Apocalyptic, militant teachings and racial superiority pushed the ideology away from its origin and towards the hate we see today. Contact Us: www.adl.org/contact Cherry integrated racism into his teachings, preaching that all biblical prophets and individuals were Black, and that God hates white individuals because they are frauds. Sicarii’s name is a nod to the extremist Jewish Zealots who rallied against Roman occupation. The recording captures taunts of “Revelation 2:9 the Synagogue of Satan,” “Amalek,” and “Y’all know that we’re the real Jews right” that are consistent with antisemitic teachings employed by BHI and other groups. Through the spirit and power of the Most High God in the name of his only begotten Son (YAHAWAH BAHASHAM YAHAWASHI). Many large groups operate a main page, dozens of local school pages, and additional pages for special activities within the faction. found until October 5, 2019, ten months after she had gone missing. Anti-Semitic Black Hebrew Israelites assert that white people are agents of Satan, Jews are liars and false worshipers of God, and blacks are the true “chosen people” and are racially superior to other ethnicities. Twitter – Used to promote group activities and content from other platforms. Social media belonging to Anderson was linked to Black Hebrew Israelite and antisemitic beliefs expressed on social media. Anderson and Graham barricaded themselves inside the building and engaged in gunfire with responding law enforcement. Morgan had met a Nigerian immigrant, Ajibola Shogbamimu, aka Shohfah-El Israel, through the church. Cash told law enforcement that Lewis used homophobic slurs during the shooting. When officers entered the facility, they found five individuals dead on arrival and identified Anderson and Graham. Anderson’s accounts included messages calling Jews imposters and Satan worshipers and claims of Black supremacy, as well as anti-white and anti-law enforcement content. But some have claimed that the rise of far-right groups is empowering black extremists. There are many sects which refer to themselves with variations of the name Black Hebrew Israelites. Noteworthy BHI factions in the 20th century include the Commandment Keepers, Ben Ammi Ben Israel’s Dimona, Israel congregation and the Israeli School. These naming and labeling tactics effectively distance the individual from their previous associations, putting forward an image that is solely BHI. Some preachers assert that accepting the true Biblical image of Christ as he is described and not the “New Jesus” taught by Christianity is a step towards claiming one’s true identity as an Israelite. Israel United in Christ’s Brushes with the Law: Israel United in Christ has been associated with two violent acts and has attempted to distance themselves from the perpertators. The group now numbers around 5,000 and is well-integrated into Israeli society. Social media posts from the same account showing activity at the Philadelphia protests include captions reading: “All praises to the Most High,” “The city’s turning up and HOI got boots on the ground,” and “We only fear Him, no cops, no jails, no nothing.”. Individuals or followers will also maintain their own pages and share posts from their location-specific or main group pages. Here are some things to know about the movement. Extreme factions believe white Jews are perpetuating identity theft. Israel United in Christ (IUIC) was founded in 2003 in New York as a splinter organization of the Israeli School of Universal Practical Knowledge. Anti-Defamation League Crowdy, an escaped slave, said he received Godly visions that proved the Lost Tribes of Israel were Black. They reject Christianity, Islam, and Judaism, specifically calling Jews “the bastards that funded the slave trade.” They blame Jews and other ethnicities for all social ills plaguing black individuals, and claim that acceptance of this ideology and God will free black people. Similarly, adherents of the white supremacist Christian Identity Movement also claim to be members of the “lost tribes” of Israel. OLD HATRED. Bishops and other high-ranking members are considered divine and trusted sources of truth. The group publically rejects any claims that it is a hate orgniazation or advocates violence, but its teachings prove otherwise. The Black Hebrew Israelites are “an extremist sect that espouses anti-Semitism,” reads one report. While BHI holds white people responsible for the slave trade, some teachings place importance on the actions of Israelites that lead to their punishment and how acceptance of the ideology will put them back into God’s good graces. Some factions require members to pay dues or fees. In addition to the platforms listed above, other services like Tumblr, Pinterest, and Soundcloud