Detects the traffic ahead . Night becomes day: “Nightvision” and new “IQ.Light – LED matrix headlight” ensure increased safety in the dark The system uses the radar sensors and the video camera. Front Assist. Le catalogue est non-contractuel et n'a aucune valeur. Wykorzystując Traffic Jam Assist Volkswagen do prędkości 60 km/h utrzymuje stały odstęp od poprzedzającego samochodu trzymając się środka wyznaczonego pasa ruchu. Les analyses de collisions effectuées par EuroNCAP montrent que les voitures équipées de systèmes de freinage d'urgence, même à faible vitesse, ont 38% de chance en moins d’être impliquées dans des collisions arrière. Traffic Jam Assist works in combination with the Adaptive Cruise Control and Lane Assist systems. A fusion of technologies: Assistance, comfort and driving dynamics systems allow for a new level of safety and performance 1. Another function of the ACC, the traffic-jam assist, can take over steering at speeds of up to 65 km/h (40.4 mph) on well-developed roads when traffic is congested. marche confortable du véhicule en cas de bouchons et permet d'éviter les accidents. Sie kann dabei helfen Geschwindig-keitsüberschreitungen zu vermeiden, indem offizielle Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzungen übernommen werden.2 Außerdem passt das System, anhand von Streckendaten aus der Navigation, die eigene Fahrzeuggeschwindigkeit an Kurven, Kreuzungen (Abbiegungen), und Kreisverkehren an.2 So kann Ihr Fahrkomfort erhöht und der Kraftstoffverbrauch reduziert werden. The additional Traffic Jam Assist function extends the stop-and-go function by steering assistance. The highest ACC development stage will also feature Traffic Jam Assist. Le "Traffic Jam Assist" permet de gérer la conduite dans les embouteillages et ralentissements. It will guide the vehicle continuously and safely through any traffic jam by gentle steering interventions. Traffic Jam Assist : l'anti-bouchon automatique conçu par Volkswagen. Top marks for Volkswagen's Touareg: the European consumer protection organisation Euro NCAP has awarded the new luxury class model the maximum possible rating of five stars. This means you only have to worry about steering (only available with DSG versions) Further information on official fuel consumption figures and the official specific CO2 emissions of new passenger cars can be found in the “Guide on the fuel economy, CO2 emissions and power consumption of new passenger car models”, which is available free of charge at all sales dealerships and from DAT Deutsche Automobil Treuhand GmbH, Hellmuth-Hirth-Str. C’est à bord d’une Golf GTE que nous avons pu vivre en conditions réelles les atouts offerts par le système d’aide à la conduite dans les embouteillages de Volkswagen, le Traffic Jam Assist. Presales for the new Passat have started. Traffic Jam Assist. Products as well as Volkswagen AG distributors can be found at: Beetle and Beetle Cabriolet “Final Edition“, Volkswagen Group South Africa, Ltd. Uitenhage, Surroundings Monitoring System (Area View), Sport Select suspension and Driving Mode Selection, Shaping Mobility – The Volkswagen Podcast, The new Passat: interview with the project leader. Le système 'Traffic Jam Assist'¹) permet une. If you would like to be kept informed about our press releases and stories you can also subscribe to our media information and e-mail newsletters. The system provides assistance by warning the driver in several stages. Learn more about how Traffic Jame Assist makes driving easier & more comfortable by automatically accelerating & braking when driving in a traffic jam. Automoto Magazine. They are intended exclusively as a means of comparison between different vehicle types. Audi Q7 traffic jam assist In the speed range of 0 to 65 km/h (40.4 mph) the traffic jam assist, another function belonging to the ACC, can also take over the steering on well-paved roads, as long as the traffic is moving slowly. When traffic jam assist reaches its system limits – such as when the traffic thins out or there is a sharp curve ahead – the driver must assume driving tasks again. Die Angaben beziehen sich nicht auf ein einzelnes Fahrzeug und sind nicht Bestandteil des Angebots, sondern dienen allein Vergleichszwecken zwischen den verschiedenen Fahrzeugtypen. The outcome is something to be proud of. 1, D-73760 Ostfildern, Germany and at In the case of new vehicles which have been type-approved according to the WLTP, the NEDC figures are derived from the WLTP data. If the driver does not, the system warns the driver in several stages. The system therefore allows assisted lateral and longitudinal guidance without relieving the driver from his responsibility for steering. 高速道路での低速走行の時、前走車の車速変化に合わせながら車間距離を保ち、車線の中央付近を維持するようにステアリング操作を支援することでドライバーの運転負荷を軽減する「トラフィックジャムアシスト(渋滞運転アシスト機能)」をご紹介します。 