Following Alexander's death, the Golan came under the domination of the Macedonian general Seleucus and remained part of the Seleucid Empire for most of the next two centuries. The 1923 boundary between British Mandatory Palestine and the French Mandate of Syria was drawn with water in mind. 1. [74][75] The last families left in the wake of the Passover riots of 1920. The Maccabean revolt saw much action in the regions around the Golan. [56] In the 16th century, the Golan was conquered by the Ottoman Empire and was part of the Vilayet of Damascus until it was transferred to French mandate in 1918. [221], In the early 1990s, the Israel National Oil Company (INOC) was granted shaft-sinking permits in the Golan Heights. The basalt flows overlie older, distinctly lighter-colored limestones and marls, exposed along the Yarmouk River in the south. In July 2018, the Syrian government regained control of the eastern Golan Heights. Agreement between His Majesty's Government and the French Government respecting the Boundary Line between Syria and Palestine from the Mediterranean to El Hámmé, Treaty Series No. UNDOF (the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force) was established in 1974 to supervise the implementation of the Agreement on Disengagement and maintain the ceasefire with an area of separation known as the UNDOF Zone. Israel maintains it has a right to retain the Golan, also citing the text of UN Resolution 242, which calls for "safe and recognised boundaries free from threats or acts of force". [219] A consortium of four kibbutzim and four moshavim took up the challenge, clearing 250 burnt-out tanks in the Golan's Valley of Tears to plant vineyards for what would eventually become the Golan Heights Winery. It is during this period that the name Golan, previously that of a city mentioned in the book of Deuteronomy, came to be applied to the entire region (Greek: Gaulanitis). [220] The first vines were planted in 1976, and the first wine was released by the winery in 1983. [108], Israel demolished over one hundred Syrian villages and farms in the Golan Heights. Archaeologists believe the site may have been a ritual center linked to a cult of the dead. "[100], In 1976, Israeli defense minister Moshe Dayan said that Israel provoked more than 80% of the clashes with Syria, although historians say the remark was part of an informal conversation. C’est aussi un château d’eau dont les ressources sont captées par Tel-Aviv au détriment de la Syrie. The earliest evidence of human habitation on the Golan dates to the Upper Paleolithic period. 13 (1923), Cmd. [85][86], The Jordan Valley Unified Water Plan was sponsored by the United States and agreed by the technical experts of the Arab League and Israel. En 1967, pendant la guerre des Six Jours, le plateau du Golan a été libéré par Israël. Allon died in 1980 and his plan never materialised. [31] 19th-century authors interpreted the word Golan (Hebrew: גולן‎) as meaning "something surrounded, hence a district". Currently there are more than 1,000 UN peacekeepers there trying to sustain a lasting peace. While negotiating the 1949 Armistice Agreements, Israel called for the removal of all Syrian forces from the former Palestine territory. [117], Once annexing the Golan Heights in 1981, the Israeli government offered all non-Israelis living in the Golan citizenship, but until the early 21st century fewer than 10% of the Druze were Israeli citizens; the remainder held Syrian citizenship. [11][12][13], After the Assyrian period, about four centuries provide limited archaeological finds in the Golan.[50]. Praeger Publishing (1989), p. 92–95, Eban, Abba, Abba Eban. In about 250, the Ghassanids, Arab Christians from Yemen, established a kingdom that encompassed southern Syria and the Transjordan, building their capital at Jabiyah. [88] President Nasser too, assured the US that the Arabs would not exceed the plan's water quotas. A special focus concerns Gamla and excavations of synagogues and Byzantine churches.