are popular but not as consistently used across groups. Jews are referred to as “so called Jews” and members of the BHI ideology as “so called Blacks, Hispanics, and Native Indians” to highlight aspects of stolen and forced identity. The Southern Poverty Law Center has labeled ISUPK an “extremist” and “black supremacist” group. Less mainstream platforms such as Telegram are also used to coordinate in-group activities away from public channels. For example, IUIC’s chapter in Orlando, Florida has a location Facebook page, a location YouTube channel, a location Vimeo account and a location In the Classroom YouTube channel. Wentworth Arthur Matthew, founder of The Commandments Keepers Church, also called the Commandment Keepers Church of the Living God Pillar & Ground of Truth and the Faith of Jesus Christ, preached combined ideas of Black nationalism and Judaism. There is none. Black Hebrew Israelites are not Jews and Black Jews are not the same as Black Hebrew Israelites. The video also includes interactions with the police. Morgan was never seen alive again. In many camps, women are not allowed to wear pants or fraternize with male members. Abba Bivens, a former Commandment Keepers congregant, created the Israeli School in an explicit effort to reinstate more extreme teachings. Clothing brands, music production groups, books, and other moneymaking ventures offer additional revenue streams. Once largely relegated to white supremacist rhetoric, “The Great Replacement” has made its way into mainstream consciousness in the past several years. Morgan’s body was not found until October 5, 2019, ten months after she had gone missing. The Israelite Church of God in Jesus Christ, formerly known as the Israeli Church of Universal Practical Knowledge, is an organization of Black Hebrew Israelites. New York, NY 10158-3650 It  should be noted that not all BHI adherents include Native American populations in the Twelve Tribes, but they all agree that white people or conventionally accepted Jews are not members of the tribes. Anderson and Graham deliberately targeted the Jewish market and Anderson posted antisemitic content to social media prior to the attack. Popular social media platforms are frequented by BHI groups to spread their ideology, connect likeminded individuals and coordinate local and national sects. Regardless, the groups and individuals in this movement promote explicitly racist and bigoted ideas. Examples of Antisemitism: During street teachings, Sicarii members have claimed that Jews “stole” their identity through the slave trade, Jews living in Israel are imposters, white people are the devil, and furthered antisemitic conspiracy theories of a Jewish plan to rule the world. We made God angry, and he put us into slavery. Nation of Yahweh Miami Murders: The Nation of Yahweh is perhaps most famously known for a string of murders in the 1980s. Attacks on white individuals, Jews, Muslims, the LGBTQ+ community, and others show how organizational teachings can manifest into individualized hate. BHI adherents reject all images of a white Jesus and claim that these images are further attempts to steal the Israelites’ identity. Green was quoted as telling his victims they were “fake Jews” and should “go back to Israel.” Green is a self-identified BHI follower and not associated with an established sect. In their own words: “Community organization that actively participates in uniting and building up the nation destroyed by Colonialism, Imperialism, and Slavery.” “Call back to the fold the Blacks, Hispanics, and Native Americans; who are the Twelve Tribes of Israel. Many BHI teachings use verses from the Book of Deuteronomy, the fifth book of the Torah, and the King James Bible to tell the history of Israelites from the Old Testament and to give a biblical explanation for the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade. Roles and classifications can include: Bishop, Deacon, Chief Priests, Apostles, Captain, Officer, Soldier and Brother. After the shooting, IUIC released a statement confirming that Lewis was a member but had been removed from the organization for not following guidelines. Not all sects of the movement spew hateful rhetoric, but many Black Hebrew Israelites subscribe to an extreme set of anti-Semitic beliefs. While extremist faction pages limit or use coded language to spread their ideology, personal profiles can feature more hateful messages and dissatisfaction targeted at out groups. The California-based faction has spread nationally since the early 2010s and has embarked on trips abroad to establish international connections. Pertaining to; 2. as or like. … Literature available on their website includes comments such as those below: “This sect [Edomites] of Jew impostors have stolen our