[194] On 21 October, a video was released by ISIL showing what it claimed was a bundle of airdropped small arms, ammunition, and other supplies from the United States. [298] On 25 August, a Russian military vehicle rammed a U.S. armored car near al-Malikiyah, northeastern Syria, in which four US soldiers had suffered mild concussion. Le leadership militaire des USA estime qu’il est nécessaire que l’ISIS conquière non seulement la Syrie et l’Irak, mais aussi la Jordanie. Bombardement US en Syrie : Trois réflexions pour inciter à la prudence. Ces dernières semaines, plusieurs attaques à la roquette ont été lancées par des milices pro-iraniennes contre des bases américaines en Irak. C’est seulement quand l’ISIS prendra le contrôle de suffisamment de sites bibliques, comme Palmyre et le Second Temple de Salomon à Tadmoor, que les prophéties sur la Fin des Temps pourront se réaliser. [256] A day later, after failing to convince Trump to reconsider his decision to withdraw all American troops from Syria, Jim Mattis announced his resignation as Secretary of Defense. The Russian Defense Ministry were the first to report the incident, adding that the incident was near Tell Tamer and that it was elements of Turkish-backed rebels that fired the artillery. Quand nous sommes bombardés d’informations sur un « massacre » servant à justifier des bombardements US, on a toujours intérêt à se souvenir des précédents. Quand nous sommes bombardés d’informations sur un « massacre » servant à justifier des bombardements US, on a toujours intérêt à se souvenir des précédents. Both Russia and the U.S. operate military outposts throughout the region as a part of their respective missions. En 2013, on a déjà accusé Damas. [302], On 17 August, U.S. forces killed at least one Syrian soldier and wounded two others, after a fire exchange near a checkpoint in the village of Tal Dahab, near Qamishli, northeastern Syria. Wants to Arm and Train? Bombardés d'informations sur un « massacre » servant à justifier des bombardements US, on a toujours intérêt à se souvenir des précédents. Bases On Syrian Oilfields Receive New Equipment", "Trump blames Putin, Obama for 'Animal Assad,' tweets 'big price' after reports of Syrian chemical attack", "Bashar al Assad goes old school in response to Trump's 'animal' insult", "Lotta interesting stuff happening in this picture, reportedly taken in Syria. [143] On 22 September 2014, the U.S., Bahrain, Jordan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) began to attack ISIL forces inside Syria,[18][144] as well as the Khorasan group in the Idlib Governorate west of Aleppo, and the al-Nusra Front around Raqqa,[24][145] as part of the international military intervention against ISIL. [348] Overall, by the end of 2016 the U.S.-led air campaign against ISIL in both Iraq and Syria was estimated by the Pentagon to have struck 32,000 targets (including 164 tanks, 400 Humvees, and 2,638 pieces of oil infrastructure) and killed 50,000 militants, with approximately 1/3 of these losses taking place in Syria. "[322], On 15 January 2019, the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said he agreed with setting up a 35 km (22 mi) "safe zone" in northern Syria, after engaging with U.S. President Donald Trump a few days prior. Les opérations aériennes de la coalition internationale en Syrie interviennent depuis le 22 septembre 2014 lors de la guerre civile syrienne. The coalition of 5 September (10 countries) decided to support anti-ISIL forces in Iraq and Syria. Bombardements américains en Syrie: au Moyen-Orient, Biden veut ménager la chèvre et le chou. Thomas J. Lawson (until February 2016), Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi † (Leader)[46][47] A detailed list of weapon types and shipment weights had been obtained from the U.S. government's Federal Business Opportunities website. [198] The countries taking part in the train-and-equip program were to include Jordan, Qatar and Saudi Arabia, as well as Turkey. United States diplomatic cables leaked by WikiLeaks have been seen as showing that regime change in Syria may have been a covert foreign policy goal of the U.S. government in the years leading up to the civil war, even during the period when President Barack Obama was publicly engaging with Syria's Bashar Al-Assad. By 