The stretcher bearers only got clubs. In recent years, low-cost wedding halls servicing the religious population of Jerusalem have opened in several office and industrial buildings on Beit Hadfus Street. [2], Some time later, two Palmach units arrived, commanded by Weg and Moshe Eren in two armored vehicles and carrying two two-inch mortars. The Lehi and Irgun commanders complained that this would be too hard for them. "[29], Morning April 11 de Reynier visited Deir Yassin. We awoke to the sound of shots. We went into houses. Lehi further proposed that any villagers who failed to flee should be killed to terrify the rest of the country's Arabs. [fn 2] The plan was to drive the vehicle into the center of the village and blare a warning in Arabic, urging the residents to run towards Ein Karim. [citation needed], According to Lapidot, Raanan stressed that women, children, and the elderly must not be harmed, and that the villagers were to be warned by loudspeaker to give them a chance to escape. Some were paraded through the streets of West Jerusalem, where they were jeered, spat at, and stoned,[32] some were released in East Jerusalem and some were returned to Deir Yassin where they were executed. Givat Shaul Givat Shaul is a neighborhood in West Jerusalem.The neighborhood is located at the western entrance to the city, east of the neighborhood of Har Nof and north of Kiryat Moshe.Givat Shaul stands 820 meters above sea level. In the months leading up to the end of British rule, in a phase of the civil war known as "The Battle of [the] Roads", the Arab League-sponsored Arab Liberation Army (ALA)—composed of Palestinians and other Arabs—attacked Jewish traffic on major roads in an effort to isolate the Jewish communities from each other. Cutting through Ein Karem and Deir Yassin was the Sharafa ridge (Mount Herzl), a strategically important elevation that the Haganah had taken earlier. In 1999, the organization Deir Yassin Remembered asked Prime Minister Ehud Barak to release the records. "[73], For many decades the number of victims were believed to be around 250, based on Raanan's false estimate. He was discouraged from visiting the village by Haganah and the Jewish Agency but insisted on going: "They advised me not to interfere, because if I were to go there, my mission might be ended. [29] He reported that he had encountered a "cleaning-up team" when he arrived the village:[68]. Lehi would stage its attack from Givat Shaul, and the Irgun from Beit HaKerem. The court cited the possible damage to Israel's foreign relations and its negotiations with the Palestinians. Abu Mahmoud, a survivor, told the BBC in 1998 that he did hear the warning. The Irgun force came under fire from a three-man village guard in a concrete pillbox, and from houses in the village as residents scrambled for their rifles to join the battle, firing out of windows. [1] Menachem Begin's Herut party disseminated a Hebrew translation in Israel, causing a widespread but largely non-public debate within the Israeli establishment. but then he changed his mind." Lehi commanders relayed back that they had already entered the village and expected victory soon. On March 16, the AHC sent a delegation to the village to request that it host a group of Iraqi and Syrian irregulars to guard it. They were to relieve of the revisionists but not before they had disposed of the bodies, something they had refused to. [66], Eliahu Arbel, Operations Officer B of the Haganah's Etzioni Brigade, visited Deir Yassin on April 10. As in Deir Yassin, so everywhere, we will attack and smite the enemy. [17] Old City Press has operated here since 1969. We had prisoners, and before the retreat we decided to liquidate them. The northern part of Givat Shaul is populated mainly by Haredim, and the main street is closed to traffic on Shabbat and Jewish holidays. On April 12 before noon, two Jewish doctors, Tzvi Avigdori, the chairman of the Jerusalem branch of the Palestine Physicians Association, and his deputy, A. Druyan, visited Deir Yassin and reported:[71]. (1998). Sources diverge on whether the armored vehicle was a "truck" or a "car". After the briefing, the fighters were driven to their assigned positions. "[2], Whether houses were blown up or not is disputed. I was a doctor in the German army for 5 years, in WWI, but I had not seen such a horrifying spectacle. [7] Over time, Deir Yassin became a halfway site for Arab forces moving from Ein Karem and Malha to al-Qastal and Kolonia, which overlooked the Jerusalem-Tel Aviv highway. "[43] Meanwhile, the Irgun force on the other side of the village was also having a difficult time. [1] Several former leaders of the Haganah demanded that the pamphlet be withdrawn on account of its inaccuracy, but the Foreign Ministry explained that "While our intention and desire is to maintain accuracy in our information, we sometimes are forced to deviate from this principle when we have no choice or alternative means to rebuff a propaganda assault or Arab