"The Mainstream Right: Chirac and Balladur." Municipal councillor of Sainte-Féréole: 1965–77. He passed himself off, as a right-wing voter, by changing his voice. After the publication of the Jean-Claude Méry by Le Monde on 22 September 2000, in which Jean-Claude Méry, in charge of the RPR's financing, directly accused Chirac of organizing the network, and of having been physically present on 5 October 1986, when Méry gave in cash 5 million Francs, which came from companies who had benefited from state deals, to Michel Roussin, personal secretary (directeur de cabinet) of Chirac,[42][43] Chirac refused to attend court in response to his summons by judge Eric Halphen, and the highest echelons of the French justice system declared that he could not be inculpated while in office. Premier ministre de Jacques Chirac en 1995, Alain Juppé n’a pas pris la parole au Vél’ d’Hiv’, mais Lionel Jospin, qui lui succéda, s’est exprimé au Vél’ d’Hiv’ en 1997. Jacques Chirac [ ʒɑk ʃiʁak] , né le 29 novembre 1932 à Paris et mort le 26 septembre 2019 dans la même ville, est un haut fonctionnaire et homme d'État français. [25], After his departure from the cabinet, Chirac wanted to gain the leadership of the political right, to gain the French presidency in the future. Jacques Chirac, Premier Ministre Chirac, le caméléon de la République. [64] He recovered and returned to his duties soon afterward. Nevertheless, the right won the 1993 legislative election. It has been said during other student crises that this event strongly affected Jacques Chirac, who was afterwards careful about possible police violence during such demonstrations (e.g., maybe explaining part of the decision to "promulgate without applying" the First Employment Contract (CPE) after large student demonstrations against it). On 14 July 2002, during Bastille Day celebrations, Chirac survived an assassination attempt by a lone gunman with a rifle hidden in a guitar case. Saddam approved a deal granting French oil companies a number of privileges plus a 23-percent share of Iraqi oil. Jacques Chirac est élu le 7 mai 1995 et prend ses fonctions le 17 mai, succédant à François Mitterrand. Furthermore, the satirical newspaper Le Canard enchaîné revealed the astronomical "food expenses" paid by the Parisian municipality (€15 million a year according to the Canard), expenses managed by Roger Romani (who allegedly destroyed all archives of the period 1978–93 during night raids in 1999–2000). [49] The departing plane, an Aérospatiale-BAC Concorde, ran over a strip of metal on takeoff puncturing its left fuel tank and sliced electrical wires near the left landing gear. The 182-page typewritten work, supervised by Professor Jean Chardonnet, is illustrated by photographs, sketches and diagrams. M. François Mitterrand accueille, le 17 mai, au palais de l'Élysée, M. Jacques Chirac.Ce dernier s'est préalablement recueilli sur la tombe du général de Gaulle à Colombey-les-Deux-Églises.. Après un long entretien, il le raccompagne, avec une courtoisie remarquée, dans la cour d'honneur du Palais. Au premier tour, le 23 avril 1995, avec 20,2% des voix, Jacques Chirac devance de 2 points son frère ennemi Edouard Balladur. [79] A requiem mass was held at Saint-Sulpice on 30 September, celebrated by Michel Aupetit, Archbishop of Paris, and attended by representatives from about 175 countries, included 69 past and present heads of state, government and international organizations. Présidence du Conseil et Premier ministre (cabinet) art 104-126 : courrier à l'arrivée (1946-1952) (par année), (1955-1959) (par cabinet). Liste des ministres du Gouvernement de Jacques Chirac (1986-1988) sous la présidence de François Mitterrand (1981-1995) ... (20 mars 1986 - 10 mai 1988) : Jacques Chirac : Premier ministre. [citation needed], Chirac suffered from frail health and memory loss in later life. Levy, Jonah, Alistair Cole, and Patrick Le Galès. In early September 2005, Chirac suffered an event that his doctors described as a "vascular incident". to be the voice[citation needed] within the G8 summit meetings to support international action to curb global warming and climate change concerns. Although Chirac was well-situated in de Gaulle's entourage, being related by marriage to the general's sole companion at the time of the Appeal of 18 June 1940, he was more of a "Pompidolian" than a "Gaullist". [94] He was convicted of diverting public funds, abuse of trust and illegal conflict of interest. The would-be assassin fired a shot toward the presidential motorcade, before being overpowered by bystanders. [59], In July 2006, the G8 met to discuss international energy concerns. "Chirac and ‘la Francafrique’: No longer a family affair. Chirac was advised by Pierre Juillet and Marie-France Garaud, two former advisers of Pompidou. [72][73] Chirac wrote that he considered firing Sarkozy previously, and conceded responsibility in allowing Jean-Marie Le Pen to advance in 2002. Reelected in 1970, 1976, 1982. His great-grandparents on both sides were peasants in the rural south-western region of the Corrèze. Following the public ceremony, Chirac was buried at the Montparnasse Cemetery with only his closest family in attendance. Reelected in 1971. [21] In 1965, he became an auditor in the Court of Auditors. Shortly after taking office, Chirac – undaunted by international protests by environmental groups – insisted upon the resumption of nuclear tests at Mururoa Atoll in French Polynesia in 1995, a few months before signing the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty. [17] In 1950, he signed the Soviet-inspired Stockholm Appeal for the abolition of nuclear weapons – which led him to be questioned when he applied for his first visa to the United States. [44] In 1997 the aircraft carrier Clemenceau was decommissioned after 37 years of service, with her sister ship Foch decommissioned in 2000 after 37 years of service, leaving the French Navy with no aircraft carrier until 2001, when Charles de Gaulle was commissioned. [92] The President of Union for a Popular Movement, who later served as France's Minister of Foreign Affairs, Alain Juppé, was sentenced to a 14-month suspended prison sentence for the same case in 2004. Premier ministre (classement par cabinet, arrivée et départ ; par ordre chronologique ou alphabétique des destinataires, départ). Cohabitation significantly weakened the power of Chirac's presidency. Mais sa fidélité au Québec aux moments cruciaux du référendum de 1995 fut en tous points remarquable. Chirac was elected on a platform of tax cuts and job programmes, but his policies did little to ease the labour strikes during his first months in office. The Socialist Party (PS), joined by other parties on the left, soundly defeated Chirac's conservative allies, forcing Chirac into a new period of cohabitation with Jospin as prime minister (1997–2002), which lasted five years. In an address to the nation, Chirac declared that the new cabinet's top priority was to curb unemployment, which was consistently hovering above 10 percent, calling for a "national mobilisation" to that effect. C’est durant ses études que Jacques Chirac rencontre Bernadette Chodron de Courcel, qu’il épousera le 16 m… Àn da Wàhla vum 17. He refused to give instructions to the RPR voters but said that he supported the incumbent president "in a private capacity", which was interpreted as almost de facto support of the Socialist Party's (PS) candidate, François Mitterrand, who was elected by a broad majority. in, Gaffney, John. "Skill in context: A comparison of politicians. ... (18 mai 1995 – 2 juin 1997) Édouard BALLADUR (29 mars 1993 – 18 mai 1995) ... Jacques CHIRAC (27 mai 1974 – 25 août 1976) Pierre MESSMER (5 juillet 1972 – 27 mai 1974) Chirac then declared that multipartism was a "kind of luxury."[30]. He resigned from the cabinet and the right lost the next legislative election. [citation needed]. Quelques années plus tôt, lors d'un grand meeting du RPR, il l'avait auréolé du qualificatif de « meilleur d'entre nous ». M. François Mitterrand accueille, le 17 mai, au palais de l'Élysée, M. Jacques Chirac.Ce dernier s'est préalablement recueilli sur la tombe du général de Gaulle à Colombey-les-Deux-Églises.. Après un long entretien, il le raccompagne, avec une courtoisie remarquée, dans la cour d'honneur du Palais. While the far-right National Front grew, taking advantage of the proportional representation electoral system which had been introduced for the 1986 legislative elections, he signed an electoral pact with the Giscardian (and more or less Christian Democratic) party Union for French Democracy (UDF). President of the Rally for the Republic: 1976–94 (Resignation). The RPR employee advised