Amihai Ayalon Alcune fonti affermano però che 2 palestinesi furono comunque arrestati. [18][19], A total of 38 civilians were killed in the attack, 13 of them children, and 71 were wounded. "[75], In 2011, a summer camp "which took place under the auspices of Prime Minister Salam Fayyad" divided the children into three groups named after militants, and one group was named for Mughrabi. Massaker an der Küstenstraße - Coastal Road massacre Aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie Die Küstenstraße Massaker von 1978 war ein Angriff der Entführung eines Busses auf denen Israel ‚s Coastal Highway, in dem 38 Israelis, darunter 13 Kinder, wurden getötet und 71 verwundet wurden. Her name has also been given to summer camps and both police and military courses. Read the latest updates on coastal road massacre including articles, videos, opinions and more. Masacre de la carretera costera - Coastal Road massacre. Hefetz sustained a shoulder injury during the battle, and was later awarded the Israeli Police Medal of Courage. Although the militants fired at the pursuing police cars, policemen did not return fire, fearing they would hit the civilians inside the bus. The Coastal Road Massacre" Richard Ernest Dupuy, Trevor Nevitt Dupuy (chamel). [5], La rivista americana Time rivelò che l'intento degli aggressori era quello di "uccidere quanti più israeliani possibile". They were equipped with a stash of Kalashnikov rifles, rocket propelled grenades, light mortars and high explosives. Coastal Road bus attack, 1978.jpg. [72], During the 2008 Israel-Hezbollah prisoner swap, Israel intended to transfer her body to Hezbollah, however DNA testing showed that it was not among the exhumed corpses. Thirty-eight people – including thirteen children – were murdered and seventy-one wounded in that Fatah perpetrated attack, making it the single most deadly terrorist attack carried out in Israel. The Coastal Road massacre of 1978 was an attack involving the hijacking of a bus on Israel's Coastal Highway in which 38 Israeli civilians, including 13 children, were killed, and 71 were wounded. The attack was planned by Abu Jihad and carried out by the PLO faction Fatah. I guerriglieri presero a sparare sui passeggeri che tentavano di fuggire. Initially botched by the terrorists themselves, the Coastal Road Massacre failed to stop peace with Egypt but led to an invasion of southern Lebanon. Menachem Begin "[63], Speaking to the Knesset on March 13, Begin said, "Gone forever are the days when Jewish blood could be shed with impunity. [76], ‡ indicates the terrorist attack which caused the greatest amount of Israeli casualties during the 1970s. Vi fu un'esplosione, causata dalla deflagrazione di un serbatoio di carburante e da una granata presente sull'autobus in fiamme. Amin al-Husseini The words of the clip included: "We [PLO squad] set out on patrol from Lebanon; with no fear of death or the darkness of prison. Abba Eban [10][11] The militants landed on a beach near the kibbutz Ma'agan Michael, north of Tel Aviv. Coastal Road massacre ... Media in category "Coastal Road bus attack, 1978" The following 2 files are in this category, out of 2 total. "[6] Fatah called the hijacking "Operation of the Martyr Kamal Adwan",[7] after the PLO chief of operations killed in the Israeli commando raid on Beirut in April 1973. Coastal Road Terrorist Refuses to Apologize, Says Peace 'Important' Khaled Abu Asba is one of only two perpetrators still alive of the 1978 Coastal Road Massacre. Moshe Ya'alon Then we saw someone lying on the road. Dalāl fece esplodere l'autobus uccidendo tutti gli ostaggi. Golda Meir In a statement to the press the following day, Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin stated, "They came here to kill Jews. The Palestinians claimed that the Israelis destroyed the bus with fire from helicopter gunships. Journalist Gail Rubin",,, Interview with Assaf Hefetz. Mentre guidava, Dalāl al-Maghribī e la sua unità aprirono il fuoco e lanciarono granate sulle autovetture in transito, e spararono ai passeggeri, gettando almeno uno di loro fuori dalla corriera. Articles