Although Voldemort himself Ralph Fiennes would go on to play Bond’s boss M, the actor’s fear of committing to a franchise in the mid-90s led him to turn down the role of 007 himself. When he saw Grant and Young making a fuss, he nipped their diva behavior in the bud. In the years after Cherrill’s split from Grant, she revealed that her ex-husband wasn’t just hard to get along with, he was “psychotically jealous” and just plain monstrous. yorkshire_rose Oh,he would have made the best James Bond ever ! In choosing Haven, Grant led Jimmy Stewart play Mike Connor…the role that won him an Oscar. The review led to another screen test by Paramount Publix, resulting in an appearance as a sailor in Singapore Sue (1931), a ten-minute short film by Casey Robinson. But it would take more than that to get Grant away from the spotlight. Cary Grant’s career and fame shot up from then on. Cary Grant var største kandidat til å spille James Bond i Dr No filmen. Hollywood aranykorának legnépszerűbb sármőre ideális választásnak tűnt a macsó titkos ügynök megformálására, amikor a legelső Bond-film, a Dr. No főszereplőjét keresték 1961-ben. Gavin was considered again for Live and Let Die, but was denied as producers felt Bond should remain English. It was fun to play with him, and I think he had a good time, too.” It’s too bad Grant didn’t get along this well with all his leading ladies, especially Joan Fontaine…. Hutton said, “Of my four husbands, he is the one I loved most. Please reach out to us to let us know what you’re interested in reading. But by and large, the actors who were offered the part of 007 and declined the role had real concerns about their place in the series. He declined the role because he didn’t want to be tied to a film series. According to Cannon, Grant would fly into rages and even spank his wife if she didn’t follow his orders. Grant’s mother Elsie wasn’t dead, and she definitely wasn’t at a “seaside resort.” Instead, she’d been alive the whole time, locked up in a lunatic asylum. A one-stop shop for all things video games. We want our readers to trust us. For her big kissing scene with Cary Grant in North by Northwest, Eva Marie Saint confessed that she had just one thing on her mind—not stepping on his toes. The press immediately jumped on the new couple, dubbing them “Cash and Cary.” Grant knew that gossip-mongers would assume he was only with Hutton for her money, even though he was perfectly fine on his own, so he demanded that the couple get a unique pre-nuptial agreement. Which may have been good for the franchise, given that he was only interesting in shooting one film. I really don’t know.” But as they say, it isn’t over til it’s over…. The producers of the James Bond films originally approached Cary Grant about playing the role of James Bond 007. They didn’t get along, leaving Grant devoid of affection from his only parental figures left. In the movie, Grant and Bergman give each other multiple kisses, halting each one at the three second mark before nibbling each other’s ears and necks, and then resuming more of their many three second kiss. However, on November 29, 1986, Grant began to feel under the weather. Film historians now consider Grant a true trailblazer. At the end of the tour, the rest of Grant’s troupe returned to England, but Grant decided to stay in New York and make a go of it. They sent Grant a telegram that read, “HOW OLD CARY GRANT?” Grant immediately replied, “OLD CARY GRANT FINE. However, Grant was unsure about committing to more than one or two movies. Here’s a good TIL for the next time you find yourself in an awkward silence. It turned out that young Cary Grant’s caregiver Jean Adair had become an actor and performed in the Broadway run of Arsenic. Cary Grant var største kandidat til å spille James Bond i Dr No filmen. All Rights Reserved. He credited the hallucinogen with helping him understand the negative impact of his mother’s disappearance and why all of his marriages had failed. The recently deceased Burt Reynolds admitted to very few regrets throughout his long career onscreen, but the Cannonball Run star did concede in his memoir that he should have given the role of James Bond a second thought when he was offered the part. Despite his inner turmoil, Grant always took pains to make sure to keep up his outside appearance. It drove Grant nuts that Hutton would buy two newspapers each day (one for her and one for him), and he hated that Hutton’s insecurities led her to to surround herself with “a consortium of fawning parasites.” It was only a matter of time before they imploded. Strap in, and away we go. It sounds as though Cary Grant and Peter O’Toole were the desired faces of James Bond before Sean Connery, but it was Dana Broccoli, the wife of the 007 producer, that happened to see this picture of Sean Connery and decided that this was the face that was needed for the franchise. He was told it was a matter of efficiency, as the hotel had found most people only ate three out of four halves—but that didn’t satisfy Grant. When he was young, Cary Grant chipped one of his front teeth while ice skating. Once again, Grant missed out on Oscar gold to a co-star, and even worse than the Fontaine situation, the role literally could have been his. A friend of mine told me he thought it good. Despite his macho image, Grant