him "certainly do not vote Giscard!" He received 20% of the vote in the first ballot of the presidential elections in April 2002. Dominique de Villepin lui succède comme Premier ministre. Chirac warned that "humanity is dancing on a volcano" and called for serious action by the world's leading industrialised nations. He did not explain the reasons for his decision. [54] The gunman, Maxime Brunerie, underwent psychiatric testing; the violent far-right group with which he was associated, Unité Radicale, was then administratively dissolved. Chirac quickly earned a reputation as a champion of French farmers' interests, and first attracted international attention when he assailed U.S., West German, and European Commission agricultural policies which conflicted with French interests. Dans les premiers temps, le duo Chirac-Giscard semble fonctionner. It was officially reported as a "minor stroke"[63] or a mild stroke (also known as a transient ischemic attack). In 1977, Chirac stood as a candidate against Michel d'Ornano, a close friend of the president, and he won. Liste des ministres du Gouvernement de Jean-Pierre Raffarin (2002-2005) sous la présidence de Jacques Chirac (1995-2007) Premier Gouvernement Raffarin (6 mai 2002 - 17 juin 2002) : Jean-Pierre Raffarin : Premier ministre. Au square Barye dans le 4e arrondissement, Rafiq Hariri et Jacques Chirac plante un cèdre du Liban. [57] However, Israeli Army Radio later reported that Chirac had secretly told Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert that France would support an Israeli invasion of Syria and the overthrow of the government of President Bashar al-Assad, promising to veto any moves against Israel in the United Nations or European Union. In 2011, the Paris court declared Chirac guilty of diverting public funds and abusing public confidence, giving him a two-year suspended prison sentence. Paradoxically, Chirac benefited from Giscard's decision to create the office of mayor in Paris, which had been in abeyance since the 1871 Commune, because the leaders of the Third Republic (1871–1940) feared that having municipal control of the capital would give the mayor too much power. Jacques Chirac [ ʒɑk ʃiʁak], né le 29 novembre 1932 à Paris et mort le 26 septembre 2019 dans la même ville, est un haut fonctionnaire et homme d'État français. Since then it has been striving for peace through five advocacy programmes: conflict prevention, access to water and sanitation, access to quality medicines and healthcare, access to land resources, and preservation of cultural diversity. Né à Paris le 29 novembre 1932, son cœur était en Corrèze, la terre de ses grands-parents. This unprecedented power-sharing arrangement, known as cohabitation, gave Chirac the lead in domestic affairs. [52] In October 2004, Chirac signed a trade agreement with PRC President Hu Jintao where Alstom was given €1 billion in contracts and promises of future investment in China.[53]. Notable names included António Guterres, Jean-Claude Juncker, Jens Stoltenberg, Vladimir Putin, Sergio Mattarella, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, Charles Michel, Viktor Orbán, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Saad Hariri, Borut Pahor, Salome Zourabichvili, Tony Blair, Jean Chrétien, Vaira Vike-Freiberga, Bill Clinton, Hamid Karzai, Dai Bingguo plus many ministers. Dominique de Villepin a été nommé nouveau Premier Ministre français le 31 mai. He was told by Mitterrand, before his death, that the latter had dined with Chirac before the election. [citation needed] A former Vietnamese refugee, Anh Dao Traxel, is a foster daughter of Jacques and Bernadette Chirac. Cette terre familiale où il fera l’apprentissage d’une de ses plus grandes qualités politiques : le sens du contact. [citation needed], Chirac's cabinet sold many public companies, renewing the liberalisation initiated under Laurent Fabius's Socialist government of 1984–1986, and abolished the solidarity tax on wealth (ISF), a symbolic tax on those with high value assets introduced by Mitterrand's government. Comme celle de changer de Premier ministre. ", "Chirac labels 'racist' Le Pen as threat to nation's soul", "Jacques Chirac, Who Led France Envisioning European Unity, Is Dead at 86", "Sarkozy's team is small in size, wide in scope", "Chirac Affirms France's Guilt in Fate of Jews", Allocution