The Israel Defense Forces reacted by firing four artillery shells at the area from where the launch originated. Israel–Kurdistan Region relations covers the diplomatic relations between Kurdistan Region of Iraq and the State of Israel. En 2003, la Russie de Vladimir Poutine fait partie avec la France et l'Allemagne de « l'Axe de la paix », opposé à une intervention armée contre l'Irak tant que tous les moyens pacifiques pour négocier Saddam Hussein n'ont pas tous été exploités [161]. Nevertheless, Iran was the second Muslim-majority country to recognize Israel as a sovereign state after Turkey. [38], Israeli sales also included spare parts for U.S.-made F-4 Phantom jets. [183] In September 2007, Israel repeated its policy concerning the development of nuclear capacity by its potential enemies. "[168], In August 2012, Brigadier General Gholam Reza Jalali, who heads Iran's Passive Defense Organization, said ahead of Al-Quds Day that Israel must be destroyed, saying, "[Al-Quds Day] is a reflection of the fact that no other way exists apart from resolve and strength to completely eliminate the aggressive nature and to destroy Israel."[45][122][123]. Katsav said that he shook Khatami's hand and the two had a brief conversation about Iran. Israel hinted that it was behind the attacks. [51] In January 2004, Khatami spoke to an Israeli reporter who asked him on what grounds Iran would recognize Israel. Recently, some media outlets affiliated with the regional regimes and the Israeli regime have claimed that after the normalization of relations between the UAE, Bahrain, Sudan, and Morocco with Tel Aviv, it is now Iraq's turn. Other factors which contributed to the escalation of tensions include Iran's development of nuclear technology relative to Israel's long-stated Begin Doctrine, Iranian funding of groups like Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad and Hamas, and alleged involvement in terrorist attacks such as the 1992 attack on Israeli embassy in Buenos Aires and the 1994 AMIA bombing, alleged Israeli support for groups like People's Mujahedin of Iran or Jundallah and alleged covert operations in Iran including assassinations and explosions.[4]. Peres honored at Davos World Economic Forum. Isaac Ben-Israel, a former general of the Israeli Air Force, said an attack could be carried out at any time but only as a last resort. Israel supplies Iran with fertilizer, irrigation pipes, hormones for milk production, seeds, and fruit; Iran, meanwhile, provides Israel with marble, cashews, and pistachios. [124], After the overthrow of the Shah in 1979, most oil companies left Iran and Iranian government had major difficulties selling oil in the international markets. Jalali added that the Muslim world is required to support the "oppressed people of Palestine" against "the Zionist usurpers" and that the Islamic Revolution was a "beacon of light." Il a déclaré à l’agence de presse irakienne Shafaq News que « des millions d’Irakiens ont envoyé des messages encourageant la normalisation avec Israël et l’Irak est fondamentalement prêt à normaliser ses relations, et il en a désespérément besoin ». INTRODUCTION", "Military expenditure (% of GDP) - Israel", "Israel among the Nations: The Persian Period", "Timeline of Turkish-Israeli Relations, 1949–2006", "Did Israel, under the shah, help start Iran's nuclear program? "[198] On 17 September 2009, Ze'ev Elkin said that the delivery by Russia of S-300 missiles may prompt Israel to strike Iran. This event is celebrated as the holiday of Purim. [50] A report indicates that Iran tried in 2003 to initiate a rapprochement with Israel by recognizing its existence in a proposal to the United States. [62][63] Iran claims that its adversaries regularly engineer sales of faulty equipment and attacks by computer viruses to sabotage its nuclear program. Israel responded with artillery fire toward two Hezbollah positions in southern Lebanon. Iran has also continuously claimed that it intends to ultimately export part of the electricity produced by its nuclear reactors to its regional neighbors, as a way of diversifying its mainly oil-based economy to more diversified revenue streams. On 21 September 2012, at a military parade in Iran to mark the beginning of the Iran–Iraq War, and in which a new air defense system was unveiled, Amir Ali Hajizadeh, the Iranian air force chief, said that should a conflict between Iran and Israel break out, Israel would "manage the beginning of the war, but the response and end would be in our hands, in which case the Zionist entity would cease to exist. [67] In addition, the Mossad was also suspected of being responsible for an explosion that reportedly damaged the nuclear facility at Isfahan. Iraqi-Israeli relations pre-2003 When the State of Israel declared its existence in May 1948, Iraq immediately declared war on the “Zionist entity” and was part of the Arab military alliance that launched a botched invasion to restore Arab control over 100 percent of historical Palestine. According to the Book of Esther, during the reign of Persian King Ahasuerus, generally identified as Xerxes the Great (son of Darius the Great) in 6th century BCE,[14] the vizier Haman instigated a plot to kill all the Jews of ancient Persia. Arms sales to Iran that totaled an estimated $500 million from 1981 to 1983 according to the Jafe Institute for Strategic Studies at Tel Aviv University. [184] The Iranian Chief of the Revolutionary Guards, Mohammad Ali Jafari said Israel was within the reach of Iranian missiles and Iran would close the Strait of Hormuz, cutting off two-fifths of the global oil supply.
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