with Hebrew-language external links, Articles incorporating text from Wikipedia, Massacres in Israel during the Israeli–Palestinian conflict, Terrorist attacks attributed to Palestinian militant groups, Operations involving Israeli special forces, Attacks on buses by Palestinian militant groups, Israeli commando raid on Beirut in April 1973, 2011 southern Israel cross-border attacks,,,9171,916011,00.html?promoid=googlep,, "This Week in History: Israel’s deadliest terror attack",,, "IMRA - Monday, August 4, 2008 MEMRITV: Fatah Terrorists Who Participated in a 1978 Attack Commanded by Dalal Al-Maghrabi Describe the Murder of U.S. You may redistribute it, verbatim or modified, providing that you comply with the terms of the CC-BY-SA. The next day all the schools and the main coastal road were closed and there was a night time curfew in certain areas while the army double checked that no-one had got away. Ricerche approfondite furono avviate nell'area di Gush Dan per scovare altri possibili guerriglieri, ma senza che vi fosse alcun ritrovamento. Yuval Diskin During the ride, the militants shot and threw grenades at passing cars, shot at the passengers and threw at least one body out of the bus. The PLO claimed responsibility for the attack, which was perpetrated by eleven Palestinians, including Dalal Mughrabi. Ahmed Jibril The attack was planned by Abu Jihad and carried out by the PLO faction Fatah. We shall sever the arm of iniquity. [20] Of the 11 perpetrators, 9 were also killed. [59] Anwar Sadat's main concern was the territory of Sinai to be returned to Egypt from Israel. ". Critiche furono espresse anche per il fatto che non si fosse bloccato immediatamente il traffico autostradale non appena giunta notizia del sequestro del primo autoveicolo. The coastal road massacre in 1978 was an attack involving the seizure of a bus on the Coastal highway of Israel, which killed 38 Israeli civilians, including 13 children, and 71 were injured. Although Operation Litani failed to curb Palestinian terrorism completely, it did give Israel possession of territory adjacent to the The plan was to seize a luxury hotel in Tel Aviv and take tourists and foreign ambassadors hostage in order to exchange them for Palestinian prisoners held by Israel. Yitzhak Mordechai La strage Coastal Road del 1978 è stato un attacco che coinvolge il dirottamento di un autobus su Israele 's Coastal Highway in cui 38 israeliani, tra cui 13 bambini, sono stati uccisi e 71 sono stati feriti. The Coastal Road Massacre of 1978 was a Palestinian terrorist attack involving the hijacking of a bus on Israel 's Coastal Highway in which 38 Israeli civilians were killed, 13 of them children, and 71 were wounded. 12, 2002), Itamar Marcus, Organizzazione per la Liberazione della Palestina,, 1948-1967 - Lista degli attacchi terr. Benjamin Netanyahu [10] Escaping passengers were shot at by one of the terrorists. [8][9] In response, the Israeli military forces launched Operation Litani against PLO bases in Lebanon three days later. [69][70] A Hebron girls' school was briefly named in honor of Mughrabi but the name was changed after it emerged that USAID was funding the school. [14], Yigal Allon Wadie Haddad Abu Nidal [74], Palestinian Media Watch reported that, in January 2012, official Palestinian Authority television, which is under the control of PA chairman Mahmoud Abbas, rebroadcast a music video glorifying the attack. Special report # 39: Palestinian Culture and Society (Study No. Salah Khalaf Dan Halutz [66][67], Palestinian Media Watch,[68] an Israeli NGO that monitors antisemitism and support for terrorism in Palestinian society, has cited examples of Palestinian media that regard Dalal Mughrabi as a heroine and role model. Mahmūd Abbās Atak został zaplanowany przez Abu Jihad i przeprowadzony przez frakcję OWP Fatah . [12], L'azione riscosse consenso all'interno della popolazione palestinese e venne definita un atto di legittima resistenza ad una "occupazione" israeliana. "[56] Both the Egyptians and the Israelis were opposed to the possibility of a political settlement uniting of the Arabs with the