Écoutez-moi Moi la chanteuse à demi Parlez de moi À vos amours, à vos amis Parlez-leur de cette fille aux yeux noirs et de son rêve fou Moi c'que j'veux c'est écrire des histoires qui arrivent jusqu'à vous C'est tout. À suivre. It’s just a little waltz with a piano and cello accompaniment, nothing wrong with it, but nothing mind-blowing, either, it could have been entered into Eurovision in the 50s. So bon chance France for trying to elevate this… Read more ». The Wiwi Jury — our in-house team of music unprofessionals — is reviewing and rating the 39 competing songs in Eurovision 2021. PS. Tobias calling Tusse’s song “a mediocre mainstream pop song” but giving him a score of 9 because of his presence and his stage performance and at the same he gives 3.5 to Barbara and only watched her music video….That’s only wiwijury and not a worldwide problem but an advise, when you do something try to do it right and in a fair way. Twitter: Please enter a Twitter Consumer Key. Bon courage! Juries and televoters will be wise to listen. To me “Not my cup of tea” implies the person would give that genre or type of song the same (bad) score regardless of the actual quality, talent and production involved. Still, it was decent package. She was #23 in my first evaluation and #7 in my second. So much so that countries used to send their most popular and famous singers to represent them. Barbara Pravi - Voilà (live Eurovision France) Purecharts. That’s real sensuality! Copyright ® 2009-2021 wiwibloggs.com. “Tell them about this girl with black eyes and her crazy dream.” That dream — simply to be seen — comes across beautifully in the national final performance. France was a favorite to win Eurovision in 2011 with a song that also had a strong French identity and yet it flopped in the final so based on that I’m not as confident about France’s chances of winning this year as the bookies and the fans are. well thanks to the sh gimmicks and weirdness is ESC popular that is why people watch ESC because ESC is entertaining to watch and songs like France are toilet break songs. Barbara Pravi : Voilà paroles de la chanson . Spain (7.5) 7.… Read more », Amazing rating from Wiwi Jury !! That one had excellent lyrics. The main ingredients are the song, the singer, and singer’s ability to connect with the song. So happy for this review ? Subscribe to the official Eurovision Song Contest YouTube channel for music videos, live show footage, historic moments, exclusive behind-the-scenes material and our regular updates. Lucy: “Voilà” is a fantastic entry for Eurovision, with a stunning live performance. I agree! It is less relevant when the song itself doesn’t do the trick. It’s a different category. Ce message d’erreur n’est visible que pour les administrateurs de WordPress. This is a grand performance that maintains the intimacy of a conversation. Wish we could return to those times when singing and songs mattered. They have a talented artist who can sing live, a song with appeal but a song that also keeps its national identity (screams France) and a promising staging that will convey the song’s message… Read more », France’s song should remind people what the ESC should be all about – a singer and his/her song – no shows, gimmicks and weirdness. wow WOW! Barbara Pravi sera l'invitée de l'émission "Le grand oral" ce soir sur France 2. She’s just introducing herself in an overly dramatic way and then spends 3 minutes being self-deprecating for no reason. There’s only one of my top 6 still to be reviewed and I guess you like it too, since I remember you said nice things about it. Hungary 2018 : no like I remember they were super enthusiastic about Azerbaijan and France and, even if it’s true that these delegations put some good effort on their performances, in the end this made a lot of us frustrated when we noticed that the hype was way higher than the quality presented and the songs weren’t exactly elevated by it. I can tell that the public will be moved by this performance on the big night. She stole the French hearts once, and I can’t wait to see how many more wonders Barbara will bring in Rotterdam. I will always prefer Et s’il fallait le faire of Patricia Kaas over Voilà, always… And yet there’s something about this song. Revoir la vidéo Barbara Pravi - Voilà (live) sur France 5, moment fort de l'émission du 23-02-2021 sur france.tv Impressive score! I am quite afraid that this song will be forgotten and not be appreciated as it deserves. Posted in Live Tagged Barbara Pravi, Barbara Pravi Voila, Live Barbara Pravi, RFM. Alone in the cold, she warms the space with pitch-perfect vocals that remain light despite the weight of emotion they carry. Barbara Pravi. At the same time, when Italy and the Netherlands decided to go for things that weren’t showy but served well the purpose and style of their entries, there was… Read more ». Destiny : le clip de "Je me casse", la chanson de Malte pour l'Eurovision 2021. 