, The One Planet Fellowship is a career-accelerator designed to enhance the capacity of high potential agricultural researchers focused on climate change adaptation, by building their leadership, scientific research, networking, and mentoring skills. Funded research projects include evolution and impacts of extreme weather events, carbon soil sequestration and also adaptation policy governance. Dans le deuxième appel, l'initiative One Planet Fellowship a été étendue à la région de l'Afrique du Nord, ciblant les scientifiques émergents du Maroc et d'Algérie. The One Planet Fellowship, a $20 million initiative dedicated to supporting research on climate change adaptation, is an academic mentoring scheme which aims to support Africa’s smallholder farmers in adapting to a changing climate.. Appel à participants #dansathon20 : l’événement danse et nouvelles technologies pour imaginer le futur de la danse ! Fellowship. Il est opéré par AWARD (ICRAF, Kenya) et la fondation Agropolis. Projet : 45 lauréats issus de 12 pays (6 anglophones, 6 francophones) forment la première équipe sélectionnée pour un « cursus » de trois ans. « Nous prévoyons qu’une approche consciente des spécificités des hommes et des femmes sur le continent soit intégrée par les lauréats du One Planet Fellowship dans l’élaboration de leurs solutions afin de réduire les inégalités femmes-hommes qui existent dans le secteur agricole en Afrique. Elle représente vaillamment le Mali parmi 13 pays africains. The pairs are also supported to attend a variety of leadership and science research skills courses. The pairs are also supported to attend a … Personnalisez vos thématiques et les fréquences d'envoi. Avec un budget d’environ 20 millions de dollars, l’ensemble des partenaires du One Planet Fellowship va renforcer cette communauté scientifique experte de l’adaptation au changement climatique. Fellowship. In the third and final year of the Fellowship, the top performing One Planet, are supported to enhance their research skills by participating in a research placement at a leading European research institution that has a strong emphasis and reputation for climate change science. Since 2008, AWARD has, through individually tailored two-year fellowships, worked to strengthen the research and leadership skills of African women in agricultural science, empowering them to contribute more effectively to alleviating poverty and increasing food security in sub-Saharan Africa. Investing in the next generation of African scientists, African Women in Agricultural Research and Development (AWARD) is pleased to announce that the call for the third cohort of the One Planet Fellowship is open. Through the DeSIRA initiative, the EU intends to enhance cooperation between the EU and its Member States with African partners on climate-resilient and development-smart innovation in agriculture for sustainable rural transformation. Most importantly, The One Planet Fellowship will build scientists’ skills in deploying a gender lens to analyse the potential of their research to bridge the gender gap in African agriculture, especially when it comes to access to new technology. Wanjiru Kamau-Rutenberg, directrice d’AWARD. The BNP Paribas Foundation supports a Climate Initiative philanthropic program to enhance and promote scientific knowledge on climate change to enable decision-makers and all citizens to change their behavior. Research and innovation in the agricultural sector can help Africa feed a growing population in the context of a changing climate but only if investments are made now to build a pipeline of the next generation of research scientists. Créé en décembre 2017 lors du One Planet Summit, le One Planet Fellowship a pour objectif de créer une communauté de chercheurs africains et européens travaillant sur l’adaptation au changement climatique dans le secteur agricole en Afrique. The first 45 One Planet Laureate Candidates from 12 African countries convened in Casablanca, Morocco, for a week-long training program on integrating gender issues into their research so that they can effectively respond to the challenges, needs, and priorities of diverse populations. Cliquer pour afficher le moteur de recherche. These are the One Planet Fellowship Mentors. When attending a workshop or training sessions, your expenses are fully covered. Lire aussi : Actions Climat : les femmes actrices du changement. The European Alliance on Agricultural knowledge for Development Durant le Communiqué de la 21e Conférence des Parties (COP21) qui s’est tenue à Paris, il a été précisé que « la priorité fondamentale de préserver la sécurité alimentaire… et les vulnérabilités des systèmes de production alimentaire face aux effets néfastes du changement climatique ». Eligibility . One Planet Fellowship est un programme panafricain qui accompagne les chercheurs francophones et … These are the One Planet Fellowship Mentors. Since 2008, AWARD has, through individually tailored two-year fellowships, worked to strengthen the research and leadership skills of African women in agricultural science, empowering them to contribute more effectively to alleviating poverty and increasing food security in sub-Saharan Africa. They also do not pay sitting allowances. Vous avez du talent ?Venez postuler chez nous ! Restez informé en choisissant votre newsletter. Experts agree that the African