International observers considered the elections credible, noting voters were able to choose freely, and deemed the process relatively free of irregularities. "Mr Schenker is the first US official to visit Western Sahara. During the clash two Moroccan Auxiliary Forces vehicles ran over Sabah Othman Ahmida, an English teacher, who died at a local hospital. Ramid made the remarks while responding to two questions submitted by the Authenticity and Modernity, and Justice and Development Parties in parliament’s Chamber of Representatives about the implementation of recommendations from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. On April 26, Amnesty International reported continued arbitrary restrictions on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and association, particularly of individuals supporting self-determination for Western Sahara. WASHINGTON - La présidente de US Western Sahara Foundation, Suzanne Scholte, a dans une lettre envoyée mercredi à la Maison Blanche, demandé au … Freedom of Expression: Moroccan law criminalizes criticism of Islam, of the legitimacy of the monarchy, of state institutions, of officials such as those in the military, and of the Moroccan government’s position regarding territorial integrity and Western Sahara. In 2016 the UN Committee against Torture declared that Morocco had violated its treaty obligations in Gdeim Izik detainee Naama Asfari’s case, alleging that he was convicted by the military court based on a confession obtained under torture and that no adequate investigation was conducted. The CNDH’s Laayoune branch reported one complaint from an organization that was denied registration during the year. Generally, the government denied official recognition to NGOs that it considered advocates against Islam’s status as the state religion, the legitimacy of the monarchy, or Morocco’s territorial integrity. For more information, see the Department of State’s 2019 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for Morocco. On April 29, a Laayoune Court of First Instance sentenced Saadouni to seven months in prison and a fine of 5,000 MAD ($500) for assault and drug charges. The CNDH did not receive any complaints relating to allegations of torture in the territory as of October. While the government stated the aim of creating the council was to improve judicial independence, its effect on judicial independence was not clear. Moroccan law and practice apply. The government of Morocco claimed it only restricted access when such visits challenged Morocco’s territorial integrity or were perceived to be a threat to internal security and stability. Freedom to Participate in the Political Process, Section 4. A former Spanish colony, Western Sahara is mostly administered by Morocco but is home to an independence movement led by the Polisario Front. The Kingdom of Morocco claims the territory of Western Sahara and administers the territory that it controls. A 2015 revision of the Code on Military Justice eliminated military trials for civilians, and in 2016 the Court of Cassation ruled on appeal that the group should receive a new civilian trial. For more information, see the Department of State’s 2019 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for Morocco. The government and employers generally respected freedom of association; Moroccan unions covering all sectors were present but active only in the phosphate and fishing industries. Such criticism may result in prosecution under the law, with punishments ranging from fines to jail time, despite the freedom of expression the law stipulates. Prison and detention center conditions generally mirrored those in internationally recognized Morocco. For more information, see the Department of State’s 2019 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for Morocco. For more information, see the Department of State’s 2019 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for Morocco. NGOs reported several cases of alleged arbitrary arrest and detention, particularly following proindependence demonstrations, although there were fewer allegations than in previous years. According to the DGAPR, Asfari was in good health and had six medical consultations from January to June. See the Department of State’s International Religious Freedom Report at Magrane intended to observe Dehani’s Court of Appeals hearing initially scheduled for January 16 (see section 1.d.). The CNDH visited the detainees at the local prison in Laayoune. The judicial police (investigative) branches of both the Royal Gendarmerie and the National Police report to the royal prosecutor and have the power to arrest individuals. The defendants appealed the sentences, and the date of the Appeals Court trial was unknown at year’s end. Pretrial Detention: Conditions generally were similar to those in internationally recognized Morocco, with large proportions of detainees in pretrial detention; the government of Morocco does not disaggregate statistics for Western Sahara. As of August several human rights organizations and the press reported that authorities denied access to more than a dozen foreigners traveling to Laayoune who were associated with human rights organizations or the press. The consulate will be located in Dakhla, a fishing port located in southern Western Sahara, intended to become a “regional maritime hub” serving Africa and the Canary Islands through a large development project launched by Rabat. It is listed by the United Nations (UN) as a non-decolonized territory and is thus included in the United Nations list of Non-Self-Governing