By joining the OP2B coalition we are further building the movement which is required to create sustainable value chains for cocoa and other commodities, to the benefit of smallholder farming communities, biodiversity and chocolate lovers. On the 11th of January, the One Planet Summit was held in which more than 50 countries announced their commitment to protect 30% of land and sea before 2030. Nestlé has for many years worked with farmers to manage their land sustainably and will continue to lead activities enhancing biodiversity. Business has a critical role to play to contribute to a sustainable and healthy food and land-use system and can lead the way to this transformation path for all by realizing actionable and scalable pathways. The content of this website does not reflect the official opinion of the European Union. For more information about the One Planet Summit, click here. This article was originally published on Global Canopy. The Space Climate Observatory (SCO) provides tools to study and monitor the impacts of climate change at … North America: From October 20-27, a Priceless Planet Coalition Auction will provide consumers in the US the opportunity to help preserve the environment with every bid. Firmenich ensures a highly responsible and traceable supply chain for our natural ingredients, making a real difference. La Coalition de la Haute Ambition pour la Nature et les Peuples, qui sera lancée formellement aujourd’hui, en est le parfait exemple. Nestlé believes that protecting and restoring biodiversity is essential to safeguard food production and food security now and for the future. Biodiversity for food and agriculture is indispensable to food security and sustainable development. Depuis son lancement en 2017, les coalitions sont au cœur de la dynamique One Planet. These efforts will include: Changing how land is used for farming has huge potential to stem biodiversity loss and help avert climate catastrophe. The High Ambition Coalition (HAC) for Nature and People is an intergovernmental group of more than 57 countries co-chaired by Costa Rica and France and by the United Kingdom as Ocean co-chair, championing a global deal for nature and people with the central goal of protecting at least 30 percent of world’s land and ocean by 2030. We are honoured to be part of the OP2B initiative and are looking forward to work alongside our partners. Les annonces du One Planet Summit 2018. Together, we will strive not only to conserve and restore biodiversity, but also to transform human interaction with, and dependency on, nature. Responsibility for the information and views expressed lies entirely with the EUROPARC Federation. We have joined OP2B, because we believe we can only achieve measurable, sustainable impact by working together. The EUROPARC Federation website is supported by the European Union, in the framework of the European Commission’s LIFE + funding programme of operating grants for European Environmental NGOs. Protecting biodiversity has always been a key element of L’Oréal’s sustainability programme. It was stressed that biodiversity decline is linked to so many other issues. Le chef de l'Etat français entend par là une "coalition des coalitions" où tous les pays engagés sont acteurs. The one Planet Summit is a platform for commitments to combat climate change. The new … This is the ultimate objective of our "One planet business for biodiversity coalition" (OP2B). Nevertheless, there were many other topics, such as the COVID-19 crisis, the climate crisis and the fact that none of the Aichi targets were met. The One Planet Summit and the High Ambition Coalition for Nature and People Published on: 12/01/21 On the 11th of January, the One Planet Summit was held in which more than 50 countries announced their commitment to protect 30% of land and sea before 2030. Dans ce contexte, Livelihoods Venture et 18 grandes sociétés créent la coalition One Planet Business for Biodiversity (OP2B). We are humbled and thrilled by this honor. It started in 2017, two years after the Paris Agreements were signed with the idea to make stronger and more concrete commitments and to mobilise funding. Australia's newest Progressive Political Party, ONE PLANET, seeks to reassert the importance of our only planet's welfare, for the future of all people. It is our goal that our farmers – the custodians of the landscape – have a positive impact on Biodiversity. Scaling up alternative farming practices that will leverage the power of plants to keep carbon in the soil (carbon sequestration), increase the capacity of soils to hold water, enhance the resilience of their crops, support the livelihoods of their farmers, and regain the nutrient density of food while decreasing reliance on synthetic inputs. Yet we are convinced that individual initiatives are insufficient: only collective action will be successful in the fight against biodiversity loss. One Planet Business for Biodiversity (OP2B) is a unique international cross-sectorial, action-oriented business coalition on biodiversity with a specific focus on agriculture, initiated within French President Macron’s One Planet Lab framework, launched at the United Nations Climate Action Summit in New York on 23 September 2019. Guitar World magazine has selected “Planetary Coalition” among 2014’s best 50 releases, alongside albums by Pink Floyd, AC/DC, Eric Clapton and others. OP2B members believe collaborative action is instrumental to shift land use and agricultural practices, and to have a positive impact on biodiversity and ecological services