Emma Niles, by In the vast majority of cases, these states have showed no self-restraint, requiring an external force (most often the drive for freedom of the oppressed colonial subjects) to challenge and subdue those ambitions. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is not the product of ancient ethnic hatreds. Khalidi writes, “The surest way to eradicate a people’s right to their land is to deny their historical connection to it.”. Personalize your Truthdig experience. Il s'agit d'évoquer l'expansion coloniale en rapport avec les systèmes qui y ont présidé et les doctrines qui l'ont justifiée ou combattue. Now you can personalize your Truthdig experience. Thanks to this violent transformation, Israel controlled 78 percent of the territory of former Mandatory Palestine, and now ruled over the 160,000 Palestinian Arabs who had been able to remain, barely one-fifth of the prewar Arab population.”, Since 1948, Palestinians have heroically mounted one resistance effort after another, all unleashing disproportionate Israeli reprisals and a demonization of the Palestinians as terrorists. He warned that if Israel did not separate church and state and end its colonial occupation of the Palestinians it would give rise to a corrupt rabbinate that would warp Judaism into a fascistic cult. Peaufinant, en ce moment, mon projet au sujet de la toxicité des livres sacrés, je retombe, sur un travail, sur le sujet, que je vous livre, ici: It is the tragic clash between two peoples with claims to the same land. Mandatory Palestine (Arabic: فلسطين ‎ Filasṭīn; Hebrew: פָּלֶשְׂתִּינָה (א"י) ‎ Pālēśtīnā (E.Y. If the Zionists were given a homeland in Palestine, the British believed, the Jews and Dönmes would turn on the Turkish regime, which was allied with Germany in the war, and the Turkish government would collapse. Their first patron was Britain, which sent 100,000 troops to crush the Palestinian revolt of the 1930s and armed and trained Jewish militias known as the Haganah. Israel has promulgated a series of discriminatory laws against non-Jews that eerily resemble the racist Nuremberg Laws that disenfranchised Jews in Nazi Germany. Be well, stay safe and look out for each other. It played a major role in purchasing land for the Jewish settlement in Palestine and later the State of Israel until the association disbandment in 1957. Mais, en fait, il faut attendre la seconde moitié du xviesiècle pour voir apparaître d'autres ambitions que la domination de la Manche et de la mer du Nord. Wesam Ahmad is a Palestinian human rights advocate at Al-Haq NGO in Ramallah, Palestine. Alors de grâce arrête de discriminer même le degré de la souffrance des peuples colonisés. World Jewry, the British were convinced, was the key to winning the war. Appel à rassemblement pour la Palestine ce samedi à Paris ! Le khédive[2] Ismaïl, arrivé au pouvoir onze ans auparavant, il a entrepris des travaux conséquents dans le but de faire de l’Egypte une grande nation sur le plan international. Most of the Zionist leaders “protested the innocent purity of their aims and deceived their Western listeners, and perhaps themselves, with fairy tales about their benign intentions toward the Arab inhabitants of Palestine,” he writes. The creation of the state of Israel on May 15, 1948, was achieved by the Haganah and other Jewish groups through the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians and massacres that spread terror among the Palestinian population. We are committed to building a movement based on these principles, and we hope to work with individuals or organizations whose goal is the liberation of Palestine. There is also good reason to fear that the Israel Defense Force, which has been until now a people’s army, would, as a result of being transformed into an army of occupation, degenerate, and its commanders, who will have become military governors, resemble their colleagues in other nations.”. With 2020 marking the final year of the Third International Decade for the Eradication of Colonialism, it is time for the international community to realise that the current Israeli colonial practices cannot be separated from the history of colonialism. “Religious nationalism is to religion what National Socialism was to socialism,” said Leibowitz, who died in 1994. Effectivement, « l’ œ uvre » coloniale française n’était pas isolée, l’Angleterre et la Belgique ont aussi contribué à dessiner cet imaginaire occidental fait de domination au détriment du reste du monde. Sa position est donc contre toute idée de colonisation. Throughout its 72-year history, Israel has continued to refine the art of colonisation and put forward what could be considered the best business practices of colonialism. But this resistance has also forced the world to recognize the presence of Palestinians, despite the feverish efforts of Israel, the United States and many Arab regimes to remove them from historical consciousness. This erasure, which requires an egregious act of historical amnesia, is what the Israeli sociologist Baruch Kimmerling called the “politicide” of the Palestinian people. He argued that it would encourage states to expel its Jews. Ze’ev Jabotinsky, the godfather of the right-wing ideology that has dominated Israel since 1977, an ideology openly embraced by Prime Ministers Menachem Begin, Yitzhak Shamir, Ariel Sharon, Ehud Olmert and Benjamin Netanyahu, wrote bluntly in 1923: “Every native population in the world resists colonists as long as it has the slightest hope of being able to rid itself of the danger of being colonized. Truthdig takes no responsibility for such statements or opinions. Dr. Baroud is a Non-resident Senior Research Fellow at the Center for Islam and Global Affairs (CIGA), Zaim University. This will simply allow it to slip back into its old strategy of de facto annexation. Jewish