1) It’s a cliché. And that was the case with France in 2019. It’s not a bad song at all. I did the math and found out that if Tobias’s score (and an additional 10) had been added it would have removed around 0.7 points off of the average I just find that rather shocking, Duhhh, you are from Sweden too..what a coincidence…, yes we Swedes love fastfood music not boring songs like France which make me fall asleep, Then feel free to take part of American Song Contest next year. Quoi vous dire, que les lèvres d'une autre ne vous diront pas. And the lyrics as I understand them don’t convey any message of resilience, it’s just an endless begging for attention. Pop song ? These comments that a song “isn’t my cup of tea” are getting exasperating. If it’s as authentic sounding as Zoe was in 2016, I am okay with that. Retrouvez la page RTL du "Grand Studio RTL" : http://bit.ly/1xPAJK5 So I don’t really see the point in paying that much attention to them. Patricia Kaas’ result hurt. I feel the same about the lyrics (I posted about it in my comment here below). VOILÀ (live) Disponible en IGTV : https://www.instagram.com/p/CIYmKSRKfh5/ And I guess you like Switzerland even more than me. Keep up with the latest Eurovision news and gossip by liking our Facebook page and by following the team on Twitter @wiwibloggs. Maybe not as many as from your favorite genres, but some. Bien sur 10/10. ”I don’t think there’s anything wrong with finishing eighth or tenth or twelfth.” That’s what I’ve been saying for awhile now. This is quiet unacceptable to see such a strong nationalistic and biased scoring from Tobias…, I briefly thought about giving a detailed explanation why I’m not into this song, which to my ears is very cliché and has no contemporary twist. Signaler. It physically hurt. I think the audience might help, and they’ll probably make some small changes… like making sure their zips stay up. I know it might come off as unambitious, but I try to be rational, and aware of *how many* songs there are, and *how many* different tastes of voters there are. France might be my second-favorite behind Lithuania, but I think they deserve to win the most. 2. Personally, I find the song quite dull to listen to overall, but for what its worth the song feels and sounds positively French, and I like the chorus, it wakes me up and it feels like it has lots more energy to it than the verses. Giving this a 3.5 my god. Oh and by the way Tobias.. Grow up, will you. La chanteuse Barbara Pravi qui représentera la France à l'Eurovision en mai, est de passage dans Culturebox, l'émission pour nous offrir une version live de son titre émouvant "Voilà". (Live) - Le Grand Studio RTL, Shake Shake Go - England Skies - Live dans le Grand Studio RTL, Milow - Ayo Technology - Live dans le Grand Studio RTL. Very dramatic, yet completely intimate. Elle sera sur scène avec son titre “Voilà” qu’elle a récemment interprété dans Le Grand Studio d’RTL. Seriously ? Robyn Gallagher contributed this report from New Zealand. Songs from the ESC used to sell and were in the charts of all European countries. In any case, this is a great song made greater by the impeccable lyrics! Agreed. By the way, it has been revealed that the national selection will be back next year on a French website. You’re right, I’m sorry. Italy 2021: meh There are *degrees* of success. Vidéos à découvrir. I can only hope that others agree. Even without understanding the French language, the sentiment of “Voilà” is loud and clear. With every performance, Barbara leaves a piece of her soul on stage, showcasing raw vulnerability and creating a touching moment of intimacy between herself and her audience. I’m really not that into France sending