they depend on. By 2025, the JDE Common Grounds program will have reached more than 500,000 smallholder farmers thanks to the strong collaborative efforts of our Public and Private partners. L'Oréal and Unilever are within the 19-strong One Planet Business for Biodiversity (OP2B) business coalition, set up to drive sustainable agriculture throughout global supply chains. It supplies many vital ecosystem services, such as creating and maintaining healthy soils, pollinating plants, controlling pests and providing habitat for wildlife, including for fish and other species that are vital to food production and agricultural livelihoods (FAO). Initiative Title: One Planet Business for Biodiversity (OP2B) Objective: An action-oriented coalition of businesses committed to preserving biodiversity with actions that deliver nature-based solutions to address climate change. At FrieslandCampina it’s all about good nutrition. La Coalition pour une mer Méditerranée exemplaire en 2030 sera lancée par l’Espagne, la France et la principauté de Monaco à l’occasion du One Planet Summit. It is urgent to act. This ambition is necessary to protect species, biodiversity and ecosystem services and to reach other environmental targets like the Paris Agreements. They’re taking too much of the planet’s vital resources and giving too little to the smallholder farmers who work tirelessly to feed the world. One Planet Business for Biodiversity (OP2B) is a unique international cross-sectorial, action-oriented business coalition on biodiversity with a specific focus on agriculture, launched within French President Macron’s One Planet Lab framework. This assessment led to a consensus on what the three main focus areas will be moving forward. One Planet Summit - Commitments to act in favor of biodiversity (12 Jan. 2021) 4th edition of the One Planet Summit: mobilizing and taking action for biodiversity (11 Jan. 2021) 3rd Edition of the One Planet Summit: Africa’s Pledge (Nairobi, 14.03.19) 2nd Edition of the One Planet Summit (New York, 09.26.18) This coalition – named “ One Planet Business for Biodiversity ” (OP2B) – was formally launched on stage at the United Nations Climate Action Summit by Emmanuel Faber, Chairman and CEO of the global food and beverage company Danone. La coalition One Planet se réunit pour accélérer la mise en œuvre de l’accord de Paris « L'action climatique nécessite une réponse collective. Nature provides us with great nutrients so we can nourish ourselves and our families. Loblaw has been in the business of selling food for 100 years. We’re eager to work with other OP2B companies to protect soil health, forests and the diversity of nature that is so critical for people around the world. This year’s summit was hosted by French President Emmanuel Macron in Marseille and was mainly focused on biodiversity. The One Planet Movement. Increasing the number of ingredients sourced so we are less reliant on just a handful of crops, further developing provenance-based and local sourcing, and expanding the genetic variety of crops grown to regain food diversity and localized biodiversity specificity in agriculture as a powerful lever to protect and nurture biodiversity. To Symrise, biodiversity is a precious source of innovation and inspiration to create new flavors, fragrances and other functional ingredients for improved nutrition, health and wellbeing. Discipline et ambition sont essentielles. In order to be in this business 100 years from now, the world must change how food is grown and produced. Moreover, the world bank promised to spend 35% of their budget on climate co-benefits. We committed to support the definition of science-based biodiversity targets and to develop biodiversity strategies to prevent any future loss of key species and ecosystems. A l'issue du Sommet sur le climat "One Planet Summit" qui s'est tenu ce mardi à Boulogne-Billancourt, Emmanuel Macron souhaite créer une "One Planet Coalition". One Planet Business for Biodiversity (OP2B) is a unique international cross-sectorial, action-oriented business coalition on biodiversity with a specific focus on agriculture, launched within French President Macron’s One Planet Lab framework. For this reason, we are joining forces with likeminded, globally leading companies to tackle the biodiversity challenge though integrating biodiversity into our strategies and business models. A l'issue du Sommet sur le climat "One Planet Summit" qui s'est tenu ce mardi à Boulogne-Billancourt, Emmanuel Macron souhaite créer une "One Planet Coalition". When we help nature, we help climate. Today’s agricultural supply chains are broken and in need of urgent repair. If you are a business that shares the coalition members’ commitment to protect biodiversity and have already taken or are ready to take ambitious action to restore nature, you are encouraged to join our community. Supporting the sustainability of the agricultural sector has been a focus of ours for many years, and we look forward to working alongside these leading businesses to make meaningful change. Pardot is a B2B Marketing Automation provider that increases revenue and maximizes efficiency for companies with multi-touch sales cycles. Businesses with a strategic agriculture footprint are standing up for an important topic, as agriculture is responsible for 60% of biodiversity depletion. While the impact of work from the three pillars of the OP2B coalition will extend through to 2030, its members intend to demonstrate leadership progress by the 2020 Biodiversity COP15. One Planet Business for