Territories. The government and state-owned enterprises were the territory’s principal employers, and residents sought civil service jobs and taxi licenses through personal contacts within the government. Corruption and Lack of Transparency in Government, Section 5. International and local observers judged the 2016 parliamentary elections, held in both internationally recognized Morocco and Western Sahara, credible and relatively free from irregularities. The October UN secretary-general’s report on Western Sahara also added that the OHCHR continued to receive reports of harassment and arbitrary arrests of journalists, bloggers, and human rights defenders covering human rights violations. Corruption: Development spending and military officers’ involvement in private businesses created susceptibility to corruption, as well as opportunities for impunity, in Western Sahara. According to the annual report from the UN Working Group on Enforced Disappearances, from May 2018 to May 2019, Morocco had 153 outstanding cases, seven fewer than at the beginning of the reporting period. Police confiscated the cellphone Khalidi used to record the footage. According to local NGOs and associations, police sometimes arrested persons without warrants or while wearing civilian clothing. “The African Union, the United Nations, the International Court of Justice, and the European Union have all agreed – the Sahrawi people have the right to decide their own future,” Ihofe said. Violent confrontations between security forces and protesters were less common than in previous years, according to several local NGOs, although violent dispersals occurred on occasion. International and local human rights organizations claimed that authorities dismissed many complaints of abuse and relied only on police statements. Arbitrary Arrest: Security forces often detained groups of individuals, took them to a police station, questioned them for several hours, and released them without charge. Government officials generally did not provide information on the outcome of complaints. AdalaUK NGO reported the public prosecutor did not present evidence to substantiate the charges. Moroccan law and practice apply. This is a very important event. Freedom of Association and the Right to Collective Bargaining, b. According to the working group, Daoudi was arbitrarily detained in 2013 for the alleged possession of a hunting rifle and other military paraphernalia. The highly anticipated trip came a month after Trump announced in a tweet that the United States had recognised Morocco’s claim over Western Sahara in … According to the constitution, the king appoints the head of government from the political party with the most seats in parliament and approves members of the government nominated by the head of government. Residents of Western Sahara received more assistance per capita from this program than persons living in internationally recognized Morocco. The United States (US) adopted Saturday a “new official” map of Morocco that includes the disputed territory of Western Sahara, the ambassador to Rabat said. Moroccan law and practice apply. For more information, see the Department of State’s 2019 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for Morocco. Publications and broadcast media require government accreditation, and the government may deny and revoke accreditation as well as suspend or confiscate publications. The United States ambassador to Morocco began the process of establishing a consulate in the disputed territory of Western Sahara on Sunday, … Morocco supported the U.S.–led first Gulf War and offered to mediate the Arab–Israeli conflict in an attempt to persuade the United States—which maintains a long-held neutral position on control of the Western Sahara—to endorse Morocco’s claim to the area. As of October the Court of Cassation was reviewing the appeals to the verdicts the Court of Appeals in Rabat issued in 2017. The government acknowledged Daoudi’s arrest and detention and stated he had been scheduled to have a hearing in 2014, but it was then postponed indefinitely. Organizations engaged in other activities did not report problems in registering with the government. According to a June RSF report, Sahrawi citizen journalists’ and bloggers’ social media accounts were frequently hacked. Section 2. The largest trade union confederations maintained a nominal presence in Laayoune and Dakhla, and most union members were employees of the Moroccan government or state-owned organizations. Moroccan law and practice apply. Plans by the United States to open a consulate in Western Sahara mark a turning point for the disputed and closely policed territory in North Africa Via AP news wire Sunday 10 January 2021 09:16 At the conclusion of that meeting, Koehler commended all delegations for their engagement and for demonstrating an awareness of the many individuals placing their hopes in the renewed political process. Rabat had long laid claim to the territory, a Spanish colony up until 1975. On June 10, Minister of State for Human Rights and Relations with Parliament Mustafa Ramid said that systematic torture no longer exists in Morocco and that reported cases of torture were isolated. Amnesty International published video footage and witness testimonies indicating that, on July 19, security forces used excessive force to disperse demonstrators after some participants at a street gathering in Laayoune–celebrating an Algerian soccer victory–began waving the Saharan flag. The CNDH also occasionally investigated cases raised by unrecognized NGOs, especially