this very expectable (is that a word?) , I still believe that the staging can do wonders for songs within the similar range of quality. Regardez moi, avant que je me déteste. Its absolutely my favourite of the year. I’ve stumbled a news report on Aljazeera about how the lockdown has given everyone an appreciation towards French shows like Lupin, Dix pour cent, among others. rtl.fr. I believe it’s probably because we are fluent in French, and therefore can understand that she literally sings about nothing… So I also feel like it’s hard to feel anything or connect to her story. Nothing wrong with that. Tobias: Just as Malta’s Destiny would say, “Excuse my French“, this just doesn’t do that much for me. Bravo! Code.). tags official music video Music Video ESC France Voilà Barbara Pravi Rotterdam Open Up 2021 Eurovision Song Contest There is more! I wouldn’t want a case of ”Oulala mon ami” song, delivered with a heavy accent. There was no need for weirdness or trash in the past. We have removed a low of 3.5 and a high of 10. It kind of reminds me of Patricia Kaas participation back in 2009. There’s always more. Case in point: Rock , don’t like it As Barbara embraces her talents and her newfound sense of freedom, the pace quickens and the camera shakes — a stirring combination that brings us into Barbara’s inner world and the rush that comes with liberation. Anything from Melfest probably. stuff, people subsequently describe as… Read more ». Given the last year and a half, will people be looking for something more upbeat and dare I say happier, or is this the catharsis we all need. Others, like Skiwalko further down, have offered different interpretations, and I think both are valid, in any case I don’t see why it’s necessary to downvote you for yours, As I’ve said above, I don’t agree with the “frenchness” assessment, chanson is not the essence of French music, France is for example the second biggest… Read more », Interesting to read your opinions! Any other year this song would have won hands down, but this year I’m 50/50. To be fair, that was the best staging they had in *years*. I do think Barbara’s simple presentation will blow us all away in Rotterdam, so let’s see how close to the top she gets! 3:03. i saw a 3.5 and without seeing his name, i knew it was that Tobias guy lol. The betting odds are statistically speaking 40-60% off when it comes to predicting the top 5 before rehearsals. France should be very proud to send a credible and authentic song to represent them. Fire Tobias, he’s not fit for a jury member. Invitée du "Grand Studio RTL" Barbara Pravi interprète le titre "Voilà". The world is continuously spinning, yet it seems to stop when Barbara grabs the microphone and “Voilà” starts playing. I find the chorus repetitive after the first one, and I don’t find this particularly unique like other fans do. Well, I did like Patricia as a performer, I like some of her older, poppier stuff, but I really missed some sort of melody in “Et s’il fallait le faire”, the vocal part sounded a bit amorphous to me, like everything that mattered to the songwriter was her voice. However I can’t be loosing interest whenever she enters back into the verses, because, and I hate to sound harsh, but they bore me. This was actually one of the 3 I was expecting to give a slightly better grade than you, but we’re more than in sync about it. She was a rare gift to Eurovision and I would never have known about her if she hadn’t competed. It will be a real moment for live TV! The best song should win regardless if the country won already or not. Alors que sa cote de popularité s'intensifie en Europe, la … 3:30. Still, accessories like the staging, running order, and camera tricks can still shift the song a few places up or down, which can be important when we are talking about being 9th or 11th in the semi, or winning vs finishing third. Facebook: Please enter a Facebook app id. I don’t dispute that, but like Vanilla Bean said, a day before the contest France was like third in the odds, only because of the staging, it was mind-boggling. But the more I read and listen to the lyrics, and watch the video, the more I understand it, and the more I’m convinced she deserves to be a contender. Very beautiful and intense, I also adore the french language so points for that. Piaf, Brel, Gainsbourg, Barbara, Aznavour, Dassin – these were the names that’ve shaped my taste in music (and love for everything French). 