psychological warfare. I interviewed many of the women folk in order to glean some information on any atrocities committed in Deir Yassin but the majority of those women are very shy and reluctant to relate their experiences especially in matters concerning sexual assault and they need great coaxing before they will divulge any information. [10], The massacre became a pivotal event in the Arab–Israeli conflict for its demographic and military consequences. "[53] Hogan writes that Palmach's quick and injury free success and the small number of Irgun and Lehi casualties demonstrate that Deir Yassin's defenses were neither tough nor professional. Har HaMenuchot, a Jewish cemetery, lies to the north. Stefan Brooks, 'Deir Yassin Massacre,' in Spencer C. Tucker, Priscilla Roberts (eds.). Several major synagogues are located here, including the Pressburg Yeshiva and neighborhood synagogue, and the Zupnik - Ner Yisroel synagogue, and the ivy Yeshiva, Ner Moshe, headed by Rabbi Avraham Gurewitz and Rabbi Shalom Shechter. I spoke to Shaltiel by wireless. Kan'ana write that 25 villagers were executed and thrown into the quarry after the battle, which Gelber regards as accurate. The Givat Shaul industrial zone, sometimes referred to as Givat Shaul Bet, is situated on two parallel streets, Kanfei Nesharim and Beit Hadfus. The dissidents were yelling "Let's blow up the schoolhouse with everyone in it" and the Givat Shaul people were yelling "thieves and murderers—don't do it" and so on. Why are you murdering them?" Their lack of education and intelligence as compared to our soldiers [i.e., the Haganah] was apparent. His father, who went out after him, was murdered by the same Bren, and the mother, who came to find out what happened to her loved ones, died beside them. Fingertips cold. Fahimi Zeidan, a 12-year-old girl, testified in 1987. I did not see signs of mutilation or rape. High Commissioner Sir Alan Cunningham urged that troops be sent to Deir Yassin, but Lieutenant General Sir Gordon MacMillan, General Officer Commanding (GOC) of the British Forces in Palestine and Trans-Jordan, said he would risk British lives only for British interests. The camp guards killed the baby before the mother’s eyes. The Arabs rejected the proposal, and civil war broke out. Many times [previously] a curfew had been imposed on the village, and when the British loudspeaker would call out at one end of the village, I could here it at the other end; moreover, a shout from Givat Shaul, even without a loudspeaker, would be clearly heard in our village. Enligt Pail kom vid 14-tiden en grupp ortodoxa judar från byn Givat Shaul, den by som Deir Yassin hade slutit fredsöverenskommelse med, och fick slut på dödandet. [39] The villagers' sniper fire from higher positions in the west, especially from the mukhtar's house, effectively contained the attack. "[88] Mohammed Radwan, one of the villagers who fought the attackers, said: "There were no rapes. I couldn’t tell if it was Lehi people or Etzel people doing the killing. The rumours about this massacre also contributed to the trigger of the 1948 Palestinian exodus. Givat Shaul is named after the Rishon Lezion, Rabbi Yaakov Shaul Elyashar, the Sephardi Chief Rabbi of Israel,[1] and not, as commonly believed, for the biblical King Saul, whose capital was probably located on the hill Gibeah of Saul near Pisgat Ze'ev, on the way to Ramallah. [57] The most detailed report comes from Pa'il who spied on the revisionists on behalf of the Haganah:[58]. He described beatings, looting, and the stripping of jewelry and money from prisoners. Forwarded to the Chief Secretary of the Palestine government, Sir Henry Gurney, by Richard C. Catling, Assistant Inspector General of the Criminal Investigation Division, on April 13, 14 and 16, 1948, dossier no. [49] Instead, Hogan claims that the explosives story were used by the perpetrators to explain the high number of deaths as the result of combat rather than as a deliberate massacre. He wanted to observe the revisionists fighting capabilities. By March 1948, the road was cut off and Jerusalem was under siege. Deir Yasin (auch Deir Jassin, arabisch دير ياسين Dair Yāsīn bzw. They ran away from all our villages. Morris 2008, p. 193 (for Golda Meir); p. 209 (for Abdullah shouting "forward"). Looted houses. [2] It bordered West Jerusalem's Jewish suburbs; Givat Shaul, an Orthodox community, just across the valley 700 meters to the northeast,[19] and Beit HaKerem to the southeast. The population consists of a mix of Haredi and Religious Zionist Jews. [20] David Siton of Lehi claimed he also protested because the village was docile:[19]. 