9 February, hundreds of U.S. airstrikes and ground support for the SDF continued as the Kurdish-led force began its final assault on the last ISIL holdouts trapped in a small cluster of hamlets in eastern Syria (including Al-Baghuz Fawqani and southern Al-Marashidah) no larger than a few square miles. "[326], On 29 September 2014, several groups including the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR), the Aleppo Media Center, and the Local Coordination Committees reported that U.S. strikes hit a grain silo in the ISIL-controlled town of Manbij in northern Syria, killing two civilians. Helle Thorning-Schmidt November 2019", "Pilot killed as U.S. F-16 crashes in Jordan", "2 Troops Injured in Non-Combat V-22 Crash in Syria", "A War Begins? Tous les as sont dans les mains des adversaires des USA et d’Israël. [248], In March 2018, SDF press secretary in Deir ez-Zor Mehdi Kobani reportedly told Sputnik Turkiye that U.S. forces were building a "large military base" in the oil-rich al-Omar region of Deir ez-Zor as new equipment had been reportedly arriving to U.S. bases in Syria. La bulle sociale et l’horeca en intérieur: vers un assouplissement pour le 9 juin . John Kirby a qualifié les frappes aériennes de la nuit dernière de ‘proportionnées’ et a déclaré qu’elles étaient ‘menées en parallèle avec des mesures diplomatiques’, citant les consultations avec les partenaires américains de la coalition anti-EI. "[241], During the SDF's May 2016 offensive against ISIL in Northern Raqqa, U.S. Special Forces were widely reported and photographed to be present, with some of them wearing badges of the Kurdish YPG and YPJ on their uniforms. Quand nous sommes bombardés d’informations sur un « … Patrick M. Shanahan (until 23 June 2019) King Abdullah II 508. The al-Omar oilfield is the largest oil deposit in Syria, and was captured by the SDF during their campaign against ISIL in October 2017. ", "Army identifies U.S. soldier killed in Syria", "Watson Institute International and Public Affairs- Brown University Human Cost of Post-9/11 Wars. [202][203] The train-and-equip program started on 9 May 2015. Number of militants killed possibly higher, due to them covering up their losses. The U.S.'s deployment of heavy armored vehicles to Syria for the first time in the intervention—as opposed to the lighter armored RG-33s, M-ATVs, Strykers, Armored Ground Mobility Systems,[citation needed] and NSTVs (Non-Standard Tactical Vehicles) U.S. special operations units and regular ground forces have used prior—introduced additional firepower and force protection capabilities for ground forces. It did not share specific timing or targets of strikes with the Iranian government but reportedly assured it that the US would not strike any Syrian government targets. [282], On 18 October, after a "ceasefire" between Turkish and Kurdish forces was declared a day prior, U.S. Defense Secretary Mark Esper stated that the withdrawal was continuing and that the U.S. would continue to communicate with both Turkey and the SDF. David Cameron (until 13 July 2016) 1. [323], On 7 August 2019, after months of negotiations, Turkey and the U.S. reached a deal to create a 115 km (71 mi) buffer zone in northern Syria along the Syria–Turkey border between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. Donald Trump (until 20 January 2021) Obama renonce à frapper. Under this plan, the lowest troop numbers would not be reached until autumn 2020. [189] As of March 2015, the U.S.-led coalition comprised over sixty countries, that contributed in various ways to the effort. 18:43 26.02.2021 (mis à jour 18:45 26.02.2021) URL courte. Bombardement US en Syrie : Trois réflexions pour inciter à la prudence. [229][230] One official indicated that "there did not yet seem to be a concrete plan in the works",[229] while another told The Guardian that "there was no indication of an imminent domestic threat from the group" at the time the United States began bombing. [216][217][218], In his address to the nation on 10 September 2014, U.S. President Obama announced his intention to bomb ISIL targets in Syria and called on Congress to authorize a program to train and arm rebels who were fighting ISIL and the Syrian forces of Bashar al-Assad. [190] On 20 October 2014, the Turkish foreign