3:34. For a country from Big Five, being within top 15 is still a moderate success. If that clicks, the rest is an accessory. I speak French, too, and I can’t really connect with this song. Anyway, France and Barbara don’t need any Tobias as we’re the majority who appreciate this masterpiece and its quality. I only didn’t like that the Eurovision version was less great than the wonderful album version. French language entries from non-French speaking countries probably wouldn’t do so well. If they finish in the top 3 (although I think Iceland might have a word to say about that), it could be among the closest finishes in a long time. Eurovision 2021 odds: France is now the favourite to win, Ukraine shortens following first rehearsal, Wiwi Jury: Switzerland’s Gjon’s Tears with “Tout l’univers”, Wiwi Jury: Bulgaria’s VICTORIA with “Growing Up Is Getting Old”, Wiwi Jury: Malta’s Destiny with “Je me casse”, Wiwi Jury: Iceland’s Daði og Gagnamagnið with “10 Years”, Wiwi Jury: Romania’s Roxen with “Amnesia”, Wiwi Jury: Moldova’s Natalia Gordienko with “Sugar”, Poll Results: France’s Barbara Pravi is your favourite automatic qualifier at Eurovision 2021…before rehearsals, Norway’s TIX at Eurovision 2021: “The contest encourages you to be extra”. It’s not dated. From beginning to end, it showcases the beautiful French language and Pravi’s talent, and builds up to a stirring finale. Tell them about this girl with black eyes and a foolish dream authentic music and lyrics that have nothing to do with the recycled music produced in Sweden (no tea, no shade). Ha! I applaud “Voilà” for its rawness and originality and the beautiful French language, but I don’t get that excited listening to it. It took Lithuania five years to even get one point, so it would be nice to see them win too. Wishing them well in Rotterdam! I’m really rooting for a French victory this year! If anyone still needed proof, France 2019 was a good example. Retrouvez la page Facebook du "Grand Studio RTL" : http://on.fb.me/16EPNzX, Barbara Pravi - Voilà (Live) - Le Grand Studio RTL, Covid-19: l'exécutif prépare "la sortie de crise" mais subit un revers sur le pass sanitaire, Israël : déluge de roquettes du Hamas sur la région de Tel-Aviv, Escalade Hamas/Israël: pluie de roquettes vers Tel-Aviv, 28 Palestiniens tués à Gaza, Russie: une fusillade dans une école fait neuf morts, Feu vert à un méga projet d'éoliennes en mer au large des Etats-Unis, Le sud d'Israël vit au rythme des roquettes de Gaza, En attendant le pass sanitaire européen, les pays touristiques s'organisent, Régionales : Eric Dupond-Moretti assumera "complètement" son mandat s'il est élu, Un diadème de la Maison de Savoie vendu près de 1,4 million d'euros à Genève, La sonde Osiris-Rex entame son retour vers la Terre avec des échantillons d'astéroïde à bord, Régionales en PACA : un sondage place la liste de Thierry Mariani (RN) en tête au premier tour, Un robot intelligent dans les entrailles du futur centre d'enfouissement de Bure, Monique Olivier, l'ex-femme de Fourniret désormais seule face à la justice, Sortie de l'état d'urgence sanitaire : coup de force surprise de l'Assemblée contre le gouvernement, Un homme recherché dans les Cévennes après un double meurtre, Hôpital: 110 "réa" en grève selon la CGT, rassemblements à Bordeaux et Beauvais, L'Allemagne interdit temporairement à Facebook d'utiliser les données de WhatsApp, Apple et son AppStore sous la menace d'une plainte au Royaume-Uni, Covid: l'Italienne a reçu 4 et non 6 doses de vaccin Pfizer, Barbara Pravi - Dis quand reviendras-tu (Live) - Le Grand Studio RTL, Barbara Pravi - Lili sans sommeil (live) - Le Grand Studio RTL, Barbara Pravi - L'amitié (live) - Le Grand Studio RTL, Barbara Pravi - Reviens pour l'hiver (Live) - Le Grand Studio RTL, Barbara Pravi - La rua Madureira (Live) - Le Grand Studio RTL, BARBARA PRAVI - Pas grandir (LIVE) Grand Studio RTL, BARBARA PRAVI - Un homme heureux (LIVE) Grand Studio RTL, Clarisse May - Dis, Quand Reviendras-Tu ? Voila is not my favourite song this year,however anyone with common sense should not downgrade this song to a 3.5, it’s just laughable and it stinks of a need for attention. Listening to it again today, I have to say that