Hamas seems intent on using Hezbollah's "bullets plus ballots" approach to gain a military and political foothold in the West Bank, the PA, and the PLO. Hamas Fatah Unity flag, image via CC BY-SA HonestReporting.com BESA Center Perspectives No. [71] The International Committee of the Red Cross has denounced attacks in and around two hospitals in the northern part of the Gaza strip. [43][68] Violent incidents continued through March and April 2007. During the Second Intifada Hezbollah, under instruction from Iran, recruited extensively among Fatah members, training and arming them to attack … Abbas's only means of enforcing the order appeared to be coercive action by police and security units under his command, which were relatively weak in the Gaza Strip, Hamas's stronghold. Hamas has been the de facto governing authority of the Gaza Strip since its takeover in June 2007. Fatah and Hamas officials gave conflicting accounts of what caused the fighting but the dispute seems to have originated when Hamas officials demanded that the clan return a governmental car. [14] Dozens more were killed or executed in the following years as part of the conflict. In a statement issued by Hezbollah, it tried to emphasize the connections between it and Hamas. It has a social service wing, Dawah, and a … The Egyptians are trying to reign in Hamas from its past and current ties with Iran which supports Hezbollah. Neither Hamas nor Fatah had enough votes to form a new government under the constitution. "Hamas" kündigt die Waffenruhe schließlich auf und die Situation im Gazastreifen eskaliert, bis sie im Frühsommer 2007 in einen offenen Bruderkampf zwischen "Hamas" und der "Fatah" von Palästinenser-Präsident Mahmoud Abbas mündet. The Egyptians are trying to reign in Hamas from its past and current ties with Iran which supports Hezbollah. Hezbollah. Hamas; Fatah; Tansim; Dschihad; Hisbollah; Hamas: Abkürzung für "Islamische Widerstandsbewegung" Die Hamas ist soziales Netzwerk und militante Bewegung zugleich. A series of violent acts, ranging from physical assaults, torture, and executions of Palestinians, suspected of collaboration with the Israel Defense Forces, as well as members of the Fatah political party, occurred. On 6 January 2007, Abbas outlawed the Executive Force and ordered its disbandment. The Palestinian Independent Commission for Citizens' Rights has found that over 600 Palestinians were killed in the fighting from January 2006 to May 2007. ", several countries and international organizations, Hamas fighters took control of the Gaza Strip, European Union monitoring the activities from 24 November 2005, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, "MIDEAST: This 'Bombshell' Took a Year Falling - Inter Press Service", "In Gaza, power cuts and rumors hamper reconciliation", "Egypt crisis brings Fatah, Hamas tensions to new high", "Anti-Hamas Tamarod group denies involvement with Israel, US", "What reconciliation? The US had helped build up the Presidential Guard to 3,500 men since August 2006. On 25 June 2006, militant groups conducted a cross-border raid into Israel. Hamas and Fatah are the two most dominant parties in the Palestinian political scene. (Fatah controls the Palestinian National Authority in the West Bank and recognized Israel in 1993 in the context of the Oslo Accords.) [52], According to the IISS, the June 2007 escalation was triggered by Hamas' conviction that the PA's Presidential Guard, loyal to Mahmoud Abbas, was being positioned to take control of Gaza. Several sources speak of considerable involvement by the United States, Israel and Arab states, after Hamas in 2006 announced the formation of its own security service, the Executive Force, which was denounced by Mahmoud Abbas as unconstitutional. Seite 2 — Der Konflikt zwischen Hamas und Fatah lähmt viele Prozesse ZEIT ONLINE: Die radikalislamische Hamas, die den Gazastreifen seit 2007 kontrolliert, hat den Plan ebenfalls abgelehnt. Hamas characterized it as an attempted Fatah coup by Abbas,[60] using undemocratic means to overthrow the results of a democratically elected government. [78] On the same day, Hamas also declared that it was in full control of Gaza, a claim denied by Abbas. [43], Following the elections, Hamas announced the formation of its own security service, the Executive Force, appointing Jamal abu Samhadana, a prominent militant, at its head. Ca en fait du monde pour une soi-disant minorité non représentative de l'islam - Topic Fatah, Hamas, Hezbollah, Aqmi, Chebabs, du 22-10-2012 15:02:28 sur les forums de … Fatah leader and PA President Mahmoud Abbas insists that there can be only “ one state, one government, one gun,” but Hamas seeks to maintain its armed military and terrorist wing even as it is set to hand over the reins of power in Gaza to Fatah and the PA this Friday, December 1. Haniyeh had already cut short his trip due to mounting tensions between Hamas and rival faction Fatah, after three sons of a Fatah security chief were killed days earlier. [13] At least six civilians were killed and over 80 people were injured, some from being trampled in the resulting stampede. A few specific examples are worth highlighting. Another gun battle on October 20 killed one member of the clan and a 13-year-old boy. The three terrorist groups Fatah, Hamas and Hezbollah have all fallen on hard times. Facing international sanctions, the Hamas-led Palestinian Authority depended on the import of large amounts of cash to pay its debts. Miscarea islamista Hamas si rivala sa palestiniana Fatah au semnat, joi, la Cairo, un acord de reconciliere, menit sa puna capat unui deceniu de conflict devastator, acordandu-si doua luni pentru a rezolva problemele cele mai spinoase. Fatah and Hamas, the dominant parties in the West Bank and Gaza, respectively, say they have agreed to hold a general election, the first in 15 years. A Hamas official accused the PA leadership of playing a major role in enforcing the blockade of the Gaza Strip. On 14 June, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas announced the dissolution of the current unity government and the declaration of a state of emergency.
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