The Roots of a Desert War (Lawrence & Hill 1983) Leo Kamil, Fueling the Fire. Le Polisario s'est formé le 29 avril 1973 à Zouerate (Mauritanie), dans le but de mettre fin à l'occupation espagnole du Sahara occidental1. These cookies do not store any personal information. Morocco has offered autonomy but maintains the territory is a sovereign part of the kingdom. Il a appelé à un accord entre le Front Polisario qui « représente les intérêts du peuple sahraoui » et le Maroc. By clicking “Accept”, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. MADRID, 11 May. Ces tensions ont connu un pic, mercredi 7 avril, avec la mort de Dah Al-Bendir, le chef de la gendarmerie du Polisario. Le délégué sahraoui rappelle que l’Espagne « a un rôle à jouer dans la résolution du conflit au Sahara occidental », ajoutant que le Polisario sera toujours ouvert à la négociation. Mohamed Jaouad EL KANABI 20 Oct 2020 à 22:00 Regions . Via Le désespoir et la répression prévalant dans les camps de Tindouf sous le contrôle des milices du polisario en font un terreau fertile pour. In 1991 the Polisario Front inaugurated a new, more democratic constitution for the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR; declared by the Polisario Front one day after Spanish withdrawal in 1976). La mort du commandant de la gendarmerie de la RASD, Addah Al-Bendir, a été annoncée le 7 avril. Pour Mme Huff, si le leadership du Polisario est capable de tels actes, il ne saurait faire preuve d’un véritable leadership s’il accédait à la gestion de tout un pays. Tamba François Koundouno - Mar 10, 2021 . La mort du commandant de la gendarmerie de la RASD, Addah Al-Bendir, a été annoncée le 7 avril. Le Polisario a alors annoncé la reprise de la lutte. Après son audience avec le président mauritanien, Bachir Mustapha Sayed a accordé une interview à un média à la solde du polisario à Nouakchott. Le chef du Polisario, Brahim Ghali, devrait être bientôt auditionné par la justice espagnole, a confirmé, hier lundi, un média sahraoui hispanophone. La création par le parti français la République en marche (LREM) d’un comité à Dakhla dans les territoire­s sahraouis occupés constitue une violation flagrante … A war with the Polisario ensued, ending in 1991 with a UN-brokered ceasefire. In the same year, it accepted a United Nations (UN) peace plan for Western Sahara that provided for a referendum of self-determination . Cette annonce a été faite par Mustapha Selma, ancien inspecteur général de la police du mouvement indépendantiste. Occupied Aaiun, May 11, 2021 (SPS) - The Moroccan occupation forces kidnapped and tortured a Sahrawi activist, Hasan Dalil, member of the Sahrawi Initiative against Moroccan Occupation (ISACOM) and of the NGO Environmental Protection in Western Sahara, the organization said on Monday. In 1976, Algeria called the Moroccan takeover of Western Sahara a "'slow murderous' invasion against spirited fighting by Sahara guerrillas. The Sahrawis for Peace association is ready to support the UN’s “sustained efforts” to broker a political settlement built on compromise and dialogue, he concluded. Jean Lamore : FAUX les marocains ne sont pas SAHARAOUIS, la monarchie marocaine est tyranique et les Africains et le peuples Espagnole soutient le POLISARIO. Their claim that the pro-Morocco narrative is hyped and fragile is based on two assumptions – that the Biden administration may still reverse the former American president’s Western Sahara proclamation, and that the UNSC itself may eventually cave in to pro-Polisario pressure. Celle du Parti national basque (PNV), l’une des organisations politiques les plus amènes à soutenir le Polisario en Espagne est considérée comme un changement radical. Les sources sahraouies consultées par Europa Press indiquent que la guérison se déroule «comme prévue». Ce n’est un secret pour personne, le chef du Front du Polisario, Brahim Ghali, séjourne, depuis presque deux semaines, en Espagne, pour des raisons de … Occupied El Aiun, 26 December 2020 (SPS) - The committee of the families of the 15 kidnapped Sahrawi people has attributed, to the Moroccan occupation authorities, the full and direct responsibility... Shaheed El Hafed, 2 May 2020 (SPS) - Sahrawi President Brahim Ghali affirmed Friday that “Algeria’s continued solidarity with the Sahrawi people confirms its efforts to defend the peoples’ right to... Washington (USA) 18 December 2020 (SPS)- Former US Secretary of State, James Baker III, published an opinion yesterday in The Washington Post, warning against the dangerous