I definitely prefer it to “Voilà”. It’s like a judge in a dog show saying that they really just don’t like any of the dogs in the herding group. There’s this wonderful juxtaposition of theatricality and susceptibility in those songs – a contradicting combination of being a performer, an actor, and exposing your inner drama in front of the audience. I don’t know if it was amorphous, I would say more a deliberate driving, steady rythym to accelerate the story and passion – like the lyrics, no repetition – enabling Patricia to transfix the audience from start to finish. With every performance, Barbara leaves a piece of her soul on stage, showcasing raw vulnerability and creating a touching moment of intimacy between herself and her audience. There’s a deep emotional connection between Barbara and the lyrics, that run beyond the screen. ABBA - Mamma Mia. La chanteuse, qui représentera la France à l'Eurovision 2021, y interprètera en live sa chanson "Voilà". I don’t like the genre implies “songs of that genre by default will not be liked by me “. Asking for a friend. Invitée du "Grand Studio RTL" Barbara Pravi interprète le titre "Voilà". And so France will flop, can happen of course, because, by your logic, Amaury flopped 10 years ago…ok…. Deuxième chez les bookmakers, Barbara Pravi est l'une des grandes favorites de l'Eurovision 2021. There are so many elements of a song one can explore in a review other than the overall feeling they get. Finland 2021 : rock song ? In last 12 years, France came 12th at most, except Amir who came 6th, no need to tell lots of last places. I think we’ll find out since Barbara is the most likely winner in my opinion! She just draws you in with her emotion and passion and i cant take my eyes off off watching her through out the song. In the Wiwi Jury we have 24 jurors but only have room for five reviews. All text herein is property of the web site and may not be copied or reproduced without explicit permission. Elle sera sur scène avec son titre « Voilà » qu’elle a récemment interprété dans Le Grand Studio d’RTL. Input your search keywords and press Enter. The song is automatically qualified for the Grand Final on I would love her to do a “Kabaret” for the interval. I hope the actual result will be high as here I really want Voila to win, A very well crafted song and performer. Tobias, man. "Le Grand Studio RTL" est une émission présentée par Eric Jean-Jean. Hopefully France go with a less is more approach to the staging too.… Read more », I think – and I’m almost never correct but nonetheless – this could be a winner. Purecharts. . 2) It basically says that you’ve written off an entire genre of music. Though we may get more countries entering dings in the own language, which is something I’d definitely welcome. It was good job at the beginning because there were quality in the panel of these 12 final songs, and most of all diversity that showed the wide country’s culture. The only prerequisites would be that the artist can speak (or at least mimic) French well, and that the songwriting team either speaks French or puts some effort into going through French dictionaries and grammar. Has Tobias given anything above a 6 other than to Sweden? YouTube: YouTube Data API v3 has not been used in project 864824727489 before or it is disabled. A staging can’t pull an entry 10 places up (and it didn’t). At some point during the rehearsal, France 2019 was near the top of the odds. Wel most of American pop music is written and produced by Swedish people and the American song contest is also made by a Swedish team so maybe we are going to participate in American song contest that is better than hearing boring songs from France or bad entries from Germany and UK. Apprennez Français d'une façon amusante avec la vidéo et les paroles "Voilà (Live)" de Barbara Pravi Barbara Pravi : le clip "Voilà" pour la France à l'Eurovision 2021. Everything – from Barbara’s look to her performance – is exquisitely crafted, with a truly French character. hoping for a good result for my country, 5 wiwibloggers giving this a 10, I was not expecting this , i agree with lucy’s comment – it just ain’t my cup of tea at all but i can see the appeal, And Lucy even though she didn’t like that, at least she gave a fair result, The one person who disliked your comment (I saw it being