[215]. Following the war, Syria dismissed any negotiations with Israel as part of the Khartoum Resolution. Un mois plus tard, le 14 juillet, la première colonie sioniste s'installait sur les terres du village Bab al-Hawa, au nord du Golan, et prend pour nom Marom Golan, soit les hauteurs du Golan. After Israeli troops left Lebanese soil, the UN announced the resolution had been respected. The Syrians responded by firing at the tractors and shelling Israeli settlements. Byzantine and Mamluk coins have also been found at this site. Israel offered to withdraw to the pre-1948 border (the 1923 Paulet-Newcombe line), while Syria insisted on the 1967 frontier. The occupied sector of the Golan Heights provides or controls a substantial portion of the water in the Jordan River watershed, which in turn provides a portion of Israel's water supply. Louis, Wm. After the split of the United Monarchy, the area was contested between the northern Kingdom of Israel and the Aramean kingdom from the 9th century BCE. La question de l’eau n’est pas nouvelle entre ces 3 pays : 4. [61] The villages abandoned during previous periods due to raids by Bedouin tribes were not resettled until the second half of the 19th century. [23], After the onset of the Syrian Civil War in 2011, control of the Syrian-administered part of the Golan Heights was split between the government and opposition forces, with the UNDOF maintaining a 266 km2 (103 sq mi) buffer zone in between, to implement the ceasefire of the Purple Line. A UN Toyota Land Cruiser parked near Majdal Shams displaying UNDOF plates and a UN flag, January 2012. [14][15][16] By the late 19th-century, the Golan Heights was inhabited mostly by colonised peasants (fellaḥîn), Bedouin Arabs, Druze, Turkmen, and Circassians.[17]. When the power of the governing regime declined, as happened during the early Muslim period, nomadic trends increased and many of the rural agricultural villages were abandoned due to harassment from the Bedouins. [185], Quneitra was the largest town in the Golan Heights until 1967, with a population of 27,000. [24] From 2012 to 2018, the eastern Golan Heights became a scene of repeated battles between the Syrian Arab Army, rebel factions of the Syrian opposition, including the US-supported Southern Front, the jihadist al-Nusra Front, and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant-affiliated Khalid ibn al-Walid Army. [115] East of the 1974 ceasefire line lies the Syrian controlled part of the Heights, an area that was not captured by Israel (500 square kilometres or 190 sq mi) or withdrawn from (100 square kilometres or 39 sq mi). There is an Israeli army checkpoint at the entrance to the village from the rest of the Golan Heights. [151], In March 2009, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad claimed that indirect talks had failed after Israel did not commit to full withdrawal from the Golan Heights. In the middle of the 2nd century BCE, Itureans moved into the Golan,[16] occupying over one hundred locations in the region.[51]. Much of the area is scattered with dormant volcanos, as well as cinder cones, such as Majdal Shams. Syria agrees that the Shebaa Farms are within Lebanese territory; however, Israel considers the area to be inside of Syria's borders and continues to occupy the territory. Text available in. In the 1st century BCE, the region as far as Trachonitis, Batanea and Auranitis was put under the administrative control of Herod the Great by Augustus Caesar. Time Out dit. Within Ottoman Syria the Golan was part of the Vilayet of Syria. [38], Topographically, the Golan Heights is a plateau with an average altitude of 1,000 metres,[42] rising northwards toward Mount Hermon and sloping down to about 400 metres (1,300 ft) elevation along the Yarmouk River in the south. [28][29][30], In the Bible, Golan is mentioned as a city of refuge located in Bashan: Deuteronomy 4:43, Joshua 20:8, 1 Chronicles 6:71. Depuis 50 ans, Israël l'a intégré comme sous-district de son district nord. [62] As a result of the Russo-Turkish War of 1877–78, there was a huge influx of refugees from the Caucasus into the empire. BAR 18 (1992): 20-37. Envahi par Israël en 1967 puis annexé en 1981, le Golan est considéré par les Nations unies comme un territoire occupé. [193] According to The Independent, most Druze in the Golan Heights live relatively comfortable lives in a freer society than they would have in Syria under Assad's government. Israeli scientists study the vultures and tourists can watch them fly and nest.