mobs and vigilantes, including thugs from right-wing youth groups such as Im Tirtzu, carry out indiscriminate acts of vandalism and violence against dissidents, Palestinians, Israeli Arabs and the hapless African immigrants who live crammed into the slums of Tel Aviv. American Jews, once promised a homeland in Palestine, would, they thought, bring the United States into the war and help finance the war effort. […] Soit la colonisation sioniste s’arrête, soit elle se poursuit sans considération pour la population indigène. “Indeed, those who analyze not only Israeli settlement efforts in Jerusalem, the West Bank, and the occupied Syrian Golan Heights, but the entire Zionist enterprise from the perspective of its colonial settler origins and nature are often vilified. Félicitations aussi à nos amis britanniques qui ont mené des actions spectaculaires contre l’usine d’armement israélienne Elbit en Angleterre ! “The best Palestinian for them,” Said wrote, “is either dead or gone. That action should take the form of targeted sanctions aimed at the entire economic incentive structure feeding into, and flowing out of, Israel’s colonial enterprise. Pendant la 1GM, la colonisation s'est renforcée au profit des vainqueurs. The Israeli educational system, starting in primary school, is an indoctrination machine for the military. Those Jews who returned to countries like Poland found they had nowhere to live and were often victims of discrimination as well as postwar anti-Semitic attacks and even massacres. La Quatrième Convention de Genève précise que « la Puissance occupante ne pourra procéder à la déportation ou au transfert d’une partie de sa propre population civile dans le territoire occupé par elle. Et l'Angleterre récupère la Palestine et la Jordanie. Les deux sont des pays colonisés. Our archive of 15 years of award-winning independent journalism is available for free. This has disturbed the delicate balance the international community has tried to maintain between the integrity of the international legal system and its inaction on Israeli violations, with the costs of this now potentially outweighing the benefits (including economic ones). The problem is that decades of impunity have led many Israeli officials to believe that there is no longer even a need to bend international rules and seek a creeping de facto annexation and, with the backing of the Trump administration, they have now sought a de jure seizure of Palestinian land. To add to these bizarre anti-Semitic canards, the British believed that Jews and Dönmes — or “crypto-Jews” whose ancestors had converted to Christianity but who continued to practice the rituals of Judaism in secret — controlled the Turkish government. “Palestine will become the world’s ghetto,” he warned. La zone n'est pas clairement définie. If the international community wants to salvage the rule of law in international relations, it has to take concrete action. “This is a unique colonialism that we’ve been subjected to where they have no use for us,” Khalidi quotes Said as having written. Israel runs the Saharonim detention camp in the Negev Desert, one of the largest detention centers in the world, where African immigrants can be held for up to three years without trial. History is replete with examples of rapacious colonial states and the means, methods and justifications they have used in moving forward their colonial practices. To bookmark your favorite articles, please create a user profile. Fish's work has also appeared nationally in The Los Angeles Times, The Village Voice, Vanity…. Israel is an apartheid state that rivals and often surpasses the onetime savagery and racism of apartheid South Africa. Nor can they accept that it would not have succeeded but for the support of the great imperial powers, Britain and later the United States. The corruption characteristic of every colonial regime would also prevail in the State of Israel. La France récupère le Cameroun et le Togo, le Liban et la Syrie. At least 720,000 of the 1.3 million Palestinians were made refugees. “By the summer of 1949, the Palestinian polity had been devastated and most of its society uprooted,” Khalidi writes. La colonisation est en soi illégale en droit international. RV SAMEDI 6 FÉVRIER . imperatively demanded by the necessities of war, in the interests of the civilian population, Third International Decade for the Eradication of Colonialism, Break the fear barrier and speak up for Palestine, Senegal’s revolutionary icon Omar Blondin Diop deserves justice, The tripartite alliance that is destabilisng the Horn of Africa, Gaza tower block collapses after Israeli strike, Palestinians say 21 killed as Israeli air raids on Gaza continue, Melinda Gates met divorce lawyers when Epstein ties revealed: WSJ, Elon Musk asks Twitter followers if Tesla should accept Dogecoin, Al Jazeera Centre for Public Liberties & Human Rights. La colonisation ne peut avoir qu’un seul but, et les Arabes de Palestine ne peuvent pas accepter ce but. Without an external force acting against Israel’s expansionist ambitions, the colonisation of Palestine will continue. It was undertaken by the ruling British elites to unite “international Jewry” — including officials of Jewish descent in senior positions in the new Bolshevik state in Russia — behind Britain’s flagging military campaign in World War I. 1880 : Première colonie Sioniste en Palestine établie et financée par des Britanniques Sionistes. 