demanded that the studio use a body double for all scenes involving him and the leopard. It didn’t take long for Cary Grant to fall for another beautiful woman, and his fiery affair with TV star Dyan Cannon was no different. On the set of the 1932 film Hot Saturday, Cary Grant became fast friends with Randolph Scott, a fellow Hollywood heartthrob. In the end, the film made Grant so miserable that he vowed to never collaborate with Alfred Hitchcock again. After all Grant’s philandering, it’s not too surprising that he and Drake eventually called it quits in 1962. Even as a senior citizen, Cary Grant had razor sharp wit. Maybe he was right on that one. He spoke highly of Audrey Hepburn, Deborah Kerr, Grace Kelly, Ingrid Bergman, and of course, Katharine Hepburn. A famous anecdote describes how a magazine needed to confirm his age for an article. 1971, 1973. But how did he do it? Fashion experts have called the best suit in film history, with the grey ensemble inspiring outfits in movies like Collateral and Paycheck. Grant, as always, knew exactly what to say. Please let us know if a fact we’ve published is inaccurate (or even if you just suspect it’s inaccurate) by reaching out to us at While none of Bond’s suit’s are copies of Grant’s suit, we see similar suits in Connery’s tenure as well as similarities in some of Daniel Craig’s suits. However, he eventually turned down the chance to play Bond for what must be the most blandly sensible reason listed here, as the producers refused to offer gross profit points for any movies Owen made in the role. When Grant was still an aspiring actor, he ran into an old friend who’d become a director. However, according to some film historians, that’s not all he did to pay the bills. The Derailed antihero had even entered into negotiations for the part at the time. He came out of retirement to make To Catch a Thief with Alfred Hitchcock and Grace Kelly…and ended up acting for another 11 years after that. He said, “My possessiveness and fear of losing Virginia brought about the very condition I feared: the loss of her.” In the years after their split, though, the couple managed to become friends. Oh, Cary Grant, he could really be his own worst enemy. I knew that she was going to take it badly, but I had no idea about the insane lengths she would go to just to get revenge and mess with my life. Grant, always ready with a quip, couldn’t think of anything to say as Caine bent over laughing. Another unexpected name to see on here, Mad Max star Mel Gibson almost became Bond in the mid-80s after Roger Moore’s tenure in the role ended. But here’s the thing: When Grant signed on to do the movie, producers let him pick which of the lead male roles to play. As it turned out, Grant got so involved in the kissing scene that he ended up falling off a ladder. Eventually, the Academy did the right thing and gave him an honorary award in 1970, but before that, Grant took out his Oscar-based insecurities on his co-stars through vicious feuds and outrageous demands. When Cary Grant and Ginger Rogers co-starred in 1942’s Once Upon a Honeymoon, they couldn’t agree about which one of them would get top billing. If Drake violated the sign, Grant would become furious. Plus, Grant more than made up for his huge salary after filming finished. Thanks to their tactics, the kissing scene in Notorious ended up becoming Hollywood’s most erotic on-screen smooch for many, many years. Life at Grant’s grandmother’s house wasn’t all that much better than it had been when his mom was around. Grant declared her to be “the most beautiful woman” he had ever seen, and said he “fell in love with her” the moment he saw her. Ice cold, Cary, ice cold. Archie Leach was a traumatized little boy who ran away from home, joined a vaudeville troupe, and transformed himself into the suave Hollywood actor we now know as Cary Grant. Connery was offered the role despite Fleming’s reticence. And from then on, in even the lesser films, Connery, who died Saturday at 90, was never out of place on screen. Alfred Hitchcock’s Notorious made cinema history by extravagantly flouting the Hays Code’s strict rules for “moral filmmaking.” Instead of playing by the rules and limiting kisses to just three second long (boo! However, Katharine Hepburn had been deemed “Box Office Poison” at the time and would never have received top billing anyway. The 82-year-old movie star died at 11:22PM. Most of Grant’s first films were flops that nearly dashed his movie star dreams, but all that changed on one fateful day. The role then went to Sean Connery starting with Dr. No in 1962. Grant played a literal teenager when he was 40 years old and kept his good looks right into old age! Cary Grant Bio - Was He Gay, Did He Have A Spouse Or Children? He thought this was good practice so he wouldn’t worry about scuffing the furniture if the maid used them for rags. When Cary Grant showed up on the set of Arsenic and Old Lace, he had no idea that he was in for the shock of his life. But bear in mind, he only bought it as an olive branch after their incredibly nasty divorce. The actor looked subdued and said, “It’s a facade, an aura. HOW YOU?”