minister, Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu announced that the Turkish government would be allowing Peshmerga from the Iraqi Kurdistan Regional Government to cross their border into Kobanî to support Kurdish fighters. [148] In early September 2018, the U.S. began implementing a new strategy that sought to indefinitely extend its military effort, launching a major diplomatic push to achieve American objectives in Syria. "[301] Seizing oil without local government permission would be a war crime of pillage. Tamim Al Thani We are grateful for that, and we intend to continue to do that, recognizing the complexities of their regional role. [223], The U.S. did not request permission from the Syrian government, nor did it coordinate its actions with the Syrian government, provide direct notification to the Syrian military or give indication of timing on specific targets, but it did notify the Syrian U.N. representative, which the Syrian government confirmed. 1 SAM battery destroyed[134], Foreign intervention in behalf of Syrian Rebels. They've got a lot of sand over there. [225], One of the groups targeted by U.S. airstrikes was the Khorasan Group, an extremist group of suspected al-Qaeda "core" members who were alleged to have been plotting an attack against the U.S. and other Western nations. Quand nous sommes bombardés d’informations sur un « massacre » servant à justifier des bombardements US, on a toujours intérêt à se souvenir des précédents. Elles sont menées par une coalition internationale menée États-Unis contre l'État islamique, ainsi que, dans une moindre mesure, contre d'autres organisations djihadistes comme le Front al-Nosra. Editorialiste au « Monde », Alain Frachon décrypte les ressorts du spectaculaire revirement de la politique américaine après l’attaque à l’arme chimique de Khan Cheikhoun, en Syrie. In 2012, the al-Nusra Front was established by the Islamic State of Iraq as the official branch of al-Qaeda in Syria. Pour la seule année 2015, MSF a répertorié 101 attaques sur les structures de santé qu’elle soutenait en Syrie. [355], In a Pew poll taken in 2015, a median of 62% of people across the nations polled said they support American military efforts against the Islamic State group in Iraq and Syria, while a median of 24% were opposed. Please enable it in order for this website to work properly. 1.5k. It looks like JavaScript is disabled. [181], In the aftermath of the rescue mission, and purportedly as a response to airstrikes in Iraq, ISIL beheaded three hostages over a one-month period: Americans James Foley[180] and Steven Sotloff on 19 August and 2 September respectively,[citation needed] and Briton David Haines on 13 September. It was not clear if that estimate included the ~200 troops at al-Tanf.[288]. 1. While U.S. forces continued to reduce its presence in northern Syria by the hundreds to avoid Syrian-SDF and Turkish fighting, the U.S. simultaneously shifted more resources south and east into the oil-rich Deir ez-Zor Governorate. Defense Secretary Gavin Williamson said the incident was "deeply regrettable". Mark Zuckerberg baptise sa chèvre ‘Bitcoin’: Facebook va-t-il prendre le train des cryptos en marche? "La Syrie est de temps en temps bombardée par Israël et la Turquie, mais nous ne faisons que défendre notre aérodrome et nos sites. 07 Avr 2017; Michel Collon ; Quand nous sommes bombardés d’informations sur un « massacre » servant à justifier des bombardements US, on a toujours intérêt à se souvenir des précédents. "[354], A CNN poll conducted between 17–20 October 2019, showed that 75% of Americans were generally concerned about the situation in Syria, with 43% saying they were "very concerned". Selon la Syrie, les USA auraient bombardé des positions de l'armée syrienne. [267] Local sources reported to Anadolu Agency on 28 January that around 600 U.S. troops had allegedly entered eastern Syria from western Iraq to help with the withdrawal process, arriving at discreet bases in Harab Isk and Sarrin villages set to be used as main evacuation centers during the withdrawal. ‘L’opération envoie un message sans équivoque: le président Biden agira pour protéger le personnel militaire américain et le personnel de la coalition’, a-t-il déclaré. One Turkish soldier was killed in what government of Turkey described