history, written records and have perverted the laws of the scriptures.”, “However, Christ knows the BLASPHEMY (lies) of them which say they are Jews and are not. I zoomed in on the info boards they had set up and saw some things I didn’t expect: Synagogue of Satan = antisemitic term used by groups to express their dislike of Jews and refer to their ostensible nefarious actions. In the early 2000s, the group splintered further into multiple extremist factions. BHI presents slavery, racism, incarceration and other social ills as divine punishments for disobedience that can only be cured through BHI ideology. Between 1981 and 1990, the group was responsible for at least 14 murders of white individuals, ex-members, and others. Like his slave-era predecessors, Matthew viewed the enslavement and suffering of Black bodies as divine punishment. Nation of Yahweh members were guided by teachings of both Nation of Islam and BHI ideology that developed into  violent Black supremacy. Here are some things to know about the movement. Israelite School of Universal Practical Knowledge (ISUPK) is an American non-profit organization and black supremacist, extremist religious sect based in Upper Darby, Pennsylvania.The group is part of the Black Hebrew Israelite movement, which regards American blacks as descendants of the Twelve Tribes of Israel. was charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, to take over $5.3 million from the Israelite Church of God in Jesus Christ organization. 605 Third Avenue In general, Black Nationalist hate groups espouse hatred toward whites, the LGBT community, and Jews. BALTIMORE — Despite the hellish heat on this spring Saturday morning in gritty West Baltimore, the five Hebrew Israelite priests loitering near a West Franklin Street storefront are draped in heavy robes, and their heads are wrapped in matching white, red and black cloths. Gabriel Prosser, who was enslaved in Virginia, is credited with preaching the earliest iterations of BHI ideology. The group has multiple chapters across the United States and has attended events with other BHI groups including street teachings and networking conventions. These new monikers are added to preexisting social media profiles, replacing the individual’s given name. Extremist Black Hebrew Israelites assert that white people are agents of Satan, Jews are liars and false worshipers of God, and Blacks are racially superior and the only true “chosen people.” Some extremist leaders preach that only true descendants of the Twelve Tribes (Blacks, Hispanics, and Native Indians based on their beliefs) will be allowed into heaven, and that God will permit them to rule over all other races. Matthew and Commandment Keepers sought acceptance from Jewish entities, including the New York Board of Rabbis, but while his efforts were unsuccessful and Matthew himself reported feeling outcast by white Jews, he refrained from antisemitic or racist teachings. Anyone who spends time in an American city may encounter public sermons and other activities by Black Hebrew Israelite groups. This is a departure from the mainstream understanding of the Twelve Tribes as a reference to Jacob’s twelve sons, who each represent a different genealogical thread of the Jewish population. Women in the group may organize their own activities and are called Sisters. Through Edification, News, and Practical Knowledge sharing.”, On October 28, 2020, the Philadelphia chapter of House of Israel posted a video to social media that included individuals shouting antisemitic phrases at Jewish men during a protest following the fatal officer involved shooting of Walter Wallace Jr. The congregation started in 1919 as a church in Harlem, New York, before becoming a synagogue. Leaders Bishop Nathanyel Ben Israel and Bishop Gabar were interviewed during the event. In a video released following the December 2019 shooting in Jersey City, Zabach accused Edomites of staging the shooting in an attempt to discredit the Black Hebrew Israelite movement. And we are coming to take back our identity and our nationality.”