With only the Snow Queen's ice truck left to search, David splits some of the group into a search party. Mary Margaret tells Zelena about what had happened in the first curse, in which she and her husband had lost Emma under dire circumstances, and her own anxiety about having a second child. ("The Jolly Roger"), Gathered in Regina's house, Mary Margaret reports for a group seance to open a portal to the land of the dead and talk to Cora about Zelena's origins. David zawiódł w zdobyciu szkarłatnej korony, został jednak mianowany rycerzem okrągłego stołu w miejsce „Siege Perlious”. Instead, they learn Mr. Gold released a Wraith upon town to destroy Regina. She also expresses genuine forgiveness towards Regina for her actions. Finally, she recognizes that the system is out of fuel and refills a full tank. Blasting music in her earphones, she practices archery. Dopiero wizyta najmniejszego z olbrzymów, Antona, dała im perspektywę na realizację powrotu. On the table, she notices a nearly wrapped present, which David claims is not from him. The mayor storms off, and Mary Margaret talks to Emma about Henry's need for the book so he can have hopes of a happy ending. They group form a strategy to travel towards Pan's camp and begin assemble for leaving. Henry Mills (wnuk) Zaklęcie zdjął dopiero Merlin, niedawno uwolniony z drzewa. As they walk from the car, she asks Leroy for help fixing up the castle once they return home. Prepping for travel to the tree house, Mary Margaret gathers up her bow arrows, and when David offers help, she declines his assistance; moving to the other side of camp near Emma. That night, Mary Margaret and her husband meet with the female duo and warn them never to reveal the past dealings they had in the Enchanted Forest. W drodze do pałacu, Gburek powiedział Śnieżce, że Regina odłączyła się od grupy. While Emma goes to question Neal, Mary Margaret and David ask Mr. Gold for a way to track Regina. Pokonała Meduzę, a odczynionemu z kamienia Księciu obiecała założenie rodziny[5]. Mulan pries Aurora away as Emma, in annoyance, fires her gun, and unintentionally attracts an ogre. 30 lat po rzuceniu pierwszej mrocznej klątwy, wszyscy − oprócz Emmy i Henry’ego − wrócili do Zaczarowanego Lasu. Mary Margaret reacts with protest and wrestles Mulan to the ground. Unknown to both, Cora and Regina are listening in through a phone tap. Śnieżka i Książę ogłosili dobrą nowinę całemu królestwu. Shortly after the failed experiment, all leave except Mary Margaret, who stays to help Regina clean up. Suddenly, David finds a white cloth, which is Regina's and they rush off to rescue her. She learns he is currently under the Sleeping Curse, and they lean in for true love's kiss, but their bodies cannot touch. Prompted by Henry's concern for Regina, they make it in time to stop Dr. Whale. He talks about Kathryn's plans to move to Boston so that she can attend law school. Zij is de ware liefde van prins / David Nolan, moeder van Emma Swan en Neal Nolan, en oma van de kinderen Emma's, Henry en Hoop. Even so, Mary Margaret and Emma promise to take Tinker Bell with them to Storybrooke if she helps their cause, which she agrees to. Upon seeing this, Emma expresses exasperation as she believes enough time has passed for Mary Margaret to move on from what she can't change. Z przyjazdem do miasteczka Grega Mendella, Blanchard zmusiła doktora Whale by ratował jego, nawet jeśli widział magię i sprowadzi za sobą innych obcych. Jej córka kiedyś wróci do nich i złamie klątwę[34]. More Genealogy Tools To ensure they'll always be together, Regina will rewrite new memories for both of them so they forget everything. Para juz w tym czasie kłóciła sie o to czy zostac w Storybrooke (Mary Margaret), czy powrócić do Zaczarowanego Lasu (David). Mary Margaret insists Regina tried to have them killed yesterday, but Emma believes the mayor is trying to change for Henry's sake. Archie, recalling Mary Margaret and David once led them to victory in the Enchanted Forest, rallies everyone into agreeing with the plan. Grupa uzyskała pomoc w swej wyprawie od Dzwoneczka, lecz ta odłączyła się od nich, gdyż nie mieli planu ucieczki z wyspy. Cora is then forced back into the land of the dead by Regina's magic just as Belle, David, Emma and Hook arrive. Na miejscu, Zła Królowa próbowała otworzyć nie te drzwi. At the upper level, they notice Hook is with him, and as Emma attempts to magically intervene, Mr. Gold freezes her as well as Mary Margaret. Later on, she accidentally bumps into Regina, and apologizes profusely for her clumsiness. Her parents pretend they were too harsh on the strangers earlier and