. Rachel Seigel is an avid reader and book enthusiast with over 15 years of experience writing. He often described her as one of the most passionate romances of his entire life. #1 Cary Grant. That said, Reynolds had good reason to reject the role, as he claimed he couldn’t see audiences accepting such an all-American actor in such a specifically British part. Wary of becoming typecast as an action hero, Neeson was unsure about taking on the role and becoming the first Irish Bond a year before Pierce Brosnan would take up this mantle instead. He Started Performing Young. He married five times, had affairs with gorgeous actresses, and dated countless other ladies. In his late fifties at the time, Grant was “too old” to play the role in multiple movies and as such couldn’t be considered for the part, according to… himself. While the couple stayed married for over 12 years, their time together was TUR-BU-LENT. The aggrieved star called then-owner Conrad Hilton for an explanation. Charming, handsome, elegant, these attributes no doubt remind many of us of one of film’s most famous Brits, the unforgettable man of mystery himself, James Bond. In other words, their marriage was a mess, but thankfully, it had one major silver lining. Other sources claim Hitchcock used another excuse: He told Stewart he looked too old for the role, then hired Cary Grant…who was four years older than Stewart. His first feature film role happened in 1932 in This Is The Night and the rest, as they say, was history. Alfred Hitchcock’s North By Northwest set the tone for all spy films to come in the 1960s, and Cary Grant’s famous plaid suit has many similarities to the many plaid suits Sean Connery wore in the Bond films. Higher-profile stars Richard Burton and Cary Grant were also said to have been offered the role of Bond, but both turned it down. During the filming of the classic comedy Bringing Up Baby, the studio brought in a real-life leopard to play the eponymous Baby. Thankfully for cinema lovers everywhere, Grant changed his mind. Then everything got so much worse. As it stands, only six actors have ever played the part, with all but one lasting longer than one movie outing in the role. yorkshire_rose likes this. Often, when life’s difficulties proved to be too overwhelming, Grant would retreat back to his theatrical roots, the place that had made him who he was. Grant was devastated at this horrible loss, but his father seemed to rally quickly. Mais à ses débuts, un autre nom aurait pu écrire la légende « Bondienne » : Cary Grant. Quatre ans après sa mort. Grant didn’t believe that was true and demanded Bouron to prove it with a blood test. Whatever he was doing, it worked. As soon as the doctor investigated Grant’s symptoms, he knew what was happening: The legendary star was having a massive stroke. She can’t wait to disprove it.” Also, looking like Cary Grant probably helped. Grant agreed, admitting, “It doesn’t sound particularly right in Britain, either.” After some negotiations, Grant and the studio agreed to rebrand him “Cary Grant.”, When Grant looked back on his life, he often felt torn about his identity. While Grant could be debonair and standoffish with other flames, he felt very protective of Hutton, who had a long history of family manipulation and mental illness. ), Hitchcock, Grant, and Bergman came up with an ingenious way to defy the prudish code. Yikes. When they said no and forced Grant to go back to work, he was miserable. His first real success came in 1937 with the comedy The Awful Truth, and after that, he made hit after hit, receiving two Oscar nominations for Penny Serenade in 1941 and None but the Lonely Heart in 1944. Cary Grant as James Bond. So the next time you mess up at your job, just be thankful you weren’t the guy who forgot to copyright a multi-million dollar movie. Scouts for Fox Film Corporation wanted to cast him in a new film, only for the studio to see his screen test and say he was too “thick-necked” and bowlegged to be in movies. Even after Hutton and Grant went their separate ways, they managed to be amicable exes, especially when it came to Lance Reventlow, Hutton’s son from a previous marriage. Ever the charmer, Hitchcock hero Cary Grant was polite enough to break the bad news to Bond producers who sought him out for the role of the famous secret agent. Cary Grant: He was so smooth on screen, and so, so messy in real life. When his father eventually found out, he didn’t take his son’s new interest very well. When it came time to film 1959’s North by Northwest, Hitchcock knew he wanted to use a different actor. Apparently, when Cary Grant fell, he fell hard. He declined the role because he didn’t want to be tied to a film series. Grant may have been a famous movie star, but his first love would always be on the stage. Taken star Liam Neeson likely had the easiest time turning down Bond out of the names seen here, as the love of his life gave him an ultimatum that put the allure of the famous part in perspective. The closest he came was in Suspicion, where he played a husband whose wife thinks he’s trying to kill her. But even though they loved each other, the couple just wasn’t compatible enough to stick together long-term. Grant fikk en stjerne på Hollywood Walk of Fame i 1960 og ble belønnet med en æres-Oscar i 1970. Alfred Hitchcock’s North By Northwestset the tone for all spy films to come in the 1960s, and Cary Grant’s famous plaid suit has many similarities to the many plaid suits Sean Connery