continent is particularly vulnerable to climate change and hundreds of millions of lives are at risk of hunger and starvation if Africa is unable to feed its growing population. Fellowship. These Laureate Mentor-Mentee pairs commence a year-long mentorship relationship and are supported to build a successful partnership geared toward enhancing the fellows’ career growth. We invest in African scientists, research institutions, and agribusinesses so that they can deliver agricultural innovations that better respond to the needs and priorities of a diversity of women and men across Africa’s agricultural value chains. These Laureate Mentor-Mentee pairs commence a year-long mentorship relationship and are supported to build a successful partnership geared toward enhancing the fellows’ career growth. In the second year of the Fellowship, the Laureate Candidates select emerging African scientists and emerging European scientists to whom they serve as mentors, creating a mentorship chain of three generations of scientists. Lisez et partagez cette page plus tard avec Buffer. Email: awardqueries@cgiar.org | Tel: +254 (0) 20 722 4242, © 2021 AFRICAN WOMEN IN AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT (AWARD), About the One Planet Fellowship Initiative, That is why African Women in Agricultural Research and Development (AWARD). Further, since this year, the Group BNP Paribas will become carbon neutral and will offset its unavoidable CO2 emissions through a partnership with Wildlife Works, a pioneering company in forest protection in Africa that empowers local communities to divert them from changing the forest into cropping land. Referred to as the One Planet Laureate Candidates, these researchers are paired with more established African researchers who are carefully chosen to match their area of expertise and career goals. That is why African Women in Agricultural Research and Development (AWARD) and Agropolis Fondation supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), France’s BNP Paribas Foundation, the European Union, Canada’s International Development Research Centre (IDRC) have partnered to implement the One Planet Fellowship. Herou Alliance, à travers sa directrice générale a été retenue comme lauréate du programme One planet fellowship pour développer son projet qui combat les effets du changement climatique dans le monde. Fellowship. Gender Responsive Agricultural Research and Development (GRARD), Gender In Agribusiness Investments For Africa (GAIA), Global Forum on Women in Scientific Research (GoFoWiSeR), Agricultural Science and Technology Indicators (ASTI) Portal, One Planet Fellowship Scientific Framework 2019, Open competition to select One Planet Laureate Candidates, Identification and appointment of mentors, A variety of learning experiences including building science writing skills, leadership skills, mentoring skills and gender integration in agricultural research, Support to build a community of practice of outstanding climate adaptation researchers in Africa and Europe. To know more on One Planet Fellowship download, Most importantly, The One Planet Fellowship will build scientists’ skills in deploying a gender lens to. IDRC offer fellowships and awards to nurture a new generation of development leaders. The One Planet Laureate Candidates do not receive any cash payments except token amounts to cover direct expenses for participation in events. the potential of their research to bridge the gender gap in African agriculture, especially when it comes to access to new technology. Rassemblés à Nairobi, le lundi 16 septembre 2019, pour le lancement officiel du programme, ces 45 lauréats ont rencontré chacun leur mentor, avec qui, ils  vont pouvoir suivre un important programme de mentorat. Referred to as the One Planet Laureate Candidates, these researchers are paired with more established African researchers who are carefully chosen to match their area of expertise and career goals. Fellowship targets African female scientists on climate change, agriculture solutions the US$19.2 million One Planet Fellowship seeks to invest in over 630 agricultural scientists, fostering their leadership expertise, strengthening their research skills, including integrating gender into their work, and catalyzing partnerships in Africa and between Africa and Europe. In the past 10 years Agropolis Fondation granted €40 million to scientific projects on cultivated plant diversity, biology and breeding, crop protection, sustainable agriculture and food systems, agro-ecological transition, adaptation to climate change, food processing and quality, socio-economics and public policies. Meet One Planet Fellowship Laureate Candidate, Dahan Kueshi, from Togo. Ces chercheurs africains francophones et anglophones à haut potentiel se sont rendus, à Nairobi, le lundi 16 septembre 2019, pour l’événement inaugural du programme, marquant également le début du programme de mentorat mis en place pour que les chercheurs africains seniors accompagnent ces jeunes lauréats. Preventing dangerous climate change is a key priority for the European Union and they are working hard to cutting its greenhouse gas emissions substantially while encouraging other nations and regions to do likewise. We invest in African scientists, research institutions, and agribusinesses so that they can deliver agricultural