. Once largely relegated to white supremacist rhetoric, “The Great Replacement” has made its way into mainstream consciousness in the past several years. Memphis, Tennessee, August 4, 2018: IUIC members organized the 800-person “Violence Must Stop” march through Memphis to protest incarceration and to denounce violence in black communities. References are used as insults to show clear racial differences, as Jacob’s children, Blacks, are believed to be the chosen race while Esau’s descendants are cursed by God. Much of extremist BHI activity occurs in digital spaces, easily spread across the world through shares and likes. In August 2019, Shohfah-El Israel was convicted of her murder and sentenced to 17 years in prison. Leaders and street teachers also push homophobic, transphobic and sexist beliefs, including referring to the LGBTQ community as demonic and not loved by God. The Israeli School (not connected to the African Hebrew Israelites), founded in the 1960s in Harlem, has produced active splinter factions that propagate some of BHI’s most extreme, racist, militant and antisemitic ideologies. The report identified three such groups as the New Black Panther Party, the Israelite Church of God in Jesus Christ, and the Black Hebrew Israelite group as extremists under FBI scrutiny. This list is not exhaustive. The Black Hebrew Israelite (BHI) movement is a fringe religious movement that rejects widely accepted definitions of Judaism and asserts that people of color are the true children of Israel. © 2021 Anti-Defamation League. Dress codes vary by group, but members may wear long robes, religious garb, or shirts with a faction logo. Founded in the 1880s, the organization grew in size and influence after moving from Tennessee to Pennsylvania in the early 1900s. Many BHI teachers claim that Jews and other white people forced Black individuals into other religions. On December 26, 2018, Shohfah-El Israel dropped Morgan off at her student housing, disobeying congregation rules about interactions between women and men who were not their husbands. Grant was also referred to as the “Holy Spirit” and “The Comforter” as he asserted that he carried the Holy Spirit within his earthly body. Founded in 1896 by William Saunders Crowdy in Lawrence, Kansas, this BHI sect mixed aspects of Christianity with Israelite slave narratives. To varying degrees, Black Hebrew Israelites incorporate certain aspects of the religious beliefs and practices of both Christianity and Judaism, though they have created their own interpretation of the Bible. The Strange History of the Black Hebrew Israelites, as Group is Tied to Jersey City Murders. It reads: “Our deepest sympathies go out to the family of Joy Morgan. Just as not all BHI adherents are extremist, not all extremist sects preach the same level of hatred. Examples of Antisemitism:  ISUPK sells clothing under the brand UPKFRESH. Example: as a Jew or like a Jew but NOT a “Jew”).”. Preachers use Deuteronomy 28:15-68 to encourage individuals to embrace their true title as God’s chosen children or continue to suffer in society as their ancestors have. In their own words: “Truenation.org gives lessons regarding the knowledge of God and his glorious son Yahawashi (Jesus Christ) to the fact that the TRUE children of Israel will be edified.”. The description of Jesus’ feet as dark and burned is frequently cited as proof that depictions of Jesus as white are misrepresentations. In January 2020, Grant and another member were convicted of  using ICGJC funds to illegally finance their own activities. During a December 22, 2019 street teaching, Zabach stated: “Blacks are the real Jews, you’re damn right we are. Individuals associated with Israel United in Christ frequently use the surname “Ben Israel” or “Israel” and members associated with the Sicarii faction use “Yasharalah” or “Yahawada.” Individuals may also list “Jerusalem, Israel” as their hometown or say that their job, education, or current employment is associated with a group. The establishment was targeted, as video shows the U-Haul and its occupants bypassed other buildings and pedestrians and only fired at the market. The two stole more than $5.3 million from the organization and its members. Anderson was not a member of an established group and expressed his distrust of such organized camps on his profiles. Members were accused of committing the racially motivated murders to further the mission of the Nation of Yahweh or at the request of ben Yahweh. David Anderson and Francine Graham, the perpetrators of the December 10, 2019 attack on a kosher market in Jersey City, New Jersey, had links to ICGJC. The group is part of the Hebrew Israelism movement, which regards American blacks as descendants of the Twelve Tribes of Israel. Street Teaching or Street Units = organized activities during which members read Scripture in public, advertise their organization, and antagonize pedestrians. An important distinction: The Israeli School of Universal Practical Knowledge is the name of the original One West camp in Harlem, New York. Among the commonly cited passages used to justify this hatred: Revelation 3:9 "Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.". Police have identified one of the dead suspects in a shootout at a kosher market in Jersey City as David Anderson, who reportedly is a former member of the Black Hebrew Israelites. Further, they assert that Jews and white people worship the devil, and white people will become