country. The Yemenite Bab-el-Mandeb, a narrow strait separating between Yemen and the Eastern Horn of Africa, acts as a strategic link between the Indian Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea, via the Red Sea and the Suez Canal. After unification, and with the pooling of the resources of its north and south, Yemen attained a position that gave it the power to compete with regional powers ... Israel has always had its eye on the Red Sea so that the countries that have no problems with Israel might attain predominance in the region. The new Imam called upon all Arabs to unite against the Zionist State. The repeated pattern of using the sectarian tension in the Middle East (mainly Shia vs Sunni) as a game changer and as a fuel to an ensuing sectarian war strongly suggests the involvement of a third party. When Israel Helped Yemen’s Shiites. Yemen's sympathy for Saddam Hussein stemmed not only from its hostility towards Israel, but also from fear of the Saudi threat. During the civil war between Royalists and Republicans in Yemen, Egypt supported the Republicans while Israel, Iran and Saudi Arabia supported the Royalists with war material and training. This made officials in San'a aware that Israel would use force to keep its gateway to the Indian Ocean open. Yet another Arab country is crumbling under the winds of the Arab Spring — soon turned to Islamist winter. The most vocal opponent of the government's attempts to reconcile with Israel was the Yemeni Reform Grouping. Also one of the dramatic and tangible results of the Yemeni war is the formation of a new Arab NATO alliance. In 1995, Yemen and Eritrea had a conflict over the strategic Hanish islands in the Red Sea. We had hoped for better agreement. The unwillingness of the Yemeni government to warm up to Israel was largely due to pressure exerted by the opposition groups. During a 2019 conference on fighting Iranian terrorism, a tense situation arose when the President of Yemen, Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi, had to sit next to Netanyahu even though the two are enemies. Sunni and Shia are the main two denominations in Islam. The Houthis blamed Al Qaeda of Yemen for the bombings, but Al Qaeda denied responsibility. At the start of 2020, the unhappy war-torn state of Yemen was split four ways. Attempting to cover up the immigration issue, Yemeni sources said that prominent Jews had asked for protection against Israeli attempts to coerce them to immigrate to Israel. In January 2000, the Jordanian 'Al Majd' newspaper said, quoting well-informed diplomatic sources in Amman that the Israeli embassy in the Jordanian had tried repeatedly to contact the Yemeni ambassador in Amman, Hassan Al Louzi, by telephone. Nonetheless, the Houthis didn’t buy the ISIL bluff card and shifted their retaliatory operations to the South towards Al Qaeda. If we bear in mind that the new Arab joint forces, for the first time, view Iran – not Israel – as the Arabs’ enemy, we could guess who is behind the operation, and who has benefited most from the Sanaa bombings. An Open Secret: Israel’s Covert Involvement in Yemen’s War. Some analysts say Iran used the conflict in Yemen as a bargaining card in the negotiations with US. These relations were baptized by blood when the Egyptian people and Army helped Yemen during our revolution against the defunct imams' rule and British colonialism". Following the seizure of the Achille Lauro passenger ship by the Palestinians in October 1987, Ali Nasir feared an Israeli strike, and therefore denied that PLO forces were stationed on an island controlled by South Yemen. Israeli Intelligence Service's documents reveal that it had a detailed knowledge of the magnitude of South Yemen's assistance to the Palestinians. In Yemen, the peace deal between Israel and the UAE can add to the momentum of hate and mistrust between the Houthis and their local political opponents, who are allied with the Saudi-UAE-led Arab coalition that launched … The organ of the Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party, Al-Thawri, claimed that the attempt to improve relations with Israel was part of a Yemeni grand design to become friendly with the United States. In 1964 Yemen joined twelve Arab states at a summit in Cairo, whose purpose was to plan reprisals against Israel for its diversion of the Jordan River. In the early fall of 1987, relatively little attention was paid to the Arab-Israeli conflict due to the fact that the threat from Iran became the Arab world's primary occupation, and the YAR was just as concerned about the Iranian threat as its neighbors in South Arabia.[3]. Most emigrated to Israel in the mid-20th century. His party's position, he said, was that peace in the Middle East could not be established without securing the Palestinians right to an independent state. [19], Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh condemned the Israeli raids as a “barbaric aggression”. In March 2009, a state security court sentenced 27-year-old Abdullah al-Haidari to death after convicting him of establishing contacts with the office of former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert. Yet despite the official Yemeni statements Israel, low profile contacts between the two countries continued to take place. In the aftermath of the Arab uprisings, a deadly mixture of religious extremism, proxy wars, sectarian tension and tribal rivalries is destabilizing the whole region. Then, the country swiftly turned into chaos as the Saudi-led military coalition started bombing the Houthi strongholds. [30], Diplomatic relations between the State of Israel and the Republic of Yemen, Jews And Muslims In Lower Yemen: A Study In Protection And Restraint 1918-1949, Without Glory in Arabia: The British Retreat from Aden (International Library of Colonial History), Peter Hinchcliffe, Revolution and Foreign Policy: The Case of South Yemen, 1967-1987, Fred Halliday, Jewish Emigration from the Yemen 1951-98: Carpet Without Magic, Revolution and Foreign Policy: The Case of South Yemen, 1967-1987 (Cambridge Middle East Library) by Fred Halliday, Yemen Foreign Policy and Government Guide, Perilous Prospects: The Peace Process And The Arab-israeli Military Balance, Defending the Holy Land: A Critical Analysis of Israel's Security & Foreign Policy, Sanaa SABA Online in English, 16 Feb 2009, Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Yemeni-Eritrean dispute over the three Red Sea islands, "Yemeni parties condemn Israeli attacks in Palestine and Lebanon", Thousands in Yemen, Sudan protest Israeli attacks, Arab Protesters Condemn Israel’s Gaza Air Strikes, Government warns against un-official collection of money for Gaza, Yemen denounces Israeli attack on Gaza flotilla, calls for sending "Islamic army", "Yemen strongly condemns brutal Israeli aggression on Gaza", "Yemen condemns Israel's aggression in Gaza", "Parliament calls to use oil weapon against Israel", "Yemenis protest in support of Palestinian resistance", "Yemen sacks chess team for playing against Israel", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Israel–Yemen_relations&oldid=1014434445, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from December 2020, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 27 March 2021, at 01:37. The Yemeni government seemed determined to maintain friendly relations with Egypt, even though the latter concluded a peace agreement with Israel. The unification of the two Yemens on May 22, 1990, reduced the vocal campaign against Israel but did not bring normalization. Coaxed by President Bill Clinton and President Mubarak, the Yemeni government agreed to participate in the peacemaking summit that took place in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt on March 13, 1996.
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