90–91. "There was a natural wall there, formed by diggingy. [8] The number of wounded is estimated to between 12 and 50. If a warning was read out it was obscured due to the sounds of heavy gunfire and few, if any, villagers heard it. [58] In a presentation to the PEACE Middle East Dialog Group, Ami Isseroff, translator of Milstein's book into English, provided side-notes critical of many aspects of Milstein's work,[93] including much of his information about Pa'il and also about the incompleteness of his sources – "Both Milstein and Yitzhak Levi leave out key testimony by Yehoshua Gorodenchik, from the Jabotinsky archives, in which he admits that Irgun troops murdered about 80 prisoners – mostly men – corresponding to accounts of refugees. He responded with the second half of the password, "Lohemet". "[2], In 1969, the Israeli Foreign Ministry published an English pamphlet "Background Notes on Current Themes: Deir Yassin" denying that there had been a massacre at Deir Yassin, that the village was the home of an Iraqi garrison, and calling the massacre story "part of a package of fairy tales, for export and home consumption". [24] The Lechaim halls,[22] located into the same industrial complex as Armonot Wolf, are also cheaper than wedding halls in other parts of the city. This was the phrase that would signal the start of the attack. Here the "cleaning up" had been done with machine-guns, then hand grenades. A Day in Deir Yassin. [20], Morris writes that the killing continued after April 9. Remembered by all Palestinians over the world as a day of infamy in the worst chapter of Palestinian history, what is known as an-Nabka or catastrophe.. Deir Yassin, a Palestinian village of around 600 inhabitants in 1948, West of Jerusalem. [47] According to survivor testimony, as many as 33 civilians were executed in the morning. [7] Despite an original boast by the victors that 254 had been killed, modern scholarship puts the death toll at far fewer. The commanders of the Haganah showed us bodies in different places. Don't get mixed up with the Irgun and Stern Gang [Lehi]. When he refused, they told him he would sign it if he valued his life. Before they [i.e, other inhabitants] were put on the trucks, the IZL and LHI men... took from them all the jewelry and stole their money. [90] Citing Hasso (2000:495) Isabelle Humphries and Laleh Khalili note that in Palestine men's honour was tied to "the maintenance of kin women's virginity (when unmarried) or exclusive sexual availability (when married)", and that this culture led to the suppression of the narratives of rape victims. [32] Shaltiel got reports on what was happening in Deir Yassin and sent Gichon there to convince the revisionists to stop the massacre. There was a great deal of yelling. Givat Shaul is not the same as Deir Yassin, which has a page of its own for all the gory details. [76] Cunningham later said the RAF had brought a squadron of Tempest aircraft from Iraq to bomb the village, but he cancelled the operation when he learned the Haganah had arrived there and had garrisoned it. They went about with glazed eyes as though entranced with killing. Larry Collins interview with Hazem Nusseibeh, May 1968, Larry Collins papers, Georgetown University library, cited in, Rodinson, 1968, p. 50 "There were many causes for the Palestinian exodus, the main one being simply that which operated in Spain during the Civil War or in France in 1940: to get away from the theatre of military operations. According to Milstein, Pa'il said he despised the "dissidents", thus giving him a political motive to submit a falsified report. Arabs fled from Haifa and Khirbet Azzun. [44] Exactly when is unclear; Milstein writes "at noon," Hogan "about 10:00 am. [41], The Lehi forces slowly advanced, engaging in house-to-house fighting. [2] Yisrael Natach was a member of the Shai and were on the day stationed in Ein Karem. The assault occurred as Jewish militia sought to relieve the blockade of Jerusalem during the civil war that preceded the end of British rule in Palestine. im palästinensischen Dialekt Dēr Yāsīn) war ein palästinensisches Dorf, heute Teil der im Nordwesten Jerusalems gelegenen orthodoxen Siedlung Giv'at Scha'ul.Das Dorf mit etwa 600 Einwohnern wurde am 9. Fifteen wounded and 15 bodies were transferred to Jerusalem by the Red Cross. The arrival of tens of thousands of refugees further convinced them to act. Finally they put the prisoners from the schoolhouse on four trucks and drove them to the Arab quarter of Jerusalem near the Damascus gate. He further claimed that an assault on the village would show the Arabs that the Jews intended to fight for Jerusalem. [34], A gunbattle then broke out. Outside the fence, there are carob and almond trees and the stumps of olive trees. On April 14, Irgun radio broadcast that villages around Deir Yassin and elsewhere were being evacuated. The population that had not fled was expelled. It seemed to be going on everywhere. '[78], The Jordanian newspaper Al Urdun published a survivor's account in 1955, which said the Palestinians had deliberately exaggerated stories about atrocities in Deir Yassin to encourage others to fight, stories that had caused them to flee instead. Shaltiel said, 'Take their weapons, and if they do not surrender their weapons, open fire.'
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