their slaves in Heaven. Black Hebrew Israelites identify specifically with the biblical Israelites and consider Judaism, Christianity and Islam to be false religions. In 2018, the pair was arrested and indicted on charges of conspiracy to defraud the United States. American slaves found commonality with the biblical enslavement of the Israelites and considered themselves descendants of the tortured peoples. In extremist sects, it is believed that Jesus, the Messiah, will only save Israel, or the Israelites. Titles for uploaded videos will commonly include the topic of the teaching and insults or derogatory terms to describe pedestrians or the population attacked through the teaching. While aspects of the ideology call for retribution against white people, Jews, and other populations, violent activity perpetrated by BHI adherents is not prevalent. (212) 885-7700 The current iteration of ISUPK operates as a non-profit in Upper Darby, Pennsylvania and is led by ex-One Wester General Yahanna, aka John Lightborne. ICGJC released a statement calling the death of their “Spiritual Leader, The Holy God Sent Comforter, Holy Apostle and Chief High Priest” a “tremendous loss.”. Between 2007 and 2016, Grant and Warrington used a third-party company to take over $5.3 million from the Israelite Church of God in Jesus Christ organization. The Israelite School of Universal Practical Knowledge is a splinter group that amended the original name to the Israelite School in 2006, while the Israelite Church of God in Jesus Christ (ICGJC) is the original group’s modern entity. BHI teachings become explicitly hateful when coupled with racial superiority and accusations against white individuals and specific hatred towards the Jewish community. Individualized hate can also be seen in user comments on camp posts. NEW YORK (JTA) — Police have identified one of the dead suspects in a shootout at a kosher market in Jersey City as David Anderson, who reportedly was once a member of the Black Hebrew Israelites. Contact Us: www.adl.org/contact Branded as One West or 1West because of its address in Harlem, the group became a dominant racist and extremist BHI voice. (212) 885-7700 Dating back to the days of One West in Harlem, “street teachings” have become a daily performance for BHI groups. I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan” and includes the following text and images, including a Chasidic child stamped with the word “Imposters.”. BALTIMORE — Despite the hellish heat on this spring Saturday morning in gritty West Baltimore, the five Hebrew Israelite priests loitering near a West Franklin Street storefront are draped in heavy robes, and their heads are wrapped in matching white, red and … Family members appear, speaking about Morgan’s distancing from her loved ones and total acceptance of IUIC’s teachings. The Black Hebrew Israelite movement is divided into organizations or sects that operate semi-independently across the United States. Note: For additional information and historical background on the extremist sects of the Black Hebrew Israelite movement, please see our backgrounder. New York, NY 10158-3650 Extremist sects heavily rely on social media to spread information and coordinate activity. Because of this, one organization can own dozens of accounts and target or cater to different people across the world. Extremist sects represent a vocal subsection of the larger BHI movement. Tax ID/EIN: 13-1818723 Another sect of Black Hebrew Israelites is Israel United In Christ, a New York-based group with a national and international presence as well, including in Newark, NJ. Its headquarters are in New York City, and in 2008 had churches in cities in 10 US states. At trial, members of the organization testified that ben Yahweh preached racial hatred and violence, beliefs that current members claim to have abandoned. Revelation 1:15 of the King James Bible: Revelation 1:15 And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters. Please accept our heartfelt condolences; words cannot express the sadness we are all feeling right now. ), and advertise events and content, YouTube – Used to share sermons, street teachings and other visual/audio content. Israel United in Christ has 71 United States locations and is increasing their international presence through 20 foreign locations. They are the real Hebrew Israelites (Jews).”, “The Jew-ish people are imposters (The suffix “ish” = 1. However, isolated cases exist and offer insight into how teachings can motivate real-life activity. Originally a California-based group, the organization has established camps in 10 US cities. Black Hebrew Israelites believe they are members of the Twelve Tribes based on biblical interpretation that teaches that their population will be spread