those that drew internet or international media attention. Each of the 11 individuals was also fined 30,000 MAD ($3,000) in damages. Observers have presented a potential reversal of Trump’s recognition of Morocco’s territorial claim as an easy win for the incoming Biden administration. In most cases the organizers proceeded with planned demonstrations in the absence of authorization, and there was no discernable difference in security forces’ reaction to authorized or unauthorized protests. Two were given reduced sentences (from 25 years to 4.5 years and 6.5 years) and were released, joining two others whose 2013 sentences of time served were confirmed by the civilian court. Nonetheless, in April the UN secretary-general urged the state and other parties to address outstanding human rights problems and enhance cooperation with the OHCHR. Human rights and proindependence groups considered a number of imprisoned Sahrawis to be political prisoners. Moroccan law and practice apply. For more information, see the Department of State’s 2019 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for Morocco. Via its regional offices in Dakhla and Laayoune, the CNDH continued a range of activities, including monitoring demonstrations, visiting prisons and medical centers, and organizing capacity-building activities for various stakeholders. Recent Elections: In 2016 Morocco held direct elections for the Chamber of Representatives (the lower house of parliament). The CNDH implemented arbitration decisions issued during the year for beneficiaries awarded financial compensation or social reintegration services because of gross human rights violations committed during the 1970s and 1980s, as determined by the defunct Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Moroccan law provides for freedom of internal movement, foreign travel, emigration, and repatriation, and the government generally respected these rights. On July 29, the Court of First Instance initiated legal proceedings against 11 Sahrawis who were arrested and charged with sabotage, obstruction of a public road, and insulting public authorities. The Kingdom of Morocco claims the territory of Western Sahara and administers the area it controls by the same constitution, laws, and structures as in internationally recognized Morocco, including laws that deal with religious freedom. Moroccan law and practice apply. For more information, see the Department of State’s 2019 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for Morocco. US President Donald Trump agreed last month to extend US recognition of Morocco’s soverignty over the Western Sahara in a deal which included Moroccan King Mohammed VI … After all, the US supported the reappointment of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (Minurso) in October. In November 2018 the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention released an opinion in favor of Sahrawi human rights defender Mbarek Daoudi and subsequently referred the case to the special rapporteur on torture for allegations of torture when Daoudi was held for questioning in 2013. Authorities were sensitive to any reporting not in line with the state’s official position on the status of Western Sahara, and they continued to expel, harass, or detain persons who wrote critically on the subject. Moroccan civilian authorities maintained effective control over security forces. The Popular Front for the Liberation of Saguia el Hamra and Rio de Oro (POLISARIO), an organization that seeks the territory’s independence, disputes Morocco’s claim to sovereignty over the territory. For more information on these subheadings, see the Department of State’s 2019 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for Morocco. Outgoing President Donald Trump’s Dec. 11 proclamation that the United States would recognize Moroccan sovereignty over Western Sahara marked yet … On February 6, the Laayoune Court of Appeals acquitted Dehani of all charges. Human rights organizations continued to track alleged abusers who remained in leadership positions or who had been transferred to other positions. The government of Morocco encouraged the return of Sahrawi refugees from abroad if they acknowledged the government’s authority over Western Sahara. Reports of torture have declined over the last several years, although Moroccan government institutions and NGOs continued to receive reports about the mistreatment of individuals in official custody. The security apparatus includes several police and paramilitary organizations with overlapping authority. For more information, see the Department of State’s 2019 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for Morocco. There were some reported cases of authorities preventing Sahrawis from traveling. According to the April UN secretary-general’s report, the UN High Commissioner on Human Rights (OHCHR) continued to receive communications from lawyers, family members, or both of the Sahrawi individuals arrested during the 2010 dismantling of the Gdeim Izik Camp, alleging that several were subjected to torture, prolonged solitary confinement, and other mistreatment. On July 8, the Laayoune Court of First Instance convicted Khalidi of falsifying professional credentials as a journalist and fined her 4,000 MAD ($400). Press and Media, Including Online Media: Moroccan government practices concerning press and media freedom, violence and harassment, libel or slander, and national security topics were the same as those in internationally recognized Morocco.
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