innovations that better respond to the needs and priorities of a diversity of women and men across Africa’s agricultural value chains. select emerging African scientists and emerging European scientists to whom they serve as mentors, creating a mentorship chain of three generations of scientists. Le premier appel de la bourse One Planet Fellowship a été lancée en septembre 2019. Miriam Karwitha, Crop Protection Scientist and Lecturer at Kenya’s Egerton University is a 2019 One Planet Laureate Candidate (PHOTO CREDITS: AWARD) Investing in the next generation of African scientists, African Women in Agricultural Research and Development (AWARD) is pleased to announce that the call for third cohort of the One Planet Fellowship is open. Deadline: 30 April 2019 Applicants are invited to apply for One Planet Fellowship program with an aim to build a vibrant, highly connected, and intergenerational network of African and European scientist leaders equipped to use a gender lens help Africa ’s smallholder farmers adapt to … The Fellowship brings together an intergenerational network of scientists from across Africa and Europe; strengthens the leadership skills of emerging climate scientists from both continents; and contributes towards building a robust pipeline of climate science leaders. Through a competitive process, high potential African agricultural researchers whose research focuses on climate change are selected. Selected candidates participate in an intensive, three-year non-residential, career acceleration process and those who complete it will become One Planet Laureates. Among those many programs is a cooperation with the French-government partner, Agropolis Fondation and together they fund a fellowship program for outstanding agricultural researchers in sub-Saharan Africa called The AWARD Fellowship. IDRC works at increasing opportunities and making a real difference in people’s lives. The One Planet Fellowship is an opportunity for African scientists to share their context-specific knowledge with European scientists, for emerging European scientists to gain valuable exposure to the context within which scientific research is conducted on the continent, and for established scientists from Europe and Africa to invest in building the next generation of climate scientists. « One Planet Fellowship » vise à soutenir la carrière de 630 climatologues à travers l’Afrique et l’Europe au cours des quatre prochaines années, souligne la même source, notant que pour ce faire, il est prévu un renforcement du leadership, des compétences en recherche ainsi que la création de réseaux intercontinentaux, interdisciplinaires et intergénérationnels. The One Planet Laureate Candidates do not receive any cash payments except token amounts to cover direct expenses for participation in events. Together with their development partners, they multiply the impact of their investment and bring innovations to more people in more countries around the world. Mevoyon Pamela Karrel Afokpe Research Station Manager, East-West Seed, Benin 2019 One Planet Laureate Candidate, … Referred to as the One Planet Laureate Candidates, these researchers are paired with more established African researchers who are carefully chosen to match their area of expertise and career goals. Miriam Karwitha, Crop Protection Scientist and Lecturer at Kenya’s Egerton University is a 2019 One Planet Laureate Candidate. Le nouvel « Accord sur la diversité et l’inclusion » de BNP Paribas SA est entré en... Etre la banque d'un monde qui change c'est accompagner tous nos clients et collaborateurs dans les changements qui les touchent, Favoriser la diversité et lutter contre toutes formes de discrimination, BNP Paribas, accélérateur d’économie durable, One Planet Fellowship : 45 lauréats africains pour une nouvelle génération de chercheurs, Partagez votre veille d'informations avec Scoopit, Partagez cette page sur le 1er réseau social chinois, Pas le temps? Pour le tout premier appel à candidatures du programme One Planet Fellowship, 45 lauréats issus de 12 pays africains ont été sélectionnés parmi 1 523 candidats. The European Union is a political and economic union of 28 member states that are located primarily in Europe. The pairs are also supported to attend a … Application Deadline: April 30th 2019 Announced at the One Planet Summit held in Paris in December 2017, the One Planet Fellowship will work to build the capacity of high-potential researchers from Africa and Europe to develop relevant, gender-responsive interventions towards … Ainsi, les 90 chercheurs africains juniors et seniors ont commencé, en début de semaine, les cours de leadership, de climatologie, et de développement personnel. How are the AWARD Fellows contributing to resilient food systems in the face of COVID-19?. "Bio-Inspirée…" : la nouvelle exposition de la Cité des Sciences avec la Fondation BNP Paribas, Diversité et inclusion : BNP Paribas prend de nouvelles mesures et se fixe de nouveaux objectifs. These are the One Planet Fellowship Mentors. This year, One Planet Fellowship has collaborated with the African Women in Agricultural Research and Development (AWARD) to raise awareness and interest in … Ce programme qui se développera pendant 5 ans, est soutenu par les fondations BNP Paribas et Bill & Melinda Gates, la Commission européenne et le Centre de recherches pour le développement