across the globe, which they tie to the trans-Atlantic slave trade. Black Hebrew Israelites believe that they are the true Israelites and that the Twelve Tribes of Israel are people of color. The Black Hebrew Israelites prove to be a controversial group. The extremist faction of the BHI movement includes distinct groups operating nationally and internationally. A look at the history of the Israelite School of Universal Practical Knowledge, an extremist group of Hebrew Isrealites that's long had a … House of Israel members are most known for an incident in which they antagonized visiting high school students, in Washington to attend an anti-abortion march, at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC in January 2019. Smaller factions may co-host street teachings or conferences with other factions in efforts to appear larger. Grant was additionally charged with five counts of personal tax evasion. These activities are livestreamed over social media or posted on a later date to their many accounts. In their own words: “An Organized Nation uniting our people destroyed from colonialism and slavery.” “Negroes, Hispanics and Native Americans, You ARE the Children of ISRAEL. In their own words: “We are a spiritual community organization that is dedicated to the uplifting of disenfranchised, so-called Blacks, Hispanics, Latinos & Native Americans. Gerald Duane Lewis, aka Gaddiell Ben Israel, shot and robbed Crystal Raquel Cash, a transwoman, in Evansville, Indiana in 2016. Most notably, the original school was renamed the Israelite Church of God and Jesus Christ (ICGJC). This makes black nationalism categorically different than white nationalism, in that black extremism is a reaction to real and brutal oppression. Nation of Yahweh member Maurice Woodside, aka Michael Symonette or “Michael the Black Man,” was involved in the murder trials and is currently active in Miami, Florida, as a pro-Trump activist with “Blacks for Trump.”, Woodside and Blacks for Trump promoted Donald Trump for re-election during the 2020 election cycle and Woodside posted a video to social media calling President Trump “the greatest president we’ve ever had” and declaring that “Yahweh is getting ready to kill everybody, especially if we don’t win this election, he’s going to kill everybody…” The video was posted with a caption that included the text: “be not afraid of them for the Lord YAHWEH & the Black Hebrews are with u to overthrow these Ishmael & Canaanite Heathen Cannibal Democrats.”. According to the ADL, extremist sects within the Black Hebrew Israelite movement present slavery, racism, incarceration and other social ills as divine punishments for disobedience that can only be cured through BHI ideology. It was later revealed that members of HOI were taunting the students and Native Americans with racial slurs and chants. Our goal is to spread this marvelous Truth throughout the Earth. In the 1960’s, Ben Carter aka Ben Ammi Ben Israel established a congregation in Chicago, Illinois, under the name African Hebrew Israelites. Following Morgan’s disappearance, IUIC added an automated pop-up to their site expressing their condolences while distancing the organization from the incident. For example, the. Black Hebrew Israelite ideology is rooted in fringe interpretations of the enslavement and mistreatment of Black individuals throughout history, including the belief that God punished disobedient Israelites by spreading their nation and their descendants across the world (via the slave trade). The black supremacist wing of the Hebrew Israelite movement is spreading and its leaders are growing increasingly militant. Marriage between group members is encouraged and celebrated. At the same time, however, “there are racist and hateful Black Israelite groups,” Mr. Greenfield added. Organizational level social media activities vary across groups. I Individual groups favor different variations, but all refer to God and Jesus as Yahawashi, Yahawah, YHWH, or Yahweh and reject spellings or pronunciations of mainstream Judaism. The most active extremist sects have hardened their messages after decades of operation. The transnational spread of antisemitism, racism, and extremist hate has allowed current extremist Black Hebrew Israelite preachers to plant seeds of hate globally, advancing the movement well beyond what their predecessors achieved through activities in local physical spaces. There are reports that the alleged perpetrators may have been members of the Black Hebrew Israelite movement. Following the shooting, the building superintendent of the Israelite Church of God and Jesus Christ (ICJGC) Harlem location identified Anderson and Graham as church attendants from four years prior.
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