[216]. [132], On 3 July 2017, the Interior Ministry announced those towns would be included in the 2018 Israeli municipal elections. Since 1967, Druze brides have been allowed to cross into Syria, although they do so in the knowledge that they may not be able to return. [82] That agreement placed the bulk of the Golan Heights in the French sphere. [157] In May 2018, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) launched "extensive" air strikes against alleged Iranian military installations in Syria after 20 Iranian rockets were reportedly launched at Israeli army positions in the Western Golan Heights. The demolitions were executed by contractors hired for the job. Sites et monuments Plateau du Golan Courtesy of PR. Le plateau du Golan, théâtre d'échange de tirs de missiles dans la nuit de mercredi à jeudi entre Israël et les forces iraniennes en Syrie, est stratégique pour les deux pays. Locally, the limestone is broken by faults and solution channels to form a karst-like topography in which springs are common. [90] The resulting armed clashes are called the War over Water. Senaim is an archaeological site in northern Golan Heights that includes both Roman and Ancient Greek temples. He said after the 1973 war that any agreement between the two sides "must clearly put a stop to that kind of offensive action. [citation needed] By the end of 2007, the population of the Quneitra Governorate was estimated at 79,000.[117]. "Israeli-occupied Golan Heights" (Central Intelligence Agency. [217] A 3D model of the site exists in the Museum of Golan Antiquities in Katzrin. [171], Since the breakout of the Syrian Civil War in 2012, the number of applications for Israeli citizenship is growing, although Syrian loyalty remains strong and those who apply for citizenship are often ostracized by members of the older generation. The former line has never been recognised by Syria, claiming it was imposed by the colonial powers, while the latter was rejected by Israel as the result of Syrian aggression. One can tour these factories as well as factories of oil products and fruit products. [122] Israel maintains that it may retain the area, as the text of Resolution 242 calls for "safe and recognised boundaries free from threats or acts of force". [82] The commission submitted its final report on 3 February 1922, and it was approved with some caveats by the British and French governments on 7 March 1923, several months before Britain and France assumed their Mandatory responsibilities on 29 September 1923. Claims on the territory include the fact that an area in northwestern of the Golan region, delineated by a rough triangle formed by the towns of Banias, Quneitra and the northern tip of the Sea of Galilee, was part of the British Palestine Mandate in which the establishment of a Jewish national home had been promised. Over the next few centuries, while remaining in Muslim hands, the Golan passed through many dynastic changes, falling first to the Abbasids, then to the Shi'ite Fatimids, then to the Seljuk Turks. The region has 1,176 square kilometers. This area forms 30% of the Golan Heights. [104] UN officials blamed both Israel and Syria for destabilizing the borders. [40] According to Syria, the Golan Heights measures 1,860 square kilometres (718 sq mi), of which 1,500 km2 (580 sq mi) are occupied by Israel. Plateau syrien occupé par Israël depuis 1967, le Golan fait actuellement l’objet de négociations indirectes entre l’État hébreu et la Syrie, la Turquie assumant le rôle d’intermédiaire. At first the militants entered via Lebanon or Jordan, but those countries made concerted attempts to stop them and raids directly from Syria increased. [35] Arab cartographers of the Byzantine period referred to the area as jabal (جَبَل, 'mountain'), though the region is a plateau. During the Yitzhak Rabin administration (1992–1995), the permits were suspended as efforts were undertaken to restart peace negotiations between Israel and Syria. Urman submitted a list of 127 villages for demolition to his bosses. [177] Syria and Israel still contest the ownership of the Heights but have not used overt military force since 1974. This move was condemned by the United Nations Security Council in Resolution 497,[2][22] which stated that "the Israeli decision to impose its laws, jurisdiction, and administration in the occupied Syrian Golan Heights is null and void and without international legal effect", and Resolution 242, which emphasises the "inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by war". Déjà morcelée entre cinq groupes armés eux-mêmes composites, la Syrie a vu le nord