de M. Jacques CHIRAC Président de la République prononcée lors des cérémonies commémorant la grande rafle des 16 et 17 juillet 1942 (Paris), "Allocution de M. Jacques CHIRAC Président de la République prononcée lors des cérémonies commémorant la grande rafle des 16 et 17 juillet 1942 (Paris)", La suite du testament de Jean-Claude Méry, CIA – The World Factbook – Rank Order – Military expenditures – percent of GDP, "Nuclear Weapons – France Nuclear Forces", "France's § 2.8 billion aid package unlikely to bring quick fix : Alstom bailout may be long haul", "People's Daily Online – France's Alstom, China ink $1.3b contracts", Chirac: Nuclear Response to Terrorism Is Possible, "France Criticizes Israel Attack on Lebanon", "France Urged Israel to Invade Syria During War", "Jacques Chirac – explorateur du monde multipolaire", "Street named in honour of Jacques Chirac at Louvre Abu Dhabi ceremony", "Stung by Voters on EU, Chirac Replaces His Prime Minister", "Minor stroke puts Chirac in hospital but he hangs on to reins of government", "Rivals in open warfare after Chirac's stroke raises stakes in succession fight battle", "France's New Five-Year Presidential Term", France's Chirac says he will not run for re-election, "Chirac launches foundation 'to awaken consciences, "Fondation Chirac " The Fondation Chirac Prize for Conflict Prevention", "Chirac found guilty on corruption charges", Chirac trouve un point de chute à Paris chez la famille Hariri, "France election 2012: Chirac mocks Sarkozy in memoirs", "'Impetuous, disloyal, and un-French': Chirac attempts coup de grace on Sarkozy", "Jacques Chirac breaks four-year silence on Nicolas Sarkozy to criticise French president", "Jacques Chirac in hospital with 'acute gout, "Former French President Jacques Chirac Hospitalized", "Former French President Jacques Chirac is hospitalized with lung infection", "Jacques Chirac, French President Who Championed European Identity, Is Dead at 86", "INTERVIEW - Chirac juge "sympathique" sa marionnette des Guignols, actualité Médias 2.0 : Le Point", "Bernard Le Coq dans la peau du retraité Chirac", "Jacques Chirac, cinématographique mais pas trop", "The Chirac Doctrine: France's Iraq-war plan", "1981: Israel bombs Baghdad nuclear reactor", "Out of Area or Out of Reach? This matter has been called the second Clearstream Affair. À son arrivée à l'Élysée, il nomme Alain Juppé Premier ministre. During the 1995 presidential campaign, Chirac criticised the "sole thought" (pensée unique) of neoliberalism represented by his challenger on the right and promised to reduce the "social fracture", placing himself more to the centre and thus forcing Balladur to radicalise himself. [85], The Osirak deal became a controversy again in 2002–2003, when an international military coalition led by the United States invaded Iraq and forcibly removed Hussein's government from power. After François Mitterrand left office in 1995, Chirac began a rapprochement with NATO by joining the Military Committee and attempting to negotiate a return to the integrated military command, which failed after the French demand for parity with the United States went unmet. [33], While he still was mayor of Paris (since 1977),[34] Chirac went to Abidjan (Côte d'Ivoire) where he supported President Houphouët-Boigny (1960–1993), although the latter was being called a "thief" by the local population. Jacques Chirac president de la Republique française de 1995 a 2007. En fait, le piège qui contraint Chirac à la dissolution se referme lentement depuis trois mois. His character for a while developed a superhero alter ego, Super Menteur ("Super Liar") to get him out of embarrassing situations. Thousands of people were invited each year to receptions in the Paris city hall, while many political, media and artistic personalities were hosted in private flats owned by the city. Lettres de M. Jacques Chirac, Président de la République, adressée à M. Souleiman Demirel, Président de la Turquie, et à Mme Tansu Ciller, Premier ministre, après les inondations dans la région d'Izmir, Paris le 4 novembre 1995. [95] He did not attend his trial, since medical doctors deemed that his neurological problems damaged his memory. Jacques Chirac a cumulé les plus hautes fonctions au service de l'Etat français. Jacques René Chirac (UK: / ˈ ʃ ɪər æ k / SHEER-ak, US: / ʒ ɑː k ʃ ɪəˈr ɑː k / ZHAHK sheer-AHK, French: [ʒak ʁəne ʃiʁak] (); 29 November 1932 – 26 September 2019) was a French politician who served as President of France from 1995 to 2007. C'est en Corrèze qu'il passe la guerre, et c'est là qu’il débutera en politique.Diplômé de l'Institut d'études politiques et de la Jean Tiberi, Chirac's successor at the Paris city hall, was forced to resign after having been put under investigations in June 1999 on charges of trafic d'influences in the HLMs of Paris affairs (related to the illegal financing of the RPR). Tous droits réservés. 