on -1) was probably Tobias himself so good job on summoning him lol. It starts slowly, but then gets faster, as she looses control over how much of herself can she share with the world. The last chorus has a circus vibe which can get really powerful when done right. What did you not like about Patricia’s song, though? I think the difference between Et s’il Fallait Le Faire and Voilà is the fact that Patricia had a French-blues song, I can’t really describe it, I hate that kind of music but HER song was beautiful in every way possible, I don’t get the hype around this. il y a 19 jours | 3.7K vues. Nonetheless, a possible top ten finishing will happen at most. 9.5/10, i hope televoters appreciate this because this is has a chance of a top 3 finish. Stop calling dated songs that are meaningless and are not part of the trashy/hip hop category of today’s music. Voilà, voilà, voilà, voilà qui je suis. I’ll say. I assure you if you keep an open mind you could find some songs you like from any genre. C'est peu de … One might… Read more ». Barbara is a stunning performer and I do think France will do well. It’s a nice song, if it wins, I’ll be happy for France, but I just don’t see why it’s co side red a contender personally. I wouldn’t say it’s about nothing, I get what she is trying to say but it still doesn’t really speak to me… I generally like emotional songs etc. Oliver: Right from the opening line, Barbara Pravi commands attention. This is France’s best chance in a million years. Though if there’s a chanson that still can succeed in Eurovision… Voilà! I personally don’t see non-French speaking countries sending a song in French as any less authentic than all of these non-English speaking countries sending English songs year after year. Purecharts. Regardez moi, ou du moins ce qu'il en reste. Instead of having just songs and we vote for them we now seek the thrills of the show which sometimes tries to sell a song no matter how cheap and trashy it is. Patricia Kaas was great, thank god she competed the year juries were introduced, or she would’ve scored even lower I’m guessing. So they need to tweak the genre and sound somehow to make it appeal to people who don’t like the genre. Maybe that’s why the rest of the fan community doesn’t mind: the vast majority doesn’t speak French so the lyrics don’t matter, all that’s left is the music and this song exudes pure “frenchness”. I still can’t get over the fact that French-language songs are dominating Eurovision this year including Malta (although I know the song only has a single French phrase in it but still)! As a studio track I didn’t pay too much attention, but her live performance is stunning. They organized a HQ and diverse national final. It’s the quintessential French song, and this shouldn’t be a bad thing. She’ll have her hands full, with the bookies’ #1 (Destiny) trying to become the first Junior ESC winner to win in the big league, and a French-language battle with Gjon. Read on to find out! If you enabled this API recently, wait a few minutes for the action to propagate to our systems and retry. Also, he claims that he hasn’t watched the live performance and that he’s basing his score on the video alone, which further proves my point that he didn’t do his homework as a jury member. Barbara Pravi - Voilà (live Eurovision France) Plus sur. The other thing is, I still try to follow French pop music, and I really like their contemporary music. Something click in that moment and aFter that I really got to appreaciate its quality. If Eurovision comes to France, she should be the host entry, no questions asked. All images on www.wiwibloggs.com are readily available on the internet and believed to be in public domain. Barbara Pravi performs “Voilà” on Le Grand Oral. Merci beaucoup pour cette chanson, mes amis…. Next we head to France where Barbara Pravi has “Voilà”. Were we enchanted by this chanson? Enable it by visiting https://console.developers.google.com/apis/api/youtube.googleapis.com/overview?project=864824727489 then retry. But the way she performs it is grand. Barbara Pravi interprète « Voilà » en live et fait fondre la toile (Vidéo) On le sait, Barbara Pravi a été choisie pour représenter la France à l’ Eurovision à Rotterdam aux Pays-Bas en mai prochain.
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