de son territoire envahi à la fin août par l’armée turque. Des chars d'assaut israéliens sur le plateau du Golan, à proximité de la frontière israélo-syrienne (archives). [214] Riche en eau, il surplombe la Galilée et le lac de Tibériade du côté contrôlé par Israël et commande la route vers Damas du côté syrien. Since 2005, Israel has allowed Druze farmers to export some 11,000 tons of apples to the rest of Syria each year, constituting the first commercial relations between Syria and Israel. [102][103] Jan Mühren, a former UN observer in the area at the time, told a Dutch current affairs programme that Israel "provoked most border incidents as part of its strategy to annex more land". Five nations sponsored a resolution criticizing Syria for its actions but it failed to pass due to a Soviet veto. Separation of Trans-Jordan from Palestine, Yitzhak Gil-Har, The Jerusalem Cathedra, ed. [129][130] The plan for the creation of the settlements, which had initially begun in October 1967 with a request for a regional agricultural settlement plan for the Golan, was formally approved in 1971 and later revised in 1976. [45], In addition to its strategic military importance, the Golan Heights is an important water resource, especially at the higher elevations, which are snow-covered in the winter and help sustain baseflow for rivers and springs during the dry season. Jannaeus established the city of Gamla in 81 BCE as the Hasmonean capital for the region. "[150] American diplomat Martin Indyk said that the 1999–2000 round of negotiations began during Netanyahu's first term (1996–1999), and he was not as hardline as he made out. But the Israelis had destroyed Quneitra with dynamite and bulldozers before they withdrew from the city. 1910. Syria refused, insisting on an armistice line based not on the 1923 international border but on the military status quo. This strip is under the military control of UNDOF. Founded in 4th century CE, it has a monastery and church of St George from the 6th century. [47], In the third millennium BC, the Amorites inhabited the Golan, being part of the territories that Labaya, the Canaanite king of Shechem, annexed in the 14th century BCE, as stated in the Amarna Letters sent to Ancient Egypt. [147], In May 2009, Prime Minister Netanyahu said that returning the Golan Heights would turn it into "Iran's front lines which will threaten the whole state of Israel. The plateau that Israel controls is part of a larger area of volcanic basalt fields stretching north and east that were created in the series of volcanic eruptions that began recently in geological terms, almost 4 million years ago. A qui appartient le plateau du Golan ? Throughout the region 25 ancient synagogues have been found dating back to the Roman and Byzantine periods.[211][212]. [128] The subdistrict has a population density of 36 inhabitants per square kilometer,[citation needed] and its population includes Arab, Jewish and Druze citizens. [34] In the Mishna the name is Gablān similar to Aramaic language names for the region: Gawlāna, Guwlana and Gublānā. Residents of Ghajar accepted Israeli citizenship in 1981. Also Louis, 1969, p. 90. L’aboutissement de ces pourparlers pourrait affecter de manière considérable la stabilité de toute la région du Moyen-Orient. [105], After the Six-Day War broke out in June 1967, Syria's shelling greatly intensified and the Israeli army captured the Golan Heights on 9–10 June. The disagreement in the final stages of the talks was on access to the Sea of Galilee. During that time, it was decided that INOC's drilling permits would be returned to the state. "[148][149] He said: "I remember the Golan Heights without Katzrin, and suddenly we see a thriving city in the Land of Israel, which having been a gem of the Second Temple era has been revived anew. [114], During the Yom Kippur War in 1973, Syrian forces overran much of the southern Golan, before being pushed back by an Israeli counterattack. During the war, between 80,000[107] and 131,000[108] Syrians fled or were driven from the Heights and around 7,000 remained in the Israeli-occupied territory. [170] It is divided by an international boundary, with the northern part of the village on the Lebanese side since 2000. [63][64][65][66] In 1885, civil engineer and architect, Gottlieb Schumacher, conducted a survey of the entire Golan Heights on behalf of the German