26/09/2019 13:08:00. Back to 1995, Juppé devient Premier ministre de Chirac: "ça me semblait couler de source" Publié à 07h22, le 03 avril 2015 , Modifié à 07h22, le 03 avril 2015 Partagez Elsewhere, the plan for university reform (plan Devaquet) caused a crisis in 1986 when a student called Malik Oussekine was killed by the police, leading to massive demonstrations and the proposal's withdrawal. Chirac instead suggested the appointment of Edouard Balladur, who had promised that he would not run for the presidency against Chirac in 1995. On 21 March 1974, he cancelled the SAFARI project due to privacy concerns after its existence was revealed by Le Monde. L'ancien président Jacques Chirac est décédé à l'âge de 86 ans. Il a été nommé deux fois Premier ministre, de 1974 à 1976, sous la présidence de Valéry Giscard d'Estaing, puis en cohabitation avec le président François Mitterrand de 1986 à 1988. Mais le 7 mai, ce sera bien lui, "le bison égocentrique", son totem scout, qui entrera à l'Elysée. Gouvernement de Dominique de Villepin, Premier ministre, 31 mai 2005 – 15 mai 2007, Jacques Chirac ou le dialogue des cultures, Douze ans de présidence au service de la France et des Français, Cohésion sociale / Les discours de politique intérieure, Après le premier tour de l’élection présidentielle, le 21 avril 2002, Hommages / Les discours de politique intérieure, Décès de François Mitterrand, le 8 janvier 1996, Trentième anniversaire de la mort de Georges Pompidou, le 2 avril 2004, Mémorial Charles-de-Gaulle, Colombey-les-Deux-Eglises, le 9 novembre 2006, Education & Jeunesse / Les discours de politique intérieure, Débat national sur l’avenir de l’école, le 20 novembre 2003, Environnement / Les discours de politique intérieure, Qu’est ce que l’écologie humaniste?, Orléans, le 3 mai 2001, Les discours internationaux / Santé & Ethique, A l’UNESCO, la bioéthique, Paris, le 14 octobre 2003, Création d’UNITAID, New York, le 19 septembre 2006, Conférence sur les MST en Afrique, Abidjan, le 7 décembre 1997, Les discours internationaux / Politique européenne, Sommet franco-britannique, Paris, le 9 juin 2005, Les discours internationaux / Mondialisation, Le financement du développement, Monterrey, le 22 mars 2002. [70] He sat for the first time on the council on 15 November 2007, six months after leaving the presidency. Despite British and American pressure, Chirac threatened to veto, at that given point, a resolution in the UN Security Council that would authorise the use of military force to rid Iraq of alleged weapons of mass destruction, and rallied other governments to his position. Une cérémonie de passation de pouvoirs a … in Nester, This page was last edited on 7 May 2021, at 06:28. Despite past opposition to state intervention the Chirac government approved a €2.8 billion aid package to troubled manufacturing giant Alstom. Jacques Chirac, Président de la République, 1995 – 2002 Gouvernement d’Alain Juppé I, Premier ministre, 17 mai 1995 – 07 novembre 1995 Par ordre protocolaire Après un premier mandat semé d'embûches, Jacques Chirac s'attendait à un match retour face à Lionel Jospin, devenu depuis 1997 son Premier ministre. Chirac vainly attempted to rally Gaullists behind Prime Minister Pierre Messmer. [45] He also reduced expenditure on nuclear weapons[46] and the French nuclear arsenal was reduced to include 350 warheads, compared to the Russian nuclear arsenal of 16,000 warheads. The 14-day period between the two rounds of voting was marked by demonstrations against Le Pen and slogans such as "Vote for the crook, not for the fascist" or "Vote with a clothespin on your nose". It supports field projects that involve local people and provide concrete and innovative solutions. From March 1974, he was entrusted by President Pompidou with preparations for the