Biodiversity (OP2B) is a unique international cross-sectorial, action-oriented business coalition on biodiversity with a specific focus on agriculture, initiated within French President Macron’s One Planet Lab framework, launched at the United Nations Climate Action Summit in New York on 23 September 2019. The One Planet Coalition’s roadmap will deliver concrete actions that contribute to scaled-up impact globally. We’ve long been aware of the climate crisis, but we’re all now opening our eyes to the immense power that nature has to combat this. Furthermore, the initiatives were strengthened by financial commitments from several leaders. For each theme, leaders addressed concerns and presented initiatives. – Ursula von der Leyen. When we lose forests, we don’t ‘just’ lose green space or natural habitat. To ensure a sustainable and secure food system in the future, we need to apply smart technologies and take collective action to protect biodiversity, on land and in the oceans. 1 Comment “Planetary Coalition” selected as top 10 acoustic guitar albums of 2014 and among the best 50 releases of the year. 250 likes. Reaching these targets will in its turn have social and economic benefits for societies worldwide. Major initiatives were the ‘Great Green Wall’ which aims to create a green horizontal ‘belt’ below the African Deserts to prevent desertification and provide ecosystem services such as drinking water and tillable soil and the Mediterranean cooperation to facilitate ecological transition. The coalition is determined to drive transformational systemic change and catalyze action to protect and restore cultivated and natural biodiversity within the value chains, engage institutional and financial decision-makers, and develop and promote policy recommendations for the 2021 CBD COP15 framework. At CBD COP15: Disclose ambitious, timebound science-based and measurable targets during CBD COP15, together with policy proposals that would help to deliver successful outcomes. Over the past months, the coalition members have analyzed their value chains to identify the most impactful levers to protect and nurture biodiversity. We need a collective effort now. Actions are focused around three pillars: scaling up regenerative agricultural practices; boosting cultivated biodiversity and diets through product portfolios; and eliminating deforestation / enhancing the management, restoration and protection high-value natural ecosystems. Emmanuel Macron, promised to earmark 30% of it’s climate funding to ‘nature-based solutions’, Boris Johnson promised 3 billion pounds to be spent on nature and biodiversity and Justin Trudeau committed up to 44 million dollars to the UN’s land degradation neutrality fund. About 30 leaders, government officials and heads of international organizations participated in the One Planet Summit, which was being held by videoconference because of … This is a key milestone that will set the tone for 2021. Defining specific actions within the value chains of OP2B members that can protect and restore the world’s most biodiversity-rich and fragile ecosystems, including grasslands, wetlands and forests. With the planet facing an urgent climate and biodiversity situation, McCain is committed to addressing the increasing impact this is having on global agricultural systems, on our grower partners and on our business. As members of OP2B coalition, we will: Develop innovative solutions aimed at protecting and promoting diversity within natural ecosystems and reducing excessive or inappropriate A business movement for nature is emerging: this coalition gives us the opportunity to move from ambition to action. More than 50 countries joined this coalition to express the ambition to protect over 30% of land and sea by 2030. In many contexts and sectors, increased variability of genes, species and ecosystems is associated with greater biological productivity, resilience and consumer preference. Suite aux engagements pris en décembre 2017 qui ont fait l'objet d'un rapport de progrès, plusieurs coalitions ont pris de nouveaux engagements au cours de la deuxième édition du One Planet Summit. The event was split up in four themes: the protection of terrestrial and marine ecosystems, agro-ecology, funding for biodiversity, and the link between deforestation, species and human health. For more than 265 years we have been a proud member of the coffee industry. France hopes to protect 30% of their terrestrial and marine areas by 2030 and of course we will be buttressing our efforts over the three coming years mobilising many young people also through the civilian service which we are setting up. To this end, by passing on the ancient seeds of Anatolia, the birthplace of agriculture, to the next generation, we will be preserving the past to secure the Future. "Grande muraille verte" en Afrique et coalition pour la Méditerranée : les annonces du One Planet Summit Lundi 11 janvier 2021 à 17:36 - Par Jade Peychieras , Noémie Lair , France Bleu Nous traversons des temps difficiles mais des solutions existent partout sur la planète. These financial commitments are severely needed as UN research found that an additional 700 billion dollars are needed yearly to reverse human endorsed environmental degradation. The coalition is determined to drive transformational systemic For more information about the High Ambition Coalition for Nature and People, click here. VIDEO - de Emmanuel Macron - Climat: Emmanuel Macron propose de créer la "One Planet Coalition"
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