have since let go of the issue, which Emma doesn't buy, but she accepts their explanation. Emma sputters that she doesn't know how to talk to Henry about those things. Śnieżka pogratulowała też jej ciąży ponieważ Aurora cała promieniała. To do this, a strong magical outlet is needed, so Tinker Bell suggests the Black Fairy's wand, which is in Mother Superior's possession. Był to biologiczny wnuk Mary Margaret i oboje złapali od razu kontakt ze sobą[37]. Podsłuchała kiedyś służące rozmawiające o legendzie Meduzy, potwora zamieniającego ludzi w kamień jednym spojrzeniem[5]. Emma states that she owes Regina for helping them return to Storybrooke, and planned on telling her parents, but they were a little busy this afternoon. Snow White is a character from ABC's Once Upon A Time that débuts on the first episode of the first season. They find evidence proving Regina kept some of the beans for herself, but the beans are strangely missing. In the hopes of sending Henry a message, Mary Margaret convinces everyone to make a net out of vine to catch a Lost Boy. Pirat w odpowiedzi wezwał Nimue. Mr. Gold reasons that it gets easier by telling himself he did the right thing. Mary Margaret pomogła im dostosować się do nowych warunków. Osiem lat później Regina zaadoptowała noworodka. Continuing on, they reach the old castle of Snow White and Prince Charming. Suddenly, Leroy gets an idea runs up to the roof of the church to cause a power outage; therefore forcing the townspeople to stock up on candles, and they sell out completely. Regina zaczęła pracować dla bohaterów jako podwójna agentka i wyjawiła im, że panie szukają Autora. David and Emma investigate the issue at the border as Mary Margaret stays home. After Tinker Bell gains access into the perimeter of the encampment, Regina uses a spell to put the Lost Boys to sleep, but neither Henry or Pan are found. When Hook questions if Emma is now avoiding him, she asks Mary Margaret to give them some privacy. Henry is upset over the lack of change in town, and believes only he himself stays the same. Na miejscu okazało się, że Piotruś Pan zamienił się ciałem ze swym prawnukiem i uwolnił mroczną klątwę używając serca Felixa. Tam przybył Książę z Roszpunką. Additionally, Leroy recalls they reclaimed her kingdom in the Enchanted Forest, but Storybrooke is her kingdom now, so she has to rule it. Blanche-Neige est la fille du roi Leopold et de la reine Eva. Ingrid zdołała rzucić zaklęcie rozbitego wzroku, które poróżniło Davida z Mary Margaret tuż po tym jak zamknęli się w osobnych celach by się nie rzucić na siebie. Trzy miesiące później, Śnieżka obudziła się w pałacowej komnacie. She finds him scrubbing off the word "tramp" off her car. She is currently written by Aubrey. He quips that it's a good thing they did not have Thanksgiving in the Enchanted Forest, or otherwise it would have been one messed up holiday. When David hauls Hook to fetch more vine, he refuses until Emma presses him to do so. ("White Out"), Assembling her first conference as mayor in her new office, Mary Margaret holds Neal while beginning the meeting as she introduces the townspeople to her discussion points on the listed agenda. They temporarily stop the creature, but Regina has a more permanent solution by using a hat to send it away. Disgusted, Mary Margaret aims an arrow at Mr. Gold as the others follow suit in drawing their weapons, however, things cool down after Neal forces him to hand over the box. When Hook's knee bumps the table, a startled Mary Margaret withdraws her hands, which closes the gateway. In a stroke of luck, Emma realizes she and Regina could stop the trigger with their combined magic, and they succeed in deactivating it. Once Upon the Once Upon the Time Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Emma magically scalds the witch; forcing her to retreat. Ta rękoma Killiana, rzuciła trzecią mroczną klątwę. After Elsa recalls her loved ones reacted badly to her magic as they did to Emma's, Mary Margaret shares regrets to David about failing as parents when their daughter needed them the most. In a blatant jab at Mary Margaret, Regina asks her what she knows about mothers, considering hers died a long time ago. They believe it's a lie, but he insists that someone sent it. Henry has a tremendously emotional return with both of them. This leads her to conclude that he has feelings for the nun. Regina ocaliła ich przed śmiercią z ręki hrabiego Monte Christo. They have an awkward conversation, and when Mary Margaret sees him spreading posters of another candidate, Sidney, she hurries off. Following Emma's arrest for "stealing" from Archie