Palestinians and the two super powers against Israel. L'unico guerrigliero sopravvissuto fu, Dalāl Saʿīd al-Magribī (soprannome: Jihād), nata a Beirut nel, Maḥmūd ʿAlī Abū Munīf (Abū Hazzāh) nato a, Khālid Muḥammad Ibrāhīm (Abū Ṣalāḥ), nato in, Muḥammad Ḥusayn al-Shammārī (Abū Ḥasan) nato a, Khālid ʿAbd al-Fattāḥ Yūsuf (ʿAbd al-Salām), nato a, Yaḥyā Muḥammad Saqqāf (Abū Jalāl), nato a, ʿAbd al-Raʾūf ʿAbd al-Salām ʿAlī (Abū Aḥmad) nato a, Muḥammad al-Maḥmūd ʿAbd al-Raḥīm Musama, un. Then we heard the gunshots. The attack site. Khaled Mesh'al The attack was planned by Abu Jihad and carried out by the PLO faction Fatah. [5][6] However, due to a navigation error, the attackers ended up 40 miles (64 km) north of their target, and were forced to find alternative transportation to their destination.[5]. Fathi Shaqaqi Il gruppo sparò su tutte le macchine che passavano vicino all'autobus. "[58] The bullet passed though the front seat and hit his head, killing him instantly. Dopo quest'episodio, Israele decise di attuare l'operazione Litani, cioè l'invasione e l'occupazione del Libano, al fine di creare una "fascia di sicurezza" che separasse Israele dalle basi dell'OLP situate in Libano. Yitzhak Shamir [5] Successivamente requisirono un altro autobus e obbligarono i passeggeri del primo veicolo a passare nel secondo. [10] Trentacinque civili (38 secondo altre fonti) furono uccisi nell'attacco, tredici dei quali erano bambini, e settantuno civili furono feriti. [5] The battle reached its climax when the bus exploded and burst into flames. Breaking news about coastal road massacre from The Jerusalem Post. L'attacco era stato progettato da Abu Jihad e affidato al gruppo palestinese di al-Fatḥ dell'OLP. Ehud Olmert On March 9, 1978, 13 Palestinian militants from Fatah including Dalal Mughrabi left Lebanon on a boat headed for the Israeli coastline. "1978, March 11. Zvi Zamir, Abu Abbas Omri was asleep in the back seat. Yasser Arafat Il ruolo svolto dalle forze di sicurezza israeliane coinvolte nell'incidente, incluso lo scontro a fuoco conclusivo al posto di blocco che riuscì ad arrestare la corsa della corriera,[5][9] sollevò parecchie perplessità e critiche in Israele. [5] L'autobus fu infine fermato da un posto di blocco della polizia nei pressi di Herzliya; gli israeliani non ebbero il tempo di chiamare per l'intervento le truppe speciali anti-terrorismo. Ramadan Shallah Levi Eshkol [1][2] L'attacco era stato progettato da Abu Jihad[3] e affidato al gruppo palestinese di al-Fatḥ dell'OLP. Ehud Barak [73], Several locations under Palestinian Authority control have been named after Mughrabi. "L'operazione Litani fu lanciata come rappresaglia per quella violenta azione di guerriglia". The Coastal road Massacre Info Documents Photos Videos On ... 1978, a group of eleven PLO-Fatah terrorists landed from rubber boats at the Maagan Michael beach on Israel's Coastal Road. Memorial for the massacre victims. L'azione si concluse con un violento scontro a fuoco in cui 35 o 38 civili israeliani (tra cui 13 bambini) rimasero uccisi e 71 feriti. La mattina dell'11 marzo, Dalāl insieme alla sua squadra si imbarcò su due gommoni per arrivare in una zona disabitata della costa israeliana. [5] La rivista Time espresse l'opinione che "il comandante della polizia del posto di blocco impartì l'ordine generalizzato ai suoi poliziotti in preda al terrore di aprire il fuoco a volontà sui guerriglieri e la loro sparatoria all'impazzata, quando il bus fu finalmente bloccato, provocò probabilmente più morti tra gli ostaggi di quanti non ne avesse fatti lo stesso commando del Fath. Shaul Mofaz Ali Hasan Salama Uccisero Gail Ruban (alcune fonti riportano il cognome Rubin[9]), una fotografa statunitense che stava scattando fotografie naturalistiche nei pressi, e riuscirono a dirottare una corriera piena di autisti della compagnia Egged Bus Cooperative e delle loro famiglie in gita che percorreva la strada costiera 2. In October 1976, Egypt, the PLO, and Syria were back in contact with each other, though temporarily, under Saudi auspices, at the Riyadh conference that year. Coastal Road massacre. [1][2] The