presidential election then scheduled for 1976. Charles Pasqua and Philippe Séguin criticised his abandonment of Gaullist doctrines. Jacques Chirac est élu le 7 mai 1995 et prend ses fonctions le 17 mai, succédant à François Mitterrand. L'ancien président de la République (1995-2005) Jacques Chirac est mort ce jeudi 26 septembre 2019 à l'âge de 86 ans. [66] He did not, during the broadcast, endorse any of the candidates running for election, but did devote several minutes of his talk to a plea against extremist politics that was considered a thinly disguised invocation to voters not to vote for Jean-Marie Le Pen and a recommendation to Nicolas Sarkozy not to orient his campaign so as to include themes traditionally associated with Le Pen. Although it has been often interpreted by historians as the struggle between two rival French right-wing families (the Bonapartists, represented by Chirac, and the Orleanists, represented by VGE), both figures in fact were members of the liberal, Orleanist tradition, according to historian Alain-Gérard Slama. Jacques Chirac a cumulé les plus hautes fonctions au service de l'Etat français. Avant de devenir premier ministre de Jacques Chirac de 1995 à 1997, Alain Juppé était secrétaire général du RPR au moment de l’affaire. [94], On 15 December 2011, Chirac was found guilty and given a suspended sentence of two years. Mais en 1995, celui qui est ministre de l’Intérieur du gouvernement Balladur choisit finalement de soutenir le Premier ministre sortant dans la course à l’Elysée. After 1981, the relationship between the two men became tense, with Giscard, even though he had been in the same government coalition as Chirac, criticising Chirac's actions openly. Il a été nommé deux fois Premier ministre, de mai 1974 à août 1976, sous la présidence de Valéry Giscard d'Estaing, puis en cohabitation avec le président François Mitterrand de mars 1986 à mai 1988. President François Mitterrand had reiterated this position: "The Republic had nothing to do with this. In 2006, The Economist wrote that Chirac "is the most unpopular occupant of the Elysée Palace in the fifth republic's history."[51]. Avant de devenir premier ministre de Jacques Chirac de 1995 à 1997, Alain Juppé était secrétaire général du RPR au moment de l’affaire. Vexed Marie-France Garaud stated: "We thought Chirac was made of the same marble of which statues are carved in, we perceive he's of the same faience bidets are made of. [94][96], During April and May 2006, Chirac's administration was beset by a crisis as his chosen Prime Minister, Dominique de Villepin, was accused of asking Philippe Rondot, a top level French spy, for a secret investigation into Villepin's chief political rival, Nicolas Sarkozy, in 2004. "Jacques Chirac: Surviving without Leading?." [citation needed] He was a Roman Catholic. Elected in 1967, reelected in 1968, 1973, 1976, 1981, 1986, 1988, 1993: Member for Corrèze: March–April 1967 (became Secretary of State in April 1967), reelected in 1968, 1973, but he remained a minister in 1976–1986 (became Prime Minister in 1986), 1988–95 (resigned to become President of the French Republic in 1995). [91], On 7 March 2011, he went on trial on charges of diverting public funds, accused of giving fictional city jobs to twenty-eight activists from his political party while serving as the mayor of Paris (1977–95). [77] According to his son-in-law Frederic Salat-Baroux, Chirac was again hospitalised in Paris with a lung infection on 18 September 2016. The nickname "Le Bulldozer" caught on in French political circles, where it also referred to his abrasive manner. Hospitalised in Hôpital Cochin after a car crash, he declared that "as always about the drooping of France, the pro-foreign party acts with its peaceable and reassuring voice". ", Gaffney, John. At the year's end Chirac faced major workers' strikes which turned, in November–December 1995, into a general strike, one of the largest since May 1968. "Rien ne va plus entre Chirac et Tiberi", Jean Guarrigues, professor at the University of, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, President of the General Council of Corrèze, Learn how and when to remove this template message, scandals about the financing of RPR by Paris municipality, Jacques Chirac's second term as President of France, Iraq of alleged weapons of mass destruction, 2005 