as an accident. [327], The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported ten airstrikes, also targeting various parts of the province of Idlib, killed at least one child and six other civilians. [293] By 31 October, U.S. forces in M-ATV convoys were seen conducting dedicated patrols of oil and gas-related facilities throughout Syria's al-Hasakah and Deir ez-Zor Governorates, usually accompanied by SDF personnel. The group said at least 19 civilians had been killed in coalition airstrikes at that time. And Turkey has legitimate security concerns. [281] On the same day, President Trump commented on the developments by describing the Kurds as "no angels", and about Syria, he said: "Syria may have some help with Russia, and that's fine. Later on, it was reported that the hostages had been moved 24 hours before the attempted rescue. Bombardement US en Syrie : Trois réflexions pour inciter à la prudence Michel COLLON Quand nous sommes bombardés d’informations sur un « massacre » servant à justifier des bombardements US, on a toujours intérêt à se souvenir des précédents. [169][170][171] Although a former intelligence adviser who spoke to journalist Seymour Hersh claimed the CIA had been facilitating the flow of arms from Libya to Syria in collaboration with "the UK [United Kingdom], Saudi Arabia and Qatar" since 2012 or 2011,[172] the first confirmed CIA weapons arrived in Spring 2014: "There were just a handful, delivered to only one rebel group carefully vetted by the CIA". [230], On 6 November, a second round of airstrikes was launched against Khorasan and al-Nusra in northwestern Syria, along with Ahrar ash-Sham at its headquarters in Idlib, whose leadership had been infiltrated by al-Qaeda. Mark Rutte Une coalition dirigée par les États-Unis est sur le terrain pour lutter contre l’État islamique (IS). Quand nous sommes bombardés d’informations sur un « massacre » servant à justifier des bombardements US, … Bouchaib Arroub Et oui Israël sa force c’est son aviation. Les États-Unis ont effectué des frappes aériennes sur des cibles des milices soutenues par l’Iran dans l’est de la Syrie en représailles aux récentes attaques subies par les troupes américaines en Irak, a fait savoir le Pentagone. Il s’agit d’un traité conclu entre l’Iran et cinq grandes puissances plus l’UE et en vertu duquel la République islamique s’engage à ne pas développer d’armes nucléaires en échange d’un assouplissement des sanctions économiques. Guerre civile syrienne Coordonnées 34° 30′ 02″ nord, 36° 53′ 57″ est Géolocalisation sur la carte: Syrie Bombardement de la base aérienne d'Al-Chaayrate modifier Le bombardement de la base aérienne d'Al-Chaayrate est un évènement militaire et politique qui survient lors de la guerre civile syrienne , dans la nuit du 6 au 7 avril 2017 . On 19 July 2016 a coalition led airstrike on the ISIL controlled villages of Tokhar and Hoshariyeh reportedly killed at least 56 civilians, including 11 children. Bombardement US en Syrie : Trois réflexions pour inciter à la prudence | Investig’Action Many of our suggestions underline using Public Diplomacy and more indirect means to send messages that influence the inner circle. Donald Trump a demandé dimanche à la Syrie et à son allié, la Russie, de cessez «le bombardement infernal» du dernier bastion jihadiste d’Idleb. In a statement following the House vote, Obama said that the United States would not send military troops to Syria. Abu Jaber Shaykh (Emir of Tahrir al-Sham, 2017) Le porte-parole du Pentagone, John Kirby, a évoqué une ‘opération militaire défensive’: ‘Cette attaque a été autorisée par le président Biden en réponse aux récentes attaques contre la coalition dirigée par les États-Unis en Irak, et aux menaces continues contre notre personnel militaire là-bas.’. 