1842 : « Traités inégaux » entre la Chine et l'Angleterre. They subsidized European Jewish settlers sent to Palestine, where 94% of the inhabitants were Arabs. He saw that the blind veneration of the military, especially after the 1967 war in which Israel captured the West Bank and East Jerusalem, would result in the degeneration of the Jewish society and the death of democracy. Britain’s support of a Jewish homeland was always colored by anti-Semitism. Many cannot accept the contradiction inherent in the idea that although Zionism undoubtedly succeeded in creating a thriving national entity in Israel, its roots are as a colonial settler project (as are those of other modern countries: the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand). Amid a global pandemic, economic recession and simmering racial tensions around the world, Israel’s threat to formally annex parts of occupied Palestinian territory presents yet another international crisis in the making. Il y a un siècle, les accords Sykes-Picot ont dépecé l'Empire ottoman et le Proche-Orient en plusieurs zones d'influence au profit de la France et du Royaume-Uni. Cette barbarie de la colonisation a déshumanisé la conscience collective française. The looming Israeli annexation of Palestinian land and the global inaction on it evidence the failure of this regime to help end colonialism and put its very raison d’etre in question. Je le recommande tout particulierement, aux juifs ultras, qui ne demordent pas de leur soit disant legitimité, à occuper les terres de Palestine. Encore cet éveil à l'expansion maritime est-il motivé par l'imitation et la crainte des Espagnols et des Portugais. L’Angleterre empochait la plus grosse part de l’Irak, la Jordanie et le désert du Néguev, en Palestine. It is telling that the only Jewish member of Prime Minister David Lloyd George’s government, Edwin Montagu, vehemently opposed the Balfour Declaration. Arizona Secretary of State Confirms Election Fraud During Primary Vote, Scientists Definitively Debunk the Biggest Climate Change Lie, The Latinx Vote Might Carry ‘Tío Bernie’ to Victory, Corporate Media Is Practically Baying for a Police State, Ilhan Omar Has a Plan to Revolutionize U.S. Foreign Policy, boycott, divestment and sanctions movement, Class: The Little Word the Elites Want You to Forget. The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect Al Jazeera’s editorial stance. We are an independent committee unaffiliated with any political party. This is why the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement frightens Israel. From the early days of the occupation in 1967, Israeli officials were advised that the appropriation of property for the purposes of civilian settlements would be considered a violation of international humanitarian law which theoretically prohibits the practice of colonialism. ), where "E.Y." The Haganah, trained and armed by the British, swiftly seized most of Palestine. Natasha Hakimi Zapata / TruthDig, by During the British control of Palestine, the population was officially divided between Jews and “non-Jews.” “There were no such thing as Palestinians … they did not exist,” onetime Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir quipped. Such an admission would cause the colonizers to lose the world’s sympathy. Much of the narrative in international diplomatic circles around the issue of annexation has revolved around deterrence, with the rationale being the threat of tangible consequences to annexation will lead to a reconsideration of the move. Des intérêts économiques sont aux sources de la conquête britannique de l’Egypte. The savage repression of that revolt included wholesale executions and aerial bombardment and left 10% of the adult male Arab population killed, wounded, imprisoned or exiled. Colonialism can never truly be eradicated so long as the colonisation of Palestine continues. This kind of public honesty, Khalidi notes, was rare among leading Zionists. So, while leading Zionists understood that they had to uproot and displace Arabs to establish a homeland, they were also acutely aware that they were not wanted in the countries from which they had fled or been expelled. Thus, corporate considerations – direct and indirect economic benefits – have discouraged governments from taking political action to hinder the momentum of Israel’s colonial project and thus both state and multinational corporate actors have contributed to its operation. The Zionist leader Theodor Herzl in 1896 published “Der Judenstaat,” or “The Jewish State,” in which he warned that Jews were not safe in Europe, a warning that within a few decades proved terrifyingly prescient with the rise of German fascism. Its democracy — which was always exclusively for Jews — has been hijacked by extremists, including current Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who have implemented racial laws that were once championed mainly by marginalized fanatics such as Meir Kahane. Si la colonisation de la Palestine a été caractérisée par une série de déprédations, il nous faut prendre le temps d’examiner l’attitude du mouvement sioniste non seulement envers ses victimes palestiniennes (sur laquelle nous reviendrons), mais envers les juifs eux-mêmes. Revue britannique ou choix d'articles des meilleurs écrits périodiques de la grande bretagne , tome premier, année 1849. The Israeli public is infected with racism. The international legal regime was meant to help end colonialism. Israel was all that many impoverished and stateless survivors, robbed of their national rights, communities, homes and often most of their relatives, had left. If the function and the spirit of rule-based system of international relations is to be preserved, that force must be the force of law. But among themselves the Zionists clearly understood that the use of armed force against the Arab majority was essential for the colonial project to succeed. Alan MacLeod / FAIR, by In fact, Israel has enjoyed wide-ranging impunity throughout the various stages of colonisation of Palestine as the international community has treated it as if it were a law-abiding sovereign state and not a colonising power.
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