City. Read More. It is the first year of the nine-year continuous basic education and begins when children have already reached the age of five. The ECCEA formerly known as Pre School Trust Fund (set up in 1984) came into operation in June 2008. a comprehension passage in English/French) and the experiences of the learners, therebyenabling the latter to understand and reflect on a number of issues. It seeks to helplearners achieve proficiency in these and readiness for further learning.- The importance of Languages LearningIdentity CommunicationConstruction IMPORTANCE OF LANGUAGESDevelopment of Functional Creativity PurposesFigure 7: Importance of Languages 23, National Curriculum Framework Grades 1 to 6 - Learning Language is a central tool for cognitive development and for engaging in formal learning. The L1 may be French, Mauritian Kreol, Bhojpuri or some other language. A Quality Education for all and a Human Resource Development base to transform Mauritius into an intelligent nation state in the vanguard of global progress and innovation. In 2014,there were 320 schools providing primary education to a school population that stood at105,300. textes narratifs, textes descriptifs, lettres, poèmes) • É crire pour plusieurs raisons (informer, expliquer, inviter) • P roduire des textes seul et en groupe • U tiliser l’ordinateur dans la rédaction de textes 41, National Curriculum Framework Grades 1 to 6 ASIAN LANGUAGES AND ARABIC Shaped by the diverse languages and cultures brought by immigrants of African, Asian and European origin, the Republic of Mauritius stands out as a multilingual and multicultural society. Teachers; Pupils; Grade 5. values, intercultural and citizenship education) to equip learners to adapt to a fast-changing society. The aims of the English Language Curriculum are to ensure that learners: • Develop proficiency in both oral and written English • Use English confidently for a range of purposes (learning, communication, leisure, functional) • Use English appropriately with respect to audience, context and purpose • Develop an appreciation of the importance of English as a vehicle for values, knowledge and culture - Expected Learning Outcomes for English By the end of Grade 6, learners will be able to: • Listen to familiar oral texts/messages with understanding • Express their ideas on familiar topics and topics of interest, both orally and in writing • V ary intonation patterns, pitch and tone, and pronounce correctly while speaking and reading aloud • Read fluently and derive meaning from age-appropriate texts • Access information from common forms of media • Produce different types of texts using appropriate conventions26, - Specific Learning Outcomes for English At the end of Grade 1, pupils should be able to: LISTENING • Recognise the English language • Identify familiar sounds from the environment • Demonstrate understanding of simple instructions and directions • Demonstrate understanding of simple questions • Show appreciation of short aural texts • Identify rhyming words in short aural texts SPEAKING • Demonstrate willingness to join in oral activities • Introduce oneself • Begin to pronounce words accurately with support • Use common greetings and polite forms • Begin to name items related to everyday life • Begin to name actions and feelings • Name the days of the week • Begin to use pronouns • Begin to use common question words • Begin to respond to simple ‘yes/no’ questions • Begin to state position using basic prepositions • Begin to vary intonation according to purpose READING • Demonstrate understanding that print contains a message • Show interest in reading activities • Recognise and name alphabets • Differentiate between capital and small letters • Demonstrate awareness of basic conventions of text • Provide personal response to a story • Demonstrate phonemic awareness WRITING • Hold the pencil properly • Adopt the correct sitting posture • Write the letters of the alphabet • Begin to recognize word and sentence boundaries • Copy simple words and sentences with support • Complete simple words and sentences with support • Begin to use basic punctuation marks • Type letters of the alphabet on a computer 27, National Curriculum Framework Grades 1 to 6 At the end of Grade 2, pupils should be able to: LISTENING • Enjoy listening to short and simple aural texts • U nderstand short and simple aural texts, dealing with topics of interest, with visual support • Identify the topic of the text and salient details • Understand basic vocabulary related to familiar situations • Follow simple instructions/directions • Understand basic notions of time • Demonstrate understanding of simple questions SPEAKING • Demonstrate willingness to participate in oral activities • Recite nursery rhymes/sing songs with enjoyment • State basic information about oneself • Name people, places and objects related to everyday life • Demonstrate ability to utter simple sentences • Use common adjectives • Use some common prepositions • Recount key information from simple texts • Situate actions in time • Participate in short-structured exchange READING • Read short and simple texts for pleasure and learning • Grasp main ideas in a text • Demonstrate the awareness that different texts have different lay-outs • Make sound-letter association with some ease • Blend CVC words • Infer information and make predictions based on visual and textual cues • Guess meaning of words with visual support • Begin to read high frequency words WRITING • Use a writing frame to complete a simple text • Use full stops and question marks appropriately • Use verbs in the present continuous tense and simple future tense • Use ‘and’ to link nouns • Begin to spell high-frequency words correctly • Use simple vocabulary related to familiar situations • Type simple words on a computer28, At the end of Grade 3, pupils should be able to: LISTENING • D emonstrate enjoyment and appreciation when listening to simple aural texts • D emonstrate ability to pay sustained attention while listening • Identify common aural texts • F ollow and understand a range of simple aural texts • B egin to make predictions when listening to narrative texts • Infer feelings of speaker from variations in tone SPEAKING • Demonstrate willingness to participate in classroom activities • C ommunicate using simple sentences • B egin to use a wider range of vocabulary related to everyday life • B egin to narrate events/incidents from everyday life in a relatively coherent manner • A sk and answer simple open-ended questions • A ttempt to support opinions by giving simple reasons or examples • S how awareness of the need to change tone according to feelings/situations READING • R ead aloud short and simple texts with some fluency • R ead a variety of short and simple texts with understanding and appreciation • R ead wider range of high frequency words • Increasingly decode words using phonemic awareness • Identify key ideas and some details in the text • Infer simple information from the text • P redict and re-adjust predictions in relation to new information • W illingly provide personal response to a variety of simple texts • D isplay some independence in choosing reading material • U nderstand simple written instructions and directions in classroom WRITING • S how willingness to engage in individual or shared writing activities • B egin to produce simple texts with the help of a writing frame • U se appropriate vocabulary for the situation and topic • U se simple cohesive devices to structure writing • W rite common words and simple short sentences from dictation • U se simple past tense and past continuous tense • T ype simple words on a computer 29, National Curriculum Framework Grades 1 to 6 At the end of Grade 4, pupils should be able to: LISTENING • L isten to a wider range of short aural texts with understanding and appreciation • D emonstrate increasing confidence in deriving meaning from simple aural texts • L isten to different types of texts for main ideas and some information • D emonstrate understanding and respond appropriately to simple messages • D erive mood/feelings/emotions of speakers through tone • P rovide personal response to texts with some confidence • D evelop an understanding that personal responses from peers may vary SPEAKING • D isplay increasing willingness to speak • P articipate willingly in a variety of oral activities • E xpress themselves on topics which are familiar or of interest • E ngage in short exchanges with some clarity • A ttempt to vary intonation according to situation • U se an increasing range of familiar vocabulary • U se grammatically correct sentences READING • E ngage increasingly in sustained silent reading, for pleasure and learning • R ead aloud and silently with increasing confidence and fluency • D ecode words through phonemic awareness with ease • G rasp main ideas and specific information in text • Identify lay-out of different texts • Infer information and make predictions based on textual cues • B egin to apply word attack skills to derive meaning from a text • D raw on simple illustrations, diagrams and tables to help make meaning WRITING • Produce simple short texts, with/without a writing frame • U se more extensive vocabulary • U se common punctuation marks appropriately • U se appropriate verb tenses to situate action in time • U se common conjunctions to link ideas or sentences • S pell high-frequency words correctly • S tart to self-correct lexical and grammatical errors in writing • T ype simple sentences on a computer30, At the end of Grade 5, pupils should be able to: LISTENING • S how appreciation for a wider range of aural texts • U nderstand and respond to aural input/texts with increasing confidence and appreciation • F ollow discussion on topics being taught • B egin to recognise variations in register • B egin to infer meaning from the texts • L isten to and respect divergent views on topic SPEAKING • C ommunicate with growing confidence and clarity on familiar topics • U se different forms of sentences • U se a wider range of vocabulary correctly • R elate events/incidents from everyday life in a coherent manner • W illingly participate in a variety of oral activities in class • S elf-correct and attempt to rephrase utterances • A sk and answer open-ended questions • S upport opinions by giving simple reasons or examples • S how awareness of the need to change register and tone according to the situation READING • S how interest in reading a variety of genres and media • E ngage in silent reading spontaneously, more frequently and for longer periods • U nderstand texts without illustrations • D erive meaning from different types of texts • F urther apply word attack skills to derive meaning from a text • U nderstand complex sentences • R ead on despite the presence of unfamiliar words • F ollow development of ideas in texts • D erive meaning from grammatical items • V ary tone, intonation and pace when reading aloud WRITING • S how increasing interest in writing • B egin to produce extended texts with/without the help of a writing frame • E ngage in individual or shared writing activities • P roduce different texts using appropriate format • S tart to follow stages of process writing • U se simple cohesive devices to structure writing • U se a range of vocabulary appropriate to the situation