possible implications of... Moroccan occupation forces arrest and torture a prominent Sahrawi activist from ISACOM, UNHCR calls for more support to Sahrawi refugees, Moroccan allegations of Iranian military support to Polisario Front "are groundless", Sahrawi people celebrate 48th anniversary of proclamation of Polisario Front, La Rioja hosts conference in support of Sahrawi people, Permanent Office holds meeting to discuss current developments related to national cause, SADR takes part in 47th anniversary commemoration of General Tomás Herrera Institute founding, Bogotá hosts a conference on Western Sahara, Arbitrary sentences against two Sahrawi activists, SPLA continues its attacks against the positions of Moroccan occupation forces along the wall of shame, United Kingdom reiterates its support for self-determination of Sahrawi people, Families of 15 abducted Sahrawis demand from Morocco to reveal their children's fate, Sahrawi Journalists, Writers in Europe condemn Morocco's aggression against activists, Sahrawi civilian prisoner Brahim Dedi Ismaili initiates warning hunger strike at Ait Meloul 2 prison, Sahrawi civilian prisoner wages warning hunger strike in Morocco, Algeria’s solidarity confirms its efforts to defend peoples’ right to existence, freedom, Sahrawi refugees receive solidarity aid from Algerian Red Crescent, Humanitarian aid initiative is a strong message of support for the just Saharawi cause and right to self-determination, says Algerian Minister of Solidarity, In response to statements of Spanish Foreign Ministry: Spanish solidarity delegations arrive in refugee camps, James Baker III: Trump’s recognition of Western Sahara is a serious blow to diplomacy and international law (Opinion), John Bolton: Biden Must Reverse Course on Western Sahara (Article), Christopher Ross: Trump’s proclamation on Western Sahara is “foolish and ill-considered decision”. He argued Polisario’s leadership is more interested in confrontation and does not seem to care about the damage its “stubbornness” has caused in the region, in particular for displaced Sahrawis. Le Polisario veut un siège à l’ONU. “Sahrawis for Peace,” a movement opposed to Polisario’s claim of being the legitimate representative of the people of Western Sahara, is drawing attention to the Polisario Front’s obstruction of the political process and calling for the immediate resumption of the UN-led dialogue. The Continued Irresolution of the Conflict of Western Sahara: The Right to Self-determination vs. Realpolitik, MEMORANDUM ON THE QUESTION OF WESTERN SAHARA, Stephen Zunes: Testimony before the conference on decolonization, [13:54] : Moroccan occupation forces arrest and torture a prominent Sahrawi activist from ISACOM, [01:05] : UNHCR calls for more support to Sahrawi refugees, [00:49] : Moroccan allegations of Iranian military support to Polisario Front "are groundless", [14:23] : Sahrawi people celebrate 48th anniversary of proclamation of Polisario Front, [13:45] : La Rioja hosts conference in support of Sahrawi people, [01:00] : Permanent Office holds meeting to discuss current developments related to national cause, [19:11] : SADR takes part in 47th anniversary commemoration of General Tomás Herrera Institute founding, [22:18] : Bogotá hosts a conference on Western Sahara, [19:17] : Arbitrary sentences against two Sahrawi activists, [12:37] : SPLA continues its attacks against the positions of Moroccan occupation forces along the wall of shame, Entrevista al representante saharaui en Chile, Sr. Mohamed Masaud, Арабские народы в борьбе за национальную независимость, المداخلات التي عرفتها حلقية الوقفة أمام المحكمة التي شهدت محاكمة معتقلي أگديم إيزيك, XVI edicion sahara-Sahara Marathon. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. As he emphasized the need for a “lasting” political solution, Ahmed echoed the prevailing diplomatic consensus that Morocco’s 2007 Autonomy Plan is the only viable way out of the long-running Sahara crisis. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. In Pictures: Morocco Ready for Eid Al Fitr, Shopping for Traditional... Dutch Student Teams Get Ready for the Solar Car Race in... Solo Female Travel: Experiencing Moroccan Tourism During COVID-19, Morocco’s Red City: Touristic Places in Marrakech You Must Visit. Le Secrétaire général plaide pour un multilatéralisme interconnecté, inclusif et fort pour sortir de la pandémie, faire face à la crise climatique et construire des sociétés plus sûres We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Une version contredite par le rapport de la police, remis le mercredi 5 mai à la justice espagnole, précisant que le chef du Polisario est «sous respiration assistée» dans un hôpital public à … La guerre du Sahara occidental est un épisode du Conflit au Sahara occidental entre 1975 et 1991 [3].C'est un conflit militaire opposant le Maroc et la Mauritanie au Front Polisario, sur le territoire du Sahara occidental.La guerre éclate à la suite du retrait de l'Espagne du Sahara espagnol, qu'elle avait convenu de céder au Maroc et à la Mauritanie lors des accords de Madrid. Bien que le Front ait un représentant au Pays basque, sa thèse séparatiste ne changera plus la scène politique du voisin du nord, à la lumière du partenariat stratégique entre Rabat et Madrid. Cet accord va à l'encontre d'un avis consultatif de la Cour internationale de justice sur l'autodétermination du Sahara occidental, qui conclut que « les éléments et renseignements portés à sa connaissance n'établissent l'e… The Biden administration is pressing UN Secretary General to speed up the appointment of a new UN envoy for the Sahara, a post which remains vacant since May 2019. (EUROPA PRESS) - El Frente Polisario ha recordado este martes al presidente del Partido Popular, Pablo Casado, que las fuerzas … Guinea Bissau’s UN representative forwarded the latter to the UNSC president, Morocco’s state media reported on April 30. Western Sahara, AU Rejects Pro-Polisario Maneuvers, Commits to UN-Led Process. Morocco World News: Championing Free Speech and Thoughtful Debate Through Journalistic Excellence. Polisario blames UN for 'political deadlock' over W.Sahara Sahrawis watch soldiers march in a parade during celebrations marking the 45th anniversary of the declaration of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic, at a refugee camp on the outskirts of the southwestern Algerian town of Tindouf Dans ses déclarations, l’émissaire de Brahim Ghali a pourfendu le Royaume est revenu sur l’opération des Forces armées royales à El Guerguerate et le retrait unilatéral du cessez-le-feu de 1991. Hach Ahmed is the brother of Bukhari Ahmed, Polisario’s former UN representative who died in 2018. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. The man leading the Polisario Front in its fight for independence of Western Sahara is hospitalized in Spain for treatment of COVID-19, officials from … Après son audience avec le président mauritanien, Bachir Mustapha Sayed a accordé une interview à un média à la solde du polisario à Nouakchott. Une version contredite par le rapport de la police, remis le mercredi 5 mai à la justice espagnole, précisant que le chef du Polisario est «sous respiration assistée» dans un hôpital public à Logroño. The letter was distributed to the representatives of the council’s 15 members and will soon be added to “the official records of the Security Council,” the report added. Aussi force est de constater qu’un vent de révolte souffle fortement dans les camps de la honte et principalement celui de "Rabouni", au sud de Tindouf (où se trouve le quartier général). Mais l’accueil incognito de cet homme considéré comme un ennemi du Maroc a provoqué la colère de Rabat. In an April 19 letter to the UN Security Council (UNSC), the movement appeared to suggest that Polisario’s “headlong rush” into military confrontation has only deepened the region’s issues and prolonged the decades-long political stagnation. Le Polisario s’est une fois de plus, rebellé contre les résolutions des Nations Unies qui exigent que le trafic civil et le commerce régulier ne soient pas entravés et de s’abstenir à toute mesure pouvant constituer un changement du statu quo dans la zone tampon de Guerguerat ou dans des zones similaires. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Les partis politiques marocains représentés au Parlement ont affirmé, samedi, que l’accueil par l’Espagne du chef du polisario, Brahim Ghali, est un acte « inacceptable » et « condamnable » et s’inscrit en flagrante contradiction avec la qualité des relations entre le Maroc et l’Espagne.Dans un communiqué conjoint publié à l’issue d’une réunion avec le […] C’est le souhait exprimé par son «ministre des Affaires étrangères». Despite warnings that the current US administration’s lukewarm statements on the Sahara topic should alarm Morocco, the latest indication that this is not exactly the case was US Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s first call with Morocco’s Nasser Bourita. À 73 ans, le chef du Polisario séparatiste Brahim Ghali a été admis