French European Constitution referendum, Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe, North Africa Security and Order Operations Commemorative Medal, Decoration of Honour for Services to the Republic of Austria, Order of Merit of the Republic of Hungary, Order of the Lithuanian Grand Duke Gediminas, Medal "In Commemoration of the 300th Anniversary of Saint Petersburg", Medal of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay, Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, Privatization Is Essential, Chirac Warns Socialists: Resisting Global Currents, France Sticks to Being French, "Jacques Chirac President of France from 1995 to 2007", "Jacques Chirac, French president, 1932-2019", "The last true Gaullist: how Jacques Chirac charmed France", "Jacques Chirac verdict welcomed by anti-corruption campaigners", "Jacques Chirac, former French president, is dead at 86", "France more liberalised than social democratized? [90] On 30 October 2009, a judge ordered Chirac to stand trial on embezzlement charges, dating back to his time as mayor of Paris. Jacques René Chirac (UK: /ˈʃɪəræk/ SHEER-ak,[1][2] US: /ʒɑːk ʃɪəˈrɑːk/ (listen) ZHAHK sheer-AHK,[2][3][4] French: [ʒak ʁəne ʃiʁak] (listen); 29 November 1932 – 26 September 2019) was a French politician who served as President of France[5] from 1995 to 2007. Il semble quelque peu dépassé par les événements. Acting heads of state are denoted by an asterisk. On 25 July 2000, as Chirac and the first lady were returning from the G7 Summit in Okinawa, Japan, they were placed in a dangerous situation by Air France Flight 4590 after they landed at Charles de Gaulle International Airport. This appointment launched Chirac's political career. When Nicolas Sarkozy became president in 2007, Juppé was one of the few "chiraquiens" to serve in François Fillon's government.[35]. Balladur broke from Chirac along with a number of friends and allies, including Charles Pasqua, Nicolas Sarkozy, etc., who supported his candidacy. À LIRE AUSSI As prime minister, Chirac quickly set about persuading the Gaullists that, despite the social reforms proposed by President Giscard, the basic tenets of Gaullism, such as national and European independence, would be retained. He was eliminated in the first round with 18% of the vote. These two organised the campaign against Chaban-Delmas in 1974. Ultimately, he obtained more votes than Balladur in the first round (20.8 percent), and then defeated the Socialist candidate Lionel Jospin in the second round (52.6 percent). Sur le plan politique, on a assisté à la poursuite des alternances et à des sanctions régulières par les électeurs du pouvoir en place. Chirac seized the occasion to periodically criticise Jospin's government. Chirac's first tenure as prime minister was also an arguably progressive one, with improvements in both the minimum wage and the social welfare system carried out during the course of his premiership. However, as Giscard had been knocked out, Chirac appeared as the principal leader of the right-wing opposition. [80] He was originally portrayed as a rather likable, though overexcited, character; following the corruption allegations, however, he was depicted as a kind of dilettante and incompetent who pilfered public money and lied through his teeth. Minister of Relation with Parliament: 1971–72. The result was a victory for the No campaign, with 55 percent of voters rejecting the treaty on a turnout of 69 percent, dealing a devastating blow to Chirac and the Union for a Popular Movement (UMP) party, and to part of the centre-left which had supported the TCE. France led several other European countries in an effort to prevent the invasion. Reelected in 1983, 1989. Mais le 7 mai, ce sera bien lui, "le bison égocentrique", son totem scout, qui entrera à l'Elysée. At the end of his first term it accounted for three percent of GDP. Ànna 1997 hàt’r d Assemblée nationale gleest: noh dam hàt’r àls Präsidant kè politischa Mehrheit meh ghàà un hàt àls Premier Ministre dr Soziàlischt Lionel Jospin gnumma. His position was weakened by scandals about the financing of RPR by Paris municipality. "[98], In 1956, Chirac married Bernadette Chodron de Courcel, with whom he had two daughters: Laurence (4 March 1958 – 14 April 2016)[99] and Claude (born 6 December 1962).
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