and topic • B egin to use the computer to type short texts, spell check and edit work 31, National Curriculum Framework Grades 1 to 6 At the end of Grade 6, pupils should be able to: LISTENING • U nderstand and enjoy listening to a diversity of aural texts • Identify familiar texts and derive meaning with ease • L isten for different purposes • Identify and retain key information • F ollow a short conversation involving 2 or 3 speakers in an aural text • F ollow conventions of pair/group/class interaction SPEAKING • S peak about diverse topics of interest with confidence and clarity • E xpress ideas using a variety of sentence forms • U se appropriate pronunciation, intonation patterns and variation of tone • U se a range of appropriate vocabulary to express themselves • G enerally produce grammatically correct utterances • R eport/retell the gist of an aural or printed text • P articipate actively in a wide range of activities • E xpress opinions with justification. likes, dislikes) • Expresses and shares his/her thoughts, views, opinions and expectations • Develops self-esteem and self-confidence • Identifies abilities and strengths and talks about hopes and dreams for the future • S ets goals on his/her own initiative and does his/her best (e.g. Teachers play a crucial role (for example, through what, when andhow they teach and assess) in ensuring that learners are progressing and attaining thesecompetencies. Aesthetic sensitivity in children is cultivatedthrough the observation and appreciation of the environment and by comparing the formsand patterns of different things. Thus, the first language or mother-tongue (hereafter L1) plays a critical role as a scaffold to link the familiar and the new. The National Curriculum Framework - Grades 1 to 6 builds on the strengths of ongoing pedagogical practices at primary level and seeks to address shortcomings as well. Today, schools are increasingly being conceived of as multilingual spaces where free movementacross languages is encouraged. The curriculum for the Foundation Stage focuses on learning skills - literacy, numeracy, personal, social, communication and motor skills - and, therefore, builds the foundation for further learning. Visa requirements. The subject disciplines help learners to develop their foundational knowledge base. Les objectifs généraux de l’apprentissage du français • Développer leurs compétences communicatives à l’oral et à l’écrit en français • Construire un savoir-lire et un savoir-écrire qui les rendront plus autonomes • D évelopper une compréhension des structures et du fonctionnement du français (grammaire, syntaxe, vocabulaire et orthographe) • Devenir des utilisateurs confiants et performants en français dans une variété de situations • Apprécier des productions (littéraires et artistiques, entre autres) en français - Les objectifs terminaux de l’apprentissage du français Au terme de six années d’études, les apprenants doivent être capables d’/de: • Comprendre de manière fine une variété de textes oraux et écrits en français • S’exprimer avec aisance à l’oral et à l’écrit en français • U tiliser un vocabulaire et un registre de langue appropriés dans différentes situations de communication • Démontrer leur capacité d’analyse et d’argumentation en utilisant le français • M anifester un intérêt et une curiosité croissants à découvrir et apprécier des documents (sonores, écrits…) en français pour s’instruire et se cultiver34, - Les objectifs spécifiques de l’apprentissage du français À la fin du Grade 1, l’apprenant doit être capable d’/de : COMPRÉHENSION ORALE • Identifier des sons et des bruits du quotidien • Comprendre des instructions simples et pouvoir les suivre • Écouter et apprécier quelques types de textes spécifiques EXPRESSION ORALE • Commencer à utiliser la prononciation qui convient • Développer un vocabulaire fonctionnel • Répondre en utilisant des phrases grammaticalement simples • Exprimer des besoins de première nécessité qui relèvent d’un contexte immédiat • Reproduire des rythmes et des mélodies verbalement et non-verbalement • Exprimer des sentiments pour des personnages textuels • Raconter de nouveau une histoire • Participer verbalement dans des activités • Distinguer entre les registres de langue • Dire où se situent des personnes et/ou des objets • Raconter des situations • Faire verbalement des comparaisons simples et des anticipations COMPRÉHENSION ÉCRITE • Comprendre le message dans les imprimés • Distinguer entre des mots, des symboles et des chiffres • Comprendre que les sons peuvent être représentés par des lettres et utiliser ce principe pour la lecture • Relier des images à des mots et des mots à des images • Comprendre quelques conventions de base de la mise en page textuelle et paratextuelle • Inventer une histoire simple à partir d’une séquence d’images • Lire à haute voix des mots, des phrases courtes et des textes courts, avec la prononciation appropriée, sous supervision • Démontrer de l’intérêt à lire/décoder des illustrations dans un livre d’histoires EXPRESSION ÉCRITE • Tenir le crayon/stylo correctement pour écrire • Compléter des mots avec des lettres manquantes en utilisant des indices donnés • Copier des informations simples en utilisant un format de gauche à droite, de haut en bas • Utiliser l’ordinateur pour écrire les lettres de l’alphabet, des mots et copier de petits textes 35, National Curriculum Framework Grades 1 to 6 - Les objectifs spécifiques de l’apprentissage du français À la fin du Grade 2, l’apprenant doit être capable d’/de : COMPRÉHENSION ORALE • D istinguer des sons dans des mots entendus • C omprendre des textes oraux courts et simples traitant de sujets d’intérêt (ex.