attack was planned by Abu Jihad[3] and carried out by the PLO faction Fatah. Non c'è alcuna certezza circa la sorte di tutti gli aggressori palestinesi (e loro affiliati). Cars 95% Off! The Palestinian Authority has again praised the perpetrator of the worst terrorist attack in Israeli history, the Coastal Road Massacre. Shimon Peres Marcus, Itamar; Zilberdik, Nan Jacques (February 13, 2011). [15] Police quickly set up a roadblock, but the militants plowed the bus through it and continued their journey. "No less than Israelis, therefore, Sadat opposed the join US–USSR statement of October 1977. contro Israele, 1970 - massacro dello scuolabus di Avivim, - 1972 - Raid aerei israeliano in Siria e Libano, - 1973 - operazione Primavera di Gioventù, 1975 - inizio della guerra civile libanese, 1978 - 1ª invasione israeliana del Libano, 1982 - 2ª invasione israeliana del Libano, 1985 - attentato contro la British Airways in via Bissolati, 1985 - attacco di Larnaca e sequestro della, 1993-1999 - attentati suicidi palestinesi, 1997 - attentato al mercato di Mahane Yehuda, - 2002 - attentato al mercato di Mahane Yehuda, 2006 - operazione Bringing Home the Goods, 2006 - 3ª invasione israeliana del Libano, - 2006 - esplosione alla spiaggia di Gaza, Voci principali sul conflitto arabo-israeliano, Crisi degli ostaggi dell'ambasciata israeliana a Bangkok, Massacro sul bus 405 Tel Aviv-Gerusalemme, Attentato all'ambasciata israeliana a Londra (1994), Attentato del supermercato di Tel Aviv del 2002, Attentato al ristorante di Herzliya (2002), Attentato dell'aeroporto di Los Angeles del 2002, Attentato all'Università Ebraica di Gerusalemme, Massacro della stazione centrale di Tel Aviv, Attentato al bus dell'interscambio di Geha, Attacchi suicidi del 2004 al porto di Ashdod, Attentato del ristorante di Tel Aviv del 2006, Sparatoria in Cisgiordania dell'agosto 2010, Attacchi al confine meridionale di Israele del 2011-12, Omicidio di adolescenti israeliani del 2014, Attentati con speronamenti di Gerusalemme del 2014, Attentato alla sinagoga di Gerusalemme del 2014, Accoltellamento della sinagoga di Tel Aviv del 2015, Sparatoria del parco industriale di Barkan,, Voci con modulo citazione e parametro pagine, licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione-Condividi allo stesso modo. [5] Both surviving attackers claimed that Mughrabi shot Rubin. Next week will mark forty years since the Coastal Road Massacre took place on March 11 th 1978. Maariv. [11][21], Memorial near Glilot Interchange on the coastal Highway. "[57] The US–USSR joint statement state the settlement of the Arab-Israeli conflict would be based on: "an Israeli withdrawal from 'occupied territories' in 1967; the resolution of the Palestinian question, including insuring the 'legitimate rights' of the Palestinian people; the termination of the state of war; and the establishment of normal peaceful relations on the basis of mutual recognition of sovereignty, territorial integrity, and political independence. La strada era usata prevalentemente da veicoli militari per il trasporto dei soldati tra le colonie periferiche e la capitale. [15] Two of the perpetrators, Khaled Abu Asba and Hussein Fayyad, survived and were arrested. [13] Una scuola femminile di Hebron s'è per breve tempo intitolata "Dalāl al-Maghribī" ma il nome fu poi cambiato dopo che era emerso il fatto che a fondare la scuola era stato l'USAID. On March 11, they transferred to two Zodiac boats and headed towards the shore. Le massacre de la route côtière est un massacre planifié par Abou Jihad et perpétré, le 11 mars 1978, par treize terroristes pro-palestiniens composant un commando-suicide de fedayin du groupe Fatah de l'OLP, sur la route côtière reliant Haïfa à Tel Aviv en Israël, durant lequel 38 civils dont 13 enfants sont tués et 71 personnes sont blessées, principalement dans un bus. Yitzhak Rabin [6][10] Due to the speed at which the attack was transpiring, Israeli counter-terrorism squads had been unable to mobilize quickly enough, and the roadblock was manned by ordinary patrolmen and traffic policemen, who were lightly armed in comparison