international (CRDI, Canada). Eligibility . Committed to grow as a learning organisation, AWARD has established a robust monitoring, evaluation and learning system through which we study our interventions and produce knowledge products with lessons that can be replicated and scaled. Implementation of One Planet Fellowship is led by AWARD and Agropolis Fondation and involves several activities: African Women in Agricultural Research and Development (AWARD). When attending a workshop or training sessions, your expenses are fully covered. AWARD Fellowships By: AWARD Fellowships. According to Mevoyon Pamela Karrel Afokpe Research Station Manager, East-West Seed, Benin 2019 One Planet Laureate Candidate, the One Planet Fellowship is a lifeline that supports sustainable development and addresses climate change. L'appli pratique pour lire cette page à tout moment, même en offline ! The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation seeks to address the challenges and local realities faced by farming families in the developing world, and to date it has committed more than US$2 billion to agricultural development efforts. Par ailleurs, le cadre scientifique du One Planet Fellowship trouve son fondement dans le 5e Rapport d’évaluation du Groupe intergouvernemental d’experts sur l’évolution du climat (GIEC). 144 views. Eligibility . “The One Planet Fellowship has made me appreciate the critical role of women in science to transform Africa,” said Austin Phiri, chief agricultural research scientist, Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Water Development and Malawi 2019 One Planet Laureate Candidate. » affirme Wanjiru Kamau-Rutenberg, directrice d’AWARD, à l’événement inaugural du programme. The United Nations warns that “climate change is costing communities and countries dearly today and even more tomorrow.”. Building a pool of scientists leading critical innovations in agricultural research and development Supporting agricultural research and development institutions to prioritize gender responsiveness Building an enabling environment for gender responsive agricultural research and development. One Planet Fellowship Laureate Candidate, Miriam Karwitha, is supporting Kenyan smallholders to thrive in the face of the COVID-19 Pandemic. In the One Planet Fellowship, the AWARD Fellowship Model is scaled up and out, so that the replicability of an intervention that was originally designed to empower African women scientists is tested robustly. Pour le tout premier appel à candidatures du programme One Planet Fellowship, 45 lauréats issus de 12 pays africains ont été sélectionnés parmi 1 523 candidats. Le African Women in Agricultural Research and Development (AWARD) travaille en faveur d'une agriculture inclusive, sur le continent Africain en renforçant la production et la diffusion d'une recherche et d'une innovation agricoles plus sensibles au genre. When attending a workshop or training sessions, your expenses are fully covered. Le tout premier appel à candidatures du programme One Planet Fellowship a été lancé en février 2019, 45 lauréats issus de 12 pays africains ont été sélectionnés parmi 1 523 candidats. “The One Planet Fellowship has made me appreciate the critical role of women in science to transform Africa,” says Austin Phiri, Chief Agricultural Research Scientist, Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Water Development and Malawi 2019 One Planet Laureate Candidate. Here, the Candidates are also carefully paired with outstanding European researchers who serve as supervisors to mutually agreed research projects aimed at strengthening a specific skill for the One Planet Fellow. are also carefully paired with outstanding European researchers who serve as supervisors to mutually agreed research projects aimed at strengthening a specific skill for the One Planet Fellow. Agropolis Fondation promotes and supports high-level research and higher education in agricultural sciences and sustainable development. Mohamed Sellam , 28 novembre 2019 à 11:54. Désignés comme Candidats lauréats One Planet, ces chercheurs sont jumelés à des chercheurs africains plus expérimentés qui sont triés sur le volet en fonction des domaines de compétence et des objectifs professionnels. At the end of the three-year process, candidates who satisfactorily complete all elements of the Fellowship will be named One Planet Laureates and will join an elite cohort of scientists. Lancement : One Planet Summit, Paris, 12 décembre 2017. They also do not pay sitting allowances. In the third and final year of the Fellowship, the top performing One Planet Laureate Candidates are supported to enhance their research skills by participating in a research placement at a leading European research institution that has a strong emphasis and reputation for climate change science. One Planet Fellowship is a $20 million initiative dedicated to supporting research on climate change adaptation. In the second year of the Fellowship, the. Les pays africains éligibles à ce premier appel à candidatures étaient les suivants : le Bénin, le Burkina Faso, la Tanzanie, le Togo, la Zambie, le Nigeria, le Mali, le Malawi, le Sénégal, le Kenya, l’Ethiopie, et la Côte d'Ivoire. These are the One Planet Fellowship Mentors. Il s’agit des Mentors du programme One Planet Fellowship. La recherche scientifique joue un rôle