7 avril 2017. [193] The other 72 soldiers in the contingent flew to Turkey and rejoined the rest of the contingent on 29 October. Les Etats-Unis ont bombardé dans la nuit de jeudi à vendredi une base en Syrie en réponse à une attaque chimique survenue mardi et attribuée au … La Russie mène depuis fin septembre des bombardements intensifs en Syrie, affichant ainsi sa puissance militaire. [176] John R. Allen, President Obama's envoy to the international coalition against ISIL, stated "It is clearly part of our plan, that not only we will train them, and we will equip them with the latest weapons systems, but we will also protect them when the time comes". ", "Joint chiefs chair: Fewer than 1,000 troops will remain in Syria", "Russia establishes new foothold in Syria amid spike in violence", "Russian troops take command of U.S. airbase in northern Syria", "U.S. military completes pullback from northeast Syria, Esper says", "Meet the US Army team that helped withdraw from Syria as the ISIS fight drags on", "Army National Guard Bradley Fighting Vehicles Are Now In Syria Guarding Oil And Gas Fields", "American Bradley Armored Vehicles Were Pulled Out of Syria After Less Than Two Months", "Artillery fire lands near American troops in Syria", "U.S. Special Ops Soldier Talks To Reporter In Syrian Oil Fields As Mission Remains In Flux", "Large US military convoy enters northeastern Syria from Iraq: photos", "Reports: Tensions Grow Between US, Russian Forces in Northeast Syria", "Syria war: American troops hurt as Russian and US military vehicles collide", "US oil company signs deal with Syrian Kurds", "Syria says U.S. oil firm signed deal with Kurdish-led rebels", "Trump OKs wider Syria oil mission, raising legal questions", "Syria says U.S. forces clash with Syrian troops, killing 1", "US deploys additional troops and armoured vehicles to eastern Syria", "US sends Bradley Fighting Vehicles to Syria to boost security for troops following Russian encounter", "U.S. carries out airstrikes against Iranian-backed militia facilities in Syria: Pentagon", "US carries out airstrike against Iranian-backed militia in Syria", "US attacks 'Iranian-backed military infrastructure' in Syria", "US carries out air strikes in Syria targeting Iranian backed militias", "Turkey and Saudi Arabia alarm the West by backing Islamist extremists the Americans had bombed in Syria", "Turkey greenlights military ops in Syria, Iraq", "ISIL jihadists bombard Syrian border town despite allied air strikes", "Turkey's Syria buffer zone idea not well received", "For Obama, enforcing no-fly zone in Syria would mean war or cooperation with Assad government", "Joe Biden Is the Only Honest Man in Washington", "Vice President Joe Biden apologises to Turkey, UAE", "Joe Biden apologised over IS remarks, but was he right? Je Tweet. [285] Defense Secretary Mark Esper confirmed on 25 October that the U.S. will "maintain a reduced presence in Syria and deny ISIS access to oil revenue"[285] and, in support of the mission, mechanized and armored units would be deployed to eastern Syria to reinforce the U.S.'s presence there. The Pentagon said it was analyzing the video and could not at the time confirm whether the video was authentic but that the materials were similar; the video would subsequently be analyzed by the Department of Defense to verify its authenticity. 169 soldiers and militiamen killed (per SOHR)[122] Tous les jours, la Russie mène des frappes aériennes en Syrie. [337], Airwars, which "maintains an extensive database of all known allegations in which civilians and friendly forces have been reported killed by the Coalition since August 2014", reports between 503 and 700 civilians were killed by Coalition airstrikes in Syria as of April 2016. Les bombardements atomiques d'Hiroshima et de Nagasaki, ultimes bombardements stratégiques américains au Japon, ont lieu les 6 août et 9 août 1945 sur les villes d'Hiroshima (340 000 habitants) et de Nagasaki (195 000 habitants). Le bombardement a eu lieu à proximité d’une usine Lafarge entre Kobané et Aïn Issa, dans le nord-est de la Syrie. No Americans were harmed. SHARES. Joe Biden a ordonné jeudi de premières frappes contre des milices pro-Iran en Syrie, en réponse aux récentes attaques des intérêts américains en Irak. Jean-Yves Le Drian Publié le 09/01/2018 à 08:03, Mis à jour le 09/01/2018 à 08:50. [159], On 23 November 2019, the head of U.S. Central Command stated there was no "end date" on the U.S.'s intervention in Syria.