to the militants and untrained in dealing with hostage situations. L'esecuzione dell'azione mirava a mettere in crisi i colloqui di pace avviati dal primo ministro israeliano Menachem Begin e il presidente egiziano Anwar al-Sadat. We shall defend our citizens, our women, our children. The Coastal Road massacre of 1978 was an attack involving the hijacking of a bus on Israel's Coastal Highway in which 38 Israeli civilians, including 13 children, were killed, and 71 were wounded. "[64], On March 15, three days after the massacre, Israel launched Operation Litani against PLO bases in southern Lebanon. L'azione si concluse con un violento scontro a fuoco in cui 35 o 38 civili israeliani rimasero uccisi e 71 feriti. Greenaway, HDS, "Arab Terrorist Raid in Israel Kills 30", Kim Willenson, Milan J. Kubic and William E. Schmidt, "Slaughter in Israel," Newsweek, March 20, 1978, Black, Ian; McLeod, Hugh (11 March 2010). known as the Coastal Road massacre. [11] Moshe Brilliant, "Israeli officials Say Gunmen Intended to Seize Hotel,". [71] In February 2011 Palestinian Media Watch exposed a pan-Arab feminist media campaign promoting Mughrabi as a role model for women in the Arab world. Ephraim Halevy De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre . JERUSALEM – Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah party this week marked the 40th anniver… Richard Ernest Dupuy e Trevor Nevitt Dupuy. The Coastal Road massacre occurred on 11 March 1978 when 11 PLO guerrillas killed 38 Israeli civilians and injured 71 more in the worst terrorist attack in Israeli history. Abu Jihad Ahmed Yassin, La Croce Rossa afferma che è stato detenuto nelle prigioni militari. The attack was planned by Abu Jihad and carried out by the PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization) faction Fatah, a group of eleven Palestinian terrorists. One motive for the attack from the PLO was to derail Egypt-Israel peace talks. Time magazine magazine characterized it as "the worst terrorist attack in Israel's history. The plan was to seize a luxury hotel in Tel Aviv and take tourists and foreign … Haim Bar-Lev Fārūq Qaddūmī הפיגוע בכביש החוף 1978.jpg 560 × 404; 37 KB. Location: Coastal Highway near Tel Aviv: Yaakov Peri Yahya Ayyash March 11, 1978. David Ben Gurion Moussa Arafat The Coastal Road massacre of 1978 was an attack involving the hijacking of a bus on Israel's Coastal Highway in which 38 Israeli civilians, including 13 children, were killed, and … Scoppiò un combattimento tra i guerriglieri palestinesi e le forze israeliane. 10.30.1984, Assaf Hefetz: Israeli Pplice Medal of Courage, Israel-Hizbullah prisoner exchange: profiles, "Terrorist who killed 38 Israelis appointed PA adviser",,,, The Telegraph-Herald – Google News Archive Search, Reading Eagle – Google News Archive Search, The Pittsburgh Press – Google News Archive Search, "Statement to the press by Prime Minister Begin on the massacre of Israelis on the Haifa – Tel Aviv Road",, "Statement to the Knesset by Prime Minister Begin on the terrorist raid and the Knesset resolution",, "Israel Defense Forces statement on the operation in Lebanon",,,, ""Case study: Dalal Mughrabi from terrorist to hero", Palestinian Media Watch web site, accessed 2/21/2012",, "UN asks PMW to publicize that UN was not behind Arab media campaign presenting terrorist as role model",, 32 Years Since Coast Road Attack – Defense/Middle East – News – Israel National News, Incitement is not one-sided – JPost – Opinion – Op-Eds,, "PA summer camp names children's group after Dalal Mughrabi - Palestinian Daily News",, 30 Die in Rampage by Terrorists in Israel, 30 die after terrorists attack 2 buses in Israel, Assassination of the Israeli attache in Washington, Full list of Lebanese rocket attacks on Israel,, The PLO official stated that "the operation stems from the firm belief of Fatah in the necessity of carrying on the armed struggle against the Zionist enemy within the occupied land. The Coastal Road massacre of 1978 was an attack involving the hijacking of a bus on Israel's Coastal Highway in which 38 Israeli civilians, including 13 children, were killed, and 71 were wounded. Moshe Dayan Ariel Sharon Secondo essa i fatti avrebbero avuto lo sviluppo sottoelencato. Izz al-Din al-Qassam Il nome della guerrigliera fu anche dato a un campo estivo e a corsi per poliziotti e militari. [6] Setting off down the highway toward Tel Aviv, they hijacked a chartered bus carrying Egged bus drivers and their families on a day outing, along the Coastal Highway. Ancor più, la sparatoria potrebbe aver indotto i membri del commando a suicidarsi e a provocare al contempo la morte assieme a loro del maggior numero di passeggeri-ostaggi possibile.