Hopper's office, Mary Margaret comes to the sheriff department, with Henry, to bail her out. Mary Margaret wishes him luck, and, when he asks for her to give him a reason to stay in Storybrooke, she does not give him one. After entering the Netherworld, Mary Margaret waits in the flame filled room for Henry, but is stunned to see David instead. Upset, Mary Margaret slaps him, surprised at her own action, and then forgives him since she would have done the same for her own child. They introduce Anton to the diner in an effort to make him feel at home. During the conversation, Henry proves to Emma that Pan switched bodies with him, to which all of them go to meet up with Hook, Neal and Tinker Bell at the vault, where Regina took "Henry" for protection. Snow White, cursed as Mary Margaret Blanchard, is a main character on ABC's Once Upon a Time. Mary Margaret dresses his wound and phones Regina. W zamian za to, Kapturek ochroniła ją przed rozszarpaniem przez swą biologiczną matkę, Anitę[14]. The dutiful midwife quickly arrives to calm her down, stating that it's normal for babies to move infrequently as the labor date nears, and offers orange juice. At one point, Mary Margaret talks about her capacity for murder, such as when she killed Cora and was not sorry about it, which causes Anna to back off from the conversation. The couple leave for the diner where she shows her husband various possible houses, but he turns down every one. Śnieżka z krasnoludkami postanowiły go odzyskać[22]. In Storybrooke, Mary Margaret is a meek , shy teacher who unknowingly befriends her daughter, Emma Swan. Rumple był niespełna rozumu, ale zdołał im powiedzieć o Glindzie, Dobrej Czarownicy z Południa. Suspecting Mr. Gold is up to no good, Mary Margaret and Emma locate him inside the clock tower. As Emma goes to break the news about Neal to Henry, Mary Margaret and David do the same for Mr. Gold. Lastly, she spitefully tells them to buy a flashlight, which shocks them into silence as they exit. Ta dwójka wkrótce porwała Henry’ego i Emma z Reginą, Mary Margaret z mężem, Hook i Gold podążyli za nimi do Nibylandii. Outside, Mary Margaret watches the two drive off in Sean's truck and runs into David. Cora (była przybrana babcia − nie żyje) Since the talk went badly, she and David try to procure the dagger's location from Mr. Gold by asking Emma to convince him. Emma advises for trusting her instincts—if it felt wrong, it probably is. Sprowadziła za to do miasta Lilith „Lily” Paige, córkę czarownicy. Emma, however, is willing to take the chance since they have no one else to rely on to help them get back to David and Henry. Mary Margaret and David surprise Emma by showing her the growing fields and present the possibility that they could all return to the Enchanted Forest. After whisking Anna and Kristoff away, Regina magically unlocks Mary Margaret's cell and challenges her to a sword-fight. Suspecting August's actions today have been selfless, true and brave, Mother Superior tests her wand on him and reverts him to a seven-year old Pinocchio. Mary Margaret, realizing a certain someone deserves recognition, announces to the townspeople that they were able to return due to Regina's help. In "Pilot", Mary Margaret receives not an apple from her student at school, but a pear. In the meantime, they unsuccessfully attempt to break into the pawnshop with Mother Superior's powers. W grupie, Belle powiedziała, że wie iż małpy pochodzą z Oz. While they are trading insults, Elsa and Emma devise a plan to stop the curse by killing Ingrid. Po drodze była ciekawa jak Regina odbiera ich nowego przyjaciela, ale usłyszała tylko, że „śmierdzi lasem”. Ucierpiał na tym jej stosunek do Davida, który zaczął wierzyć plotkom. W pałacu odkryli, że brak wiary Emmy zdołał już wyssać magie z fasoli zdobytej przez zięcia w pałacu olbrzymów. Po chwili, klątwa przeniosła ich do nowego Storybrooke, wymacując im pamięć z roku spędzonego w tej krainie. Emma confesses to Mary Margaret of her fears of not winning the election because she can't fight dirty and has to prove to her son that good can win. Angrily, Emma confirms Henry will never forgive Regina after this and that she is a person not capable of changing. Mary Margaret watches from outside the interrogation room as Regina is questioned by David and Emma. ("The Queen Is Dead"), In a phone discussion with David, Mary Margaret discusses the seriousness of Mr. Gold's wound. She expresses her constant thoughts about how different their lives could have been if it didn't happen. Finally, he persuades her into taking time off with him as she needs it. From Emma, she learns Henry