[160]. How Iran Shot Down a U.S. RQ-4N Surveillance Drone", "Air Force: Lost Predator was shot down in Syria", "Jordan pilot hostage Moaz al-Kasasbeh 'burned alive, "Jordan pilot ejected over Syria after 'technical failure, "Drones Are Dropping Like Flies From the Sky Over Syria", "Two British special forces soldiers injured by Isis in Syria", "French soldier killed in Iraq-Syria military zone, Élysée Palace says", "In one month, International Coalition limits its control to oil fields, and Russia becomes a new player in northern and northeastern Syria", "U.S. Airstrike Kills More Than 100 al-Qaida Fighters in Syria", "62 months of the "international coalition" operations in Syria: Killing "al-Baghdadi" the biggest achievement after the US withdrawal, new bases and goals in East Euphrates and joint operations with SDF to "fight IS cells" • The Syrian Observatory For Human Rights", "US-led air strikes hit al-Qaeda affiliate in Syria", "Pentagon: 11 al Qaeda terrorists killed in airstrikes near Idlib, Syria". Abu Mohammad al-Julani (Leader of the al-Nusra Front, Tahrir al-Sham (2017–present)) [224] The strikes targeted Khorasan training camps, explosives and munitions production facilities, communications facilities, as well as command and control facilities. Kobane said there were discussions about perhaps French and British troops supporting them, but demanded 1,000–1,500 U.S. troops stay in Syria to provide "air cover, air support and a force on the ground" to help the SDF in its ongoing fight against ISIL. [313] The Turkish government demanded several things to go along with them intervening against ISIL, including a buffer zone in Northern Syria, a no-fly zone over certain parts of northern Syria, ground troops from other countries, and the training of moderate opposition forces to fight both ISIL and al-Assad. 10 killed (per SOHR)[122], Syrian Arab Republic: Par Le Figaro.fr avec AFP. Mais l’enquête officielle de l’ONU (pourtant fort infiltrée par les USA) a conclu à l’impossibilité de désigner le camp responsable. The 400 Marines were part of the 11th MEU from the Battalion Landing Team 1st Battalion, 4th Marines. Troops Leaving Syria, but Some May Stay Longer Than Expected", "US forces attack Syrian gov't oil transport in Euphrates region", "In Syria, Russia Is Pleased to Fill an American Void", "Turkey Rejects U.S. Share on Facebook Share on Twitter. U.S. Department of Defense officials said the additional security forces would move around Syria to different locations as needed and may move in and out of the country at times. ", "U.S. Toutefois, ce processus ne se déroule pas assez rapidement aux yeux de l’Iran, qui a tiré quelques roquettes pour maintenir la ‘pression diplomatique’ à un niveau élevé. Barack Obama (until 20 January 2017) US commandos also seized electronics and other documents during the operation for intelligence purposes. [283] In late October, Esper said the U.S. forces leaving Syria would head into western Iraq. [274], In early May, video emerged online of U.S. forces firing upon an alleged Syrian government barge ferrying oil supplies in the Middle Euphrates River Valley. [247] During the Raqqa campaign alone, this small artillery battalion fired over 40,000 shells (including 34,033 155 mm), more than were used in the entire 2003 invasion of Iraq and only 20,000 fewer than all those fired by the U.S. military in Operation Desert Storm. Reporting by DER SPIEGEL shows that events were likely very different. Abu Humam al-Shami (al-Nusra Military Chief)[57] coalition partners <...> will defeat ISIL and deny them safe haven″. Les chasseurs français ont largué 20 bombes «de 19h50 à 20h25» sur cette cité de l'est de la Syrie. Lars Løkke Rasmussen Forces in Syria Combat", "More troops in Syria: Trump orders boots on the ground to battle ISIS". [330], The SOHR and other activist groups reported that seven civilians were killed when an air strike hit a gas distribution facility near the town of al-Khasham is the eastern Deir al-Zor province on 17 October 2014 and three civilians were killed in an air strike on 16 October 2014 in the north east province of al-Hassakah. Islámskému státu", "Cancillería ecuatoriana califica como 'inaceptable' la ofensiva contra Siria", "Arab backing for U.S.-led airstrikes in Syria widens front against Islamic State", "Around world, mixed reactions to U.S.