Society for the Exploration of the Holy Land, publishing his findings in a map and book entitled The Jaulân. In the 16th century, the Ottoman Turks conquered Syria. Maps used by the UN in demarcating the Blue Line were not able to conclusively show the border between Lebanon and Syria in the area. [118], On 14 December 1981, Israel passed the Golan Heights Law,[21] that extended Israeli "laws, jurisdiction and administration" to the Golan Heights. Les plateaux du Golan ont été occupés par l'armée israélienne le 8 juin 1967. Two open air strip malls, one which holds the Kesem ha-Golan (Golan Magic), a three-dimensional movie and model of the geography and history of the Golan Heights. King Solomon appointed ministers in the region (1 Kgs 4:13). A ski resort on the slopes of Mount Hermon features a wide range of ski trails and activities. They hold laissez-passers issued by the Israeli government, and enjoy the country's social-welfare benefits. Gamla was captured in 67; according to Josephus, its inhabitants committed mass suicide, preferring it to crucifixion and slavery. The plateau also contains a crater lake, called Birkat Ram ("Ram Pool"), which is fed by both surface runoff and underground springs. During the following years, the area along the border witnessed thousands of violent incidents; the armistice agreement was being violated by both sides. Le plateau du Golan, au nord-est d’Israël, à la frontière avec le sud-ouest de la Syrie, est un territoire de 1 160 km2, qui s'étend sur 67 kilomètres de long et 12 à 25 kilomètres de large. Le plateau du Golan, théâtre d’échange de tirs de missiles dans la nuit de mercredi à jeudi entre Israël et les forces iraniennes en Syrie, est stratégique pour les deux pays. Today the entire village is surrounded by a fence, with no division between the Israeli-occupied and Lebanese sides. It is also the site of a large waterfall, an ancient Byzantine church, and a panoramic spot to observe the nearly 100 vultures that dwell in the cliffs. Embattled neighbors: Syria, Israel, and Lebanon, By Robert G Rabil, p.15-16. Syria claimed that neither party had sovereignty over the DMZ. [190], The Druze living in the Golan Heights are permanent residents of Israel. [67][68], In 1884 there were still open stretches of uncultivated land between villages in the lower Golan, but by the mid-1890s most was owned and cultivated. Portrait of a Rebellion. According to the Associated Press, "many young Druse have been quietly relieved at the failure of previous Syrian–Israeli peace talks to go forward. Il est le théâtre d’affronte… During the Crusades, the Heights represented an obstacle to the Crusader armies,[58][59] who nevertheless held the strategically important town of Banias twice, in 1128–32 and 1140–64. The result was a compromise. [164] Accordingly, it was demarcated so that all of the Sea of Galilee, including a 10-meter wide strip of beach along its northeastern shore, would stay inside Mandatory Palestine. [222][223][224] INOC began undergoing a process of privatization in 1997, overseen by then-Director of the Government Companies Authority (GCA), Tzipi Livni. [37], The plateau's north–south length is approximately 65 kilometres (40 mi) and its east–west width varies from 12 to 25 kilometres (7.5 to 15.5 miles). [72] The Jews also built a road stretching from Lake Hula to Muzayrib. [76], Between 1904 and 1908, a group of Crimean Jews settled near the Arab village of Al-Butayha in the Bethsaida Valley, initially as tenants of a Kurdish proprietor with the prospects of purchasing the land, but the arrangement faltered. [197], Israeli settlement activity began in the 1970s. Roger (1969). [191] The pro-Israeli Druze were historically ostracized by the pro-Syrian Druze. Alors vérifiez … [228][229], Human rights groups have said that the drilling violates international law, as the Golan Heights are an occupied territory. During United States-brokered negotiations in 1999–2000, Israel and Syria discussed a peace deal that would include Israeli withdrawal in return for a comprehensive peace structure, recognition and full normalization of relations. In the battle, 115 Israelis were killed and 306 wounded. [97][98], Former Israeli General Mattityahu Peled said that more than half of the border clashes before the 1967 war "were a result of our security policy of maximum settlement in the demilitarised