wore in the Bond films. According to Grant, LSD was amazing. Als er neun Jahre alt war, wurde seine Mutter Elsie Maria Kingdon (1877–1973) wegen psychischer Probleme in eine Heilanstalt eingewiesen. Some producer should cast all three of them in the same movie and let them duke it out. This one is a little ironic, although the actor in question has done so well since that it’s unlikely he holds a grudge… In the end, Drake took him back and as a sign of how much she loved him, she even wrote a movie for them to star in together. Even after landing his big break in 1933’s She Done Him Wrong, it still took a few rough years until Grant really made his mark. Sean Connery’s Bond’s suits more often take second place to this suit. Horrified, Grant immediately travelled to England to get his mother out of the asylum. An, um, energetic interview, featured Grant lambasting modern method actors. Il incarne le chic masculin. In 1966, something took place that changed Grant’s entire focus and made him decide to give up acting once and for all. Cary Grant wouldn't have been the James Bond we all know, because Cary Grant totally lacked Sean Connery's sexual agressiveness. Forlover i Bond produsenten Albert R og Dana Broccolis bryllup. Michael Caine Her wealthy older husband supported her burgeoning career as an actress. He fell madly in love with his co-star, the Italian beauty Sophia Loren, and begged her to take him to bed—even though he was married to Wife Number Three at the time. That dubious honor goes to Betsy Drake, an actress and screenwriter who married Grant in 1949, when she was 26 and he was a whopping 45 years old. Even though the doctors begged Grant to go to a hospital, he refused. Christmas Came Early! When she's not reading or writing, she enjoys spending time with her long-time partner and her dog. At first, things went great for Grant and Drake. When asked about the role he remembered most fondly, Grant said it was C.K. The duo were married between 1965 and 1968 and as usual, when it ended, it got messy. While everybody else was busy making her out to be public enemy #1, Grant kept in touch with the actress and was there to protect her from the press when she came back to Hollywood. During Grant’s early days in New York City, he was rumored to be the town’s highest paid gigolo. He marked how much liquor was in each bottle to make sure no one took any, charged fans 15 cents for an autograph, and kept detailed logs about how much he spent on food. Yup, under Drake’s tutelage, Grant was hypnotized into sleeping better and quitting smoking. During the casting for a male part in Mae West’s film She Done Him Wrong, the actress spotted Grant as she traipsed through the film stud. They all left me. Thus the producers moved on to Timothy Dalton, and so began a multi-decade streak of Gibson's unpredictable career moves which continues into his current role as Santa Claus in an R-rated action movie. Grant, on the other hand, didn’t even get a nomination. The official mystery of Alfred Hitchcock’s North by Northwest is the whereabouts of the man whom Cary Grant’s Roger Thornhill has been dangerously mistaken for. To make matters worse, Hitchcock was absolutely fixated on Fontaine, basically ignoring Grant throughout the production. It turns out that Bouron knew all along that Grant wasn’t the real father. Long after Grant and Hutton split, they revealed where they thought their relationship went wrong. He’d seek solace at the one place he felt accepted: the movie theater. Tom Hardy is rumored to be the next Bond, although some commentators have called for a more diverse revamp of the franchise to feature non-white, non-male presenting actors in the role of 007. Though it’s never been confirmed whether or not Grant and Scott were in a homosexual relationship, the studios were rumored to have planted stories with the press about beautiful young women going in and out of Scott’s and Grant’s shared beach house, dubbing the location “Bachelor Hall.” Between them, they were married seven times, but there is still wide speculation as to the true nature of their relationship. But off screen, his life was as messy as they get. This is no coincidence. In 1948, he contracted a serious case of jaundice and hepatitis. In the end, it all made Arsenic Grant’s least favorite film. She turned to her producer and said, “If he can talk, I’ll take him.” She Done Him Wrong became Grant’s big break, and the rest, as they say, is history. Even though he was a wealthy Hollywood star, Grant was notorious for being incredibly cheap. That’s why, when Reventlow passed away in a horrible plane crash, Grant’s heart broke. Was offered the role as the first American Bond after George Lazenby quit, but lost out when Sean Connery decided to return to the role instead. After getting Cherrill’s number, he called her once every ten minutes until she picked up. There's something about the family structure that encourages secrets. He never let his weight get above 180 pounds, he maintained his tan all year round, and he wore very little makeup on screen. Three days later, Grant rejoined the Penders and got what he wanted all along. While staying at the Plaza hotel, Grant was annoyed to find that he’d only received 1.5 English Muffins for breakfast.
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