believes John Doe is Prince Charming, and wants her to read the Snow White fairytale to him. They realize Mulan made off with the compass and catch up in time. Approaching the couple, Hook reveals Neal is alive and Pan kidnapped him from their campsite to a cave. Kilka miesięcy później on z żoną porwali dziecko Maleficent i przelali na nie mrok swego dziecka z pomocą Ucznia czarodzieja. Emma is nearly killed by it, but Mary Margaret takes out the ogre by shooting an arrow in its eye. While looking at his sleeping son's face, David muses out loud if they should have named him Baelfire instead. Henry sneaks into the group to proclaim that John Doe is looking for Mary Margaret. Dopiero po tym jak zachęcona przez Henry’ego do czytania książki z baśniami panu John Doe, spowodowała jego wybudzenie i odnalezienie mężczyzny przez żonę, Kathryn Nolan, zyskała Emmę Swan jako współlokatorkę. Then, the two are released to speak with the leader of the survivors, Lancelot, who Mary Margaret has a friendly reunion with. The townspeople work to help David scale down into the hole with a rope and pull Anton to safety. Mogła ją uratować, ale wiązało by się to z poświęceniem życia innej osoby. Shocked, Mary Margaret summons Dr. Whale, but he sees nothing out of the ordinary and suggests she might have imagined things. Mary Margaret is asked how long she's been a schoolteacher. ("Pilot"), On the school grounds, Mary Margaret sees Emma walking Henry to class. Wbrew złożonej przysiędze, zdradziła Corze, matce Reginy komu jej córka oddała serce. Despite this, she is angry he didn't tell her about the cure or the cost for it. Since Emma's attempts to phone Regina have gone unanswered, Henry tries to call his adoptive mother instead while David stays behind to accompany him. Z małą pomocą Jasmine, odnalazła męża w lesie i wybudziła go pocałunkiem. Porwanie Zeleny przez Emmę, która urodziła córkę Robina, zaprowadziło ich do chwilowo pozbawionej mocy mrocznej Emmy. While trapped in the cell, Mary Margaret figures out there is squid ink on the note and uses it to melt away the cage bars. In the near distance, they see a large purple smoke approaching town. Mary Margaret i David chcieli nawet spalić kartkę z książki z baśniami wnuka, w której uwięziony był Autor, ale opamiętali się. Wyznali Emmie co zrobili Maleficent co zszokowało ją. He reasons that she would not be able to live with herself after murdering someone. One fateful day, Emma returns, memory restored, to reunite with her parents. Emma and Hook will join him on this quest, and they agree to meet Mary Margaret and David at Tinker Bell's tree house once everything is settled. David lets her go home while he continues searching. With the net, the women trap a Lost Boy, Devin, and attempt to gain his trust. ("Rocky Road"), As Emma prepares for her first date with Hook, Mary Margaret and David bring out records of all the residents from the first and second curses so they can search for any sign of Anna. She hands the storybook to him; asking that he believe in magic. ("Manhattan"), On her birthday, Mary Margaret suspiciously notices David making pancakes. Instead, she publicly reveals herself as Regina's half-sister and forces her sibling into a showdown on Main Street after sundown. Matka Emmy musiała ją też wesprzeć, gdy Hook oświadczył się jej, ale krótko potem wyszło na jaw, że zabił Roberta i opuścił ją. Mary Margaret and David offer to watch over Henry while she is gone. Grateful for someone with expertise in childbirth, she even allows Zelena to touch her pregnant belly. Walking out of the diner, Mary Margaret and David hear an angered Marian condemn Regina, who she remembers as the Evil Queen, as a "monster". The couple resume living together in the apartment. She is given the location of the heart in a vault to enact the curse and then, as a follow-up so the candle's spell will kill their nemesis, is to put it back into Cora. Finally, David proposes to give up his own life to Anton so he spares the townspeople. Maleficent wyjawiła im, że ich dziecko − zrodzone z prawdziwej miłości − może zarówno być wielkim bohaterem, ale też najgorszym bandytą, jakiego Zaczarowany Las jeszcze nie widział. They head to the apartment where the storybook appeared to Mary Margaret during the first curse, and the former schoolteacher "magically" finds it in a chest box. Mary Margaret toys with the idea that this familial connection will be the key to bringing everyone together. Mary Margaret tries to soothe a terrified Belle until they reach the hospital, where she passes the girl off to a nurse.
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