-led airstrikes in Syria", "Obama ISIS Speech Reaction: Germany, Turkey Won't Join Airstrikes In Syria; UK Won't Rule Them Out", "Syria air strikes: Iran 'says US attacks on Isis are illegal, "Iran warns of risk to Israel's security should US seek overthrow of Assad", "Mixed International Reaction to Obama Plan on Islamic State", "Rutte: begrip voor bombardement Syrië (Dutch)", "Syria war: World reaction to US missile attack", "Turkey Government to Ask Parliament for Approval to Join Campaign Against Islamic State", "UK parliament approves air strikes against Isis in Iraq – as it happened", "Britain sees no early demand from U.S. for air strikes in Syria", "Trump's perplexing insistence on 'keeping' Middle Eastern oil", "Venezuela's Nicolas Maduro Calls For 'Re-Founding' Of UN; Slams US-Led Airstrikes In Iraq And Syria", "Venezuela leader calls ISIS a Western 'Frankenstein, International military intervention against ISIL, Al-Hasakah city offensive (May–June 2015), Northern Aleppo offensive (March–June 2016), Syrian Desert campaign (December 2016–April 2017), Timeline of the American-led intervention in Syria, American military intervention in Cameroon, List of military awards and decorations of the international military intervention against ISIL, Length of U.S. participation in major wars, Names of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, Tanzim Qaidat al-Jihad fi Bilad al-Rafidayn, Khorasan Province (Afghanistan and Pakistan), Central Africa Province (DR Congo and Mozambique), Northern Aleppo offensive (February–July 2014), February 2015 Egyptian airstrikes in Libya, Hama and Homs offensive (March–April 2015), Ithriyah-Raqqa offensive (February–March 2016), Battle of al-Qaryatayn (March–April 2016), Northern al-Bab offensive (September 2016), Western al-Bab offensive (September 2016), Western al-Bab offensive (October–November 2016), Aleppo offensive (November–December 2016), Deir ez-Zor offensive (January–February 2017), East Aleppo offensive (January–April 2017), Eastern Syria campaign (September–December 2017), Northwestern Syria campaign (October 2017–February 2018), Persecution of gay and bisexual men by ISIL, Connection with Saddam Regime and Baath Party, Al-Hasakah Governorate campaign (2012–2013), Rif Dimashq offensive (Nov 2012-Feb 2013), East Ghouta inter-rebel conflict (Apr-May), September Urum al-Kubra aid convoy attack, Turkish military operation in Idlib Governorate, Syrian Liberation Front–Tahrir al-Sham conflict, Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party – Syria Region, National Coordination Committee for Democratic Change, International demonstrations and protests, First Northern Syria Demilitarization Deal, Second Northern Syria Demilitarization Deal, Fourth Extraordinary Session of the Islamic Summit Conference, International recognition of the Syrian National Council, List of modern conflicts in the Middle East, Sectarian conflict in Mandatory Palestine, Republican reactions to Trump's 2020 election fraud claims, Four Seasons Total Landscaping press conference, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=American-led_intervention_in_the_Syrian_civil_war&oldid=1021891487, American involvement in the Syrian civil war, Military operations of the Syrian civil war involving the United States, Military operations of the Syrian civil war involving the Syrian Democratic Forces, Military operations of the Syrian civil war involving the People's Protection Units, Military operations of the Syrian civil war involving the Peshmerga, Military operations of the Syrian civil war involving the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, Military operations of the Syrian civil war involving the al-Nusra Front, Wars involving the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, Military operations of the Syrian civil war involving the Free Syrian Army, Foreign policy of the Barack Obama administration, Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant and the United States, Articles with dead external links from March 2021, Articles lacking reliable references from October 2019, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from December 2020, Pages using military navigation subgroups without wide style, Articles with unsourced statements from November 2019, Interlanguage link template forcing interwiki links, Articles with unsourced statements from September 2017, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, 3,833 civilians killed by Coalition airstrikes in Syria per.
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