crucial pour aider les communautés à s’adapter aux effets du changement climatique […]”. Most of the Foundation’s recent work with AWARD has shifted to focus on institutional transformation for gender responsive agricultural research in Africa and involves men as well as women. Le programme capitalise sur la méthodologie et l’expertise d’une approche par le genre d’AWARD pour construire une communauté de scientifique respectueuse des questions de genre. The One Planet Laureate Candidates do not receive any cash payments except token amounts to cover direct expenses for participation in events. Les lauréats de One Planet Fellowship réunis à Casablanca. The One Planet Fellowship seeks to build a vibrant, highly connected, and intergenerational network of African and European scientist leaders equipped to lead next-generation research focused on helping Africa’s smallholder farmers adapt to a changing climate. “The One Planet Fellowship has made me appreciate the critical role of women in science to transform Africa,” says Austin Phiri, Chief Agricultural Research Scientist, Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Water Development and Malawi 2019 One Planet Laureate Candidate Mevoyon Pamela Karrel Afokpe Research Station Manager, East-West Seed, Benin 2019 One Planet Laureate Candidate adds, “The One Planet Fellowship is a lifeline that supports sustainable development and addresses … La Fondation BNP Paribas et la Banque de Détail renforcent leur soutien aux initiatives locales dans les quartiers prioritaires en France, La Fondation BNP Paribas fête les 40 ans du Festival Piano aux Jacobins à Toulouse. It connects the world-class Montpellier scientific community with an international network of over 400 foreign partner institutions, including the AWARD program presented above. Announced at the One Planet Summit in 2017, The One Planet Fellowship is a career-accelerator designed to enhance the capacity of high potential agricultural researchers focused on climate change adaptation, by building their leadership, scientific research, networking, and mentoring skills. Between 2017 and 2019, 8 international projects covering various climate-related problems will be funded with a €6 million budget, involving 178 researchers, professors and engineers from 73 universities and research organizations throughout the world, including Senegal, Cameroon, Madagascar, Ivory Coast, Uganda, South Africa and Mali. African Women in Agricultural Research and Development (AWARD) works toward inclusive, agriculture-driven prosperity for Africa by strengthening the production and dissemination of more gender-responsive agricultural research and innovation. They also do not pay sitting allowances. One Planet Fellowship Laureate Candidates by AWARD Fellowships Mr. Oliver Oliveros by AWARD Fellowships Professor Felister Mombo by AWARD Fellowships Dr. Pierre Grard by AWARD Fellowships … Au travers de cette communauté connectée et intergénérationnelle, les chercheurs hommes et femmes lauréats du programme vont développer ensemble des solutions concrètes et innovantes pour répondre efficacement aux défis de l’environnement, ainsi qu’aux besoins et priorités du continent africain. P.O Box 30677-00100 Nairobi, Kenya. The International Development Research Center (IDRC) funds research in developing countries to promote growth, reduce poverty, and drive large-scale positive change. When attending a workshop or training sessions, your expenses are fully covered. They also do not pay sitting allowances. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), France’s BNP Paribas Foundation, the European Union, Canada’s International Development Research Centre (IDRC) have partnered to implement the One Planet Fellowship. These Laureate Mentor-Mentee pairs commence a year-long mentorship relationship and are supported to build a successful partnership geared toward enhancing the fellows’ career growth. Vous devez accepter les cookies de type "Réseaux sociaux" pour pouvoir accéder à ce contenu. Cette attention particulière d’AWARD signifie que les lauréats du programme One Planet Fellowship acquerront également les compétences nécessaires à la conduite de recherches capables de produire des solutions pertinentes aux besoins et priorités d’une diversité d’hommes et de femmes. These Laureate Mentor-Mentee pairs commence a year-long mentorship relationship and are supported to build a successful partnership geared toward … Here, the. Hosted by World Agroforestry Centre, United Nations Avenue, Gigiri. Establishment of a One Planet Community of Practice To facilitate a sustainable pipeline of climate science leaders, the Fellowship will support the formation and Les résultats de la recherche sont affichés ci-dessous, activer ce lien pour effacer la recherche et recommencer, Nous accompagnons les acteurs de l'innovation, Responsabilité Sociale et Environnementale, Centre de recherches pour le développement internation, 5e Rapport d’évaluation du Groupe intergouvernemental d’experts sur l’évolution du climat. # OnePlanetFellowship # OnePlanetFellowship # Inspired by the AWARD Fellowship Model, One Planet Fellowship’s interventions target high potential scientists in a career acceleration process aimed at: • Fostering Leadership Skills • Strengthening Scientific Research Skills • Catalyzing Research Partnerships and Networks.