sous un nom d’emprunt dans un hôpital de Logroño, en Espagne, le 21 avril. Spread the love. SAHARA OCCIDENTAL, los pequeños gigantes de la XVI edicion del Sahara Marathon, atletas de la XVI edición del Sahara Marathon, Mohamed Abdelaziz preside el consejo de ministro del nuevo gobierno saharaui (RASD), Actos de solidaridad con las zonas ocupadas y los presos politicos saharaui (SAHARA OCCIDENTAL), El Polisario recibe a Ross para preparar la visita de Ban Ki-Moon al Sahara Occidental ONU, las combatientes saharauis en el 40 aniversario de la RASD #SaharaOccidental. At the level of international relations, Algeria appears as a main actor and negotiator in opposition to Morocco since the beginning of the Western Sahara conflict. Le Front Polisario condamne la création d’un comité de LREM à Dakhla 2021-04-11 - R. I. Tensions rose sharply in November 2020 after Rabat deployed the army to reopen the kingdom's only highway into West Africa, which had been blocked by the Polisario, who argued it was built in violation of the UN truce deal. POLISARIO Representative at the UN refutes the attempts of the occupying state to mislead the international community by resorting to deceit and downright lies Saturday, 01/05/2021 UGTSARIO denounces deplorable situation of Saharawi workers in occupied territories “Filling such a high-profile position is not an easy job”, had said Stéphane Dujarric, spokesperson for the UN Secretary General, in a recent daily press briefing. Commenting on the document and Sahrawis for Peace’s motivation in addressing it to the UNSC at this “crucial moment,” Hach Ahmed, the movement’s secretary-general, said the region is “on the brink of the abyss” because of Polisario’s “stubbornness” and its repeated defiance of UN regulations. Espagne La police espagnole a annoncé, mercredi, l’arrestation à Biscaye (Pays-Basque) d’un activiste du polisario accusé d’avoir incité à commettre des actes terroristes contre des institutions marocaines en Espagne et à l’étranger. Frente POLISARIO’s Representative at the United Nations, Dr Sidi Omar, sent a letter on April 29 to the Heads of Permanent Missions to the UN in which he refutes the allegations contained in recent letters circulated by Morocco’s Permanent Mission to the United Nations and reported by Moroccan official media. The United Nations considers the Polisario Front to be the legitimate representative of the Sahrawi people and maintains ... United Nations Determination of the Western Saharan Self (Norwegian Institute of Foreign Affairs 1994) Tony Hodges, Western Sahara. [getmostpop category=11 range="last30days"]. «L'Etat sahraoui revendique son siège aux Nations unies puisque le Maroc continue de dresser les obstacles à la tenue d'un référendum d'autodétermination», a exigé Mohamed Ould Salek lors d’une conférence de presse, ce lundi 5 avril à Alger. Spokesman Ould Salek said that Western Sahara, which the UN classifies a “non-governing territory,” demands its rightful place among other world nations at a press conference in Algiers. NEW YORK (United Nations) - The Polisario Front representation in the United Nations reaffirmed Friday that Morocco has obstructed the appointment of a … A Sahrawi political movement said that Polisario’s “headlong rush” into military confrontation has only deepened the region’s issues and prolonged the decades-long political stagnation. Une frappe lancée par un drone marocain a tué le chef de la gendarmerie du Polisario dans la nuit de mardi à mercredi 8 avril. Le chef du Front Polisario, Brahim Ghali, 73 ans, a été admis dans un état grave, lié à des problèmes respiratoires, dans un hôpital de Logroño, sous un faux nom. Retrouvez toute l'actualité internationale et les décryptages Front Polisario à lire et à revoir en replay sur France 24 We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Le 14 novembre 19753, à la suite de la Marche verte, l'Espagne, puissance coloniale tutélaire, signe les accords de Madrid avec le Maroc et la Mauritanie, qui prévoient la partition du Sahara occidental entre ces deux pays, sur la base de leurs liens historiques respectifs avec ce territoire. Après le chef de la gendarmerie, Dah El Bendir, le Polisario vient de perdre Najem Ould Ed’Dia, un autre de ses hauts officiers. By. According to this reading, it is not particularly surprising that the latest UN session failed to arrive at consequential conclusions. Morocco: Did AU Violate its own principles? The move comes less than two weeks after the UNSC’s latest session on Western Sahara. The Sahara Press Service said on Saturday that the Polisario Front also launched attacks against the Royal Moroccan Army in the Western … But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Après l'annonce du départ des Espagnols, il s'est opposé par les armes à l'annexion du territoire par le Maroc et la Mauritanie avant d'annoncer en février 1976 la création de la « République arabe sahraouie démocratique » (RASD). Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. The Polisario fought a war of independence with Morocco from 1975 to 1991 and its leaders proclaimed the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR) on February 27, 1976. jeudi, mai 6 2021 Breaking News. Il est arrivé en Espagne à bord d’un avion médical et avec un passeport diplomatique algérien, a déclaré Abdulah Arabi dans une interview accordée à Europa Press. facebook twitter linkedin google. THE Polisario Front accused France and Spain of impeding a referendum on independence for Western Sahara on Monday as the separatist group demanded a seat at the United Nations. The man leading the Polisario Front in its fight for independence of Western Sahara is hospitalized in Spain for treatment of COVID-19, officials from Spain and the group said Thursday. While the debate between the two camps is set to rage on as the UN still grapples with the obvious next step in rescuing its Western Sahara diplomatic efforts – appointing a new envoy – at least the issue of the Biden White House’s position has largely been settled by now. New York (UN) 1 May 2021 (APS). But according to Axios, which is generally well-informed on such politically sensitive topics, the two diplomats discussed at length about the recent Western Sahara developments and the US’ position. “It is more than ever urgent for the international community to make a firm commitment to advance the political process to achieve, as soon as possible, a just and lasting solution, in accordance with the resolutions of the UN Security Council.”. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Les sources sahraouies consultées par Europa Press indiquent que la guérison se déroule «comme prévue». 1975-91 - Polisario Front fights a 16-year-long guerrilla war against Moroccan forces, which ends with a UN-brokered cease-fire. Mais l’accueil incognito de cet homme considéré comme un ennemi du Maroc a provoqué la colère de Rabat. Unlike the separatists, he explained, their movement is principally motivated by a desire to put an end to the suffering of families. The official statements on the Blinken-Bourita phone call made no mention of Western Sahara. The man leading the Polisario Front in its fight for independence of Western Sahara is hospitalized in Spain for treatment of COVID-19, officials from Spain and the group said Thursday. Because the meeting ended without the customary, nearly-unanimous statement on what to do next to revive the stuttering UN-led political process, some observers were quick to suggest that the pro-Morocco momentum is not as strong as repeatedly reported. Sahrawi Movement Denounces Polisario, Commits to UN-Led Process A Sahrawi political movement said that Polisario’s “headlong rush” into military confrontation has only deepened … «Il était parmi les éléments qui comptaient préparer une opération de sabotage, le mercredi 7 avril, contre une position des Forces armées royales (FAR) à l’Est du mur de sécurité», affirme une source sécuritaire dans des déclarations à Yabiladi. The “for the time being” caveat may yet again animate heady conversation about the ongoing, Post-Trump US-Morocco dynamics, but it may just be a diplomatic way for the Biden administration to embrace realpolitik in Western Sahara while distancing itself from Trump’s “say it as it is” rhetoric. À 73 ans, le chef du Polisario séparatiste Brahim Ghali a été admis sous un nom d’emprunt dans un hôpital de Logroño, en Espagne, le 21 avril. If anything, this was just another delay on the slow but sure road towards recognizing Morocco’s position as the best and only feasible alternative. For others, however, the lack of a conclusive statement should not be particularly concerning. The Sahrawi movement spoke of “the risks that are looming in the region following the unilateral breach by the Polisario of the ceasefire established since 1991.”. La série de rapts ou kidnappings pratiqués par des membres du "Polisario" à l’encontre d'activistes sahraouis, n’a de cesse de s’accentuer la tension dans les camps de « réfugiés ». 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