area. [145] That year, a plenary session of the United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution 161–1 in favour of a motion on the Golan Heights that reaffirmed UN Security Council Resolution 497 and called on Israel to desist from "changing the physical character, demographic composition, institutional structure and legal status of the occupied Syrian Golan and, in particular, to desist from the establishment of settlements [and] from imposing Israeli citizenship and Israeli identity cards on the Syrian citizens in the occupied Syrian Golan and from its repressive measures against the population of the occupied Syrian Golan." [205][206], On 23 April 2019, Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced that he will bring a resolution for government approval to name a new community in the Golan Heights after U.S. President Donald Trump. M. Shemesh, The Fida'iyyun Organization's Contribution to the Descent to the Six-Day War. Banias is an ancient site that developed around a spring once associated with the Greek god Pan. [162] In 1923, this triangle in northwestern Golan was ceded to the French Mandate in Syria, but in exchange for this, land areas in Syria and Lebanon was ceded to Palestine, and the whole of the Sea of Galilee which previously had its eastern boundary connected to Syria was placed inside Palestine. Il se situait en territoire syrien lorsque le pays accéda à l’indépendance, en 1946. [164], On 7 June 2000, the demarcation Blue Line was established by the United Nations in order to ensure full Israeli withdrawal from Lebanon, according to UN Security Council Resolution 425. When the mandate terminated in 1946, it became part of the newly independent Syrian Republic. "[166] Accordingly, major parts of the armistice lines departed from the 1923 boundary and protruded into Israel. Israel and Syria signed a ceasefire agreement in 1974 that left almost all the Heights in Israeli hands. The area that came under Israeli control as a result of the war consists of two geologically distinct areas: the Golan Heights proper, with a surface of 1,070 square kilometres (410 sq mi), and the slopes of the Mt. The Golan Heights, along with the rest of the region, came under the control of Alexander the Great in 332 BCE, following the Battle of Issus. In the 8th century BCE, the Assyrians gained control of the area, followed by the Babylonian and the Achaemenid Empire. [69] Some land had been purchased in the Golan and Hawran by Zionist associations based in Romania, Bulgaria, the US and England, in the late 19th century and early 20th century. Weller. [18] The area later became part of the French Mandate in Syria and the State of Damascus. S’élevant de 500 à 1000 mètres d’altitude, le plateau du Golan s’étend entre 12 et 25 km en large… [110] The remaining villages were Majdal Shams, Shayta (later destroyed), Ein Qiniyye, Mas'ade, Buq'ata and, outside the Golan proper, Ghajar. [85] [19] When the mandate terminated in 1946, it became part of the newly independent Syrian Arab Republic. The city of Golan was a city of refuge. Syrian President Assad claimed that there was "no real partner in Israel. Tôt ce jeudi matin, Israël a visé des dizaines de cibles iraniennes en Syrie, en riposte à des tirs de roquettes sur le plateau du Golan, imputés à l'Iran. [79] In 1921–1930, during the French Mandate, the Palestine Jewish Colonization Association (PICA) obtained the deeds to the Rothschild estate and continued to manage it, collecting rents from the Arab peasants living there.[74]. It estimated a recovery potential of two million barrels of oil, equivalent at the time to $24 million. Davidson commissioned surveys and demolition supervision from the IASS [Israel Archaeological Survey Society]. [1][124][125], During the negotiations regarding the text of United Nations Security Council Resolution 242, U.S. Secretary of State Dean Rusk explained that U.S. support for secure permanent frontiers did not mean the United States supported territorial changes. Though the cease fire in the UNDOF zone has been largely uninterrupted since the seventies, in 2012 there were repeated violations from the Syrian side, including tanks[178] and live gunfire,[179] though these incidents are attributed to the ongoing Syrian Civil War rather than intentionally directed towards Israel.
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