[9]. Special report # 39: Palestinian Culture and Society (Study #6 -Mar. Masakra nadmorskiej drodze z 1978 roku był atak z udziałem porwanie autobusu na Izrael „s Coastal Highway , w którym 38 Izraelczyków, w tym 13 dzieci, zginęło, a 71 zostało rannych. At one point they commandeered Bus 901, traveling from Tel Aviv to Haifa, and forced the passengers from the first bus to board it. Dopo due ore dallo sbarco sulla spiaggia, a causa del gran numero di vittime e dell'avvicinamento del gruppo alla capitale, il governo israeliano comandò a un gruppo speciale della, L'unità guidata da Barak, dotata di carri armati ed elicotteri, riuscì a fermare l'autobus vicino alla colonia di. Coastal Road massacre; Part of Palestinian insurgency in South Lebanon: Remains of hijacked bus. Let it be known: Those who shed innocent blood shall not go unpunished. The attack was planned by Abu Jihad and carried out by the PLO faction Fatah. From Infogalactic: the planetary knowledge core (Redirected from Coastal Road Massacre) Jump to: navigation, search. Both men spent seven years in prison, and were released in a 1985 prisoner exchange. "[13][14], Israeli police were alerted to the attack, and police cars caught up to the bus and began trailing it. Moshe Arens The IDF spokesman stated, "The objective of the operation is not retaliation for the terrorists' crimes, for there can be no retaliation for the murder of innocent men, women and children – but to protect the state of Israel and its citizens from incursions of members of the Fatah and PLO, who use Lebanese territory in order to attack citizens of Israel. Jibril Rajoub Lo sbarco avvenne con successo. We saw something odd ahead – a bus, but it seemed to be stopped. [4] According to a Fatah commander who had helped to plan the attack, the timing was aimed at scuttling the Israeli-Egyptian peace talks between Menachem Begin and Anwar Sadat and damaging tourism in Israel. Israele dichiarò che gli incursori intendevano dirottare la corriera verso Tel Aviv, impadronirsi di un albergo di lusso e prendere in ostaggio turisti e ambasciatori di Stati stranieri per scambiarli con prigionieri palestinesi detenuti da Israele. Isma'il Haniyeh Amnon Lipkin-Shahak One of the Zodiacs capsized in the rough weather, and two of the militants drowned, but the surviving 11 carried on with their mission. [5] L'organizzazione al-Fatḥ chiamò l'azione "Operazione martire Kamāl ʿAdwān"[6], dal nome del responsabile delle operazioni militari dell'OLP ucciso in un raid israeliano del 1973.[7][8]. Gregory S. Mahler, Greenaway, HDS, "Arab Terrorist Raid in Israel Kills 30", su, Kim Willenson, Milan J. Kubic e William E. Schmidt, "Slaughter in Israel", su, Syria's Terrorist War on Lebanon and the Peace Process. Sheikh Khalil "[65], According to Augustus Richard Norton, professor of international relations at Boston University, the IDF military operation killed approximately 1,100 people, most of them Palestinian and Lebanese civilians. This page is based on the copyrighted Wikipedia article "Coastal_Road_massacre" ; it is used under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. [6], At one point, the bus stopped, and one of the militants got out and fired directly into a passing car, killing a teenager, Omri Tel-Oren, and injuring his father Hanoch. Ghazi Jabali Thursday, March 11 marks 32 years since the Coastal Road Attack, the single most deadly terrorist attack carried out in Israel. Mohammed Deif Mohammed Dahlan
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