The HOD (hand-off-detection Emulator) is useful in communicating with and responding to the automotive system. How does adaptive cruise control work? - Le traffic Jam Assist a été ajouté au catalogue du Tiguan après (entre Juin et Aout) - Le véhicule livré correspond au catalogue en vigueur le jour de la commande (Mai 2016) donc ne bénéficie pas du Traffic Jam Assist J'ai tout de même vérifié de mon coté avec les catalgue de prix que j'avais téléchargé. Traffic Jam Assist combines a full speed range Adaptive Cruise Control system with Auto-Go capability, together with a full speed Lane Keeping Assist system. The system uses the radar and ultrasound sensors as well as the front camera, guiding the car by gently adjusting the steering and following the traffic ahead within system limits. The traffic jam assist orients itself to the lane markings and the other vehicles on the road. Driving in a traffic jam is always a stressful situation and with this feature, the vehicle estimates the distance from other vehicles and controls acceleration and deceleration whilst holding the vehicle in lane. Signaler . Traffic Jam Assist loodst je comfortabel en veilig door de file, zonder dat jij daar ook maar iets voor hoeft te doen. Lighter and bigger: The aluminium-steel body of the new Touareg weighs 106 kg less and the luggage compartment has an additional 113 litres, Volkswagen SUV campaign gains further momentum with the T-Roc Traffic Jam Assist provides assistance in queues. Il accélère et freine automatiquement le véhicule. Vidéos à découvrir. With the system on, you can take your foot off the pedals. Het systeem ziet het als je voorligger afremt of stilstaat, en remt dan zelf ook – volautomatisch. Kierowca może w … The specified fuel consumption and emission data have been determined according to the measurement procedures prescribed by law. At the same time, ACC accesses the Dynamic Road Sign Display via the front camera and adjusts the speed as soon as a limit has been detected. Le système maintient la. Die automatische Distanzregelung ACC hilft Ihnen, eine zuvor von Ihnen eingestellte Höchstgeschwindigkeit1 sowie Abstand zum vorausfahrenden Fahrzeug einzuhalten.2 In einigen Modellen und in Verbindung mit der Verkehrszeichen-erkennung erweitert die vorausschauende Geschwindigkeitsregelung das ACC um eine Geschwindigkeits- und Kurvenassistenz. The driving path may also be defined by the trajectory of the preceding vehicle under certain circumstances such as low-speed, dense traffic situations and missing lane markers. Technology in the new Touareg – Part 4: “Traffic Jam Assist” now also masters traffic jams and roadworks semi-automatically at speeds less than 55 km/h, Partly automated driving functions take comfort to an unprecedented level. The new Touareg. Front Assist offers new functional scopes. Thanks to the assistance systems installed, the vehicle can drive in a partly automated mode up to 59 km/h. Passé 60 … Using the optimised radar and video sensor systems, the system detects lane markings and vehicles driving ahead in the same lane or adjacent lane in a speed range from zero to 65 km/h. Future SUV range will extend from the T-Cross to the Touareg. Traffic Jam Assist combineert Adaptive Cruise Control met Lane Assist. In traffic jam situations on motorways, the traffic jam assist will brake to a standstill behind a stopping vehicle and then move off automatically again. trajectoire du véhicule et contrôle automatiquement l’accélération et le freinage." add-on parts, different tyre formats, etc.) The system uses the radar and ultrasound sensors as well as the front camera, guiding the car by gently adjusting the steering within system limits. Traffic Jam Assist provides more safety and comfort in traffic jams and stop-and-go traffic. Traffic Jam Assist works when you approach traffic and slow to a crawl. A young team has taken the task of perfecting the successful mid-range model. As a second assistance system, ACC is integrated in Traffic Jam Assist for automatic braking and acceleration. Zo werkt Traffic Jam Assist. Bitte beachten Sie auch unseren Konfigurator für eine Übersicht der aktuell verfügbaren Modelle und Ausstattungen. The latest forward-looking radar and camera technology helps sense traffic and the road ahead. Die automatische Distanzregelung ACC hilft Ihnen, eine zuvor von Ihnen eingestellte Höchstgeschwindigkeit1 sowie Abstand zum vorausfahrenden Fahrzeug einzuhalten.2 In einigen Modellen und in Verbindung mit der Verkehrszeichen-erkennung erweitert die vorausschauende Geschwindigkeitsregelung das ACC um eine Geschwindigkeits- und Kurvenassistenz. Speed Limit Assist. When the Traffic jam assist reaches its system limits – as when traffic eases up or a narrow curve lies ahead – the person at the wheel must again take over the driving. The Volkswagen Newsroom is an open platform and offers comprehensive search options to all users. Traffic Jam Assist continuously analyses the speed of surrounding vehicles and compares it with its own driving speed to ensure safety and accuracy at all times. Le Traffic Jam Assist peut potentiellement réduire le danger dans de telles situations. As a final measure, it autonomously brings the car to a safe stop. Pour éviter aux ­conducteurs la galère des bouchons, Volkswagen a conçu un système d’assistance en cas d’embouteillage. Die in dieser Darstellung gezeigten Fahrzeuge und Ausstattungen können in einzelnen Details vom aktuellen deutschen Lieferprogramm abweichen. It is possible to specify the WLTP figures voluntarily in addition until such time as this is required by law. Suivre. The Volkswagen steers and brakes entirely automatically. For further information on the differences between the WLTP and NEDC, please visit Owing to the more realistic test conditions, the fuel consumption and CO2 emissions measured according to the WLTP will, in many cases, be higher than those measured according to the NEDC. Vidéos à découvrir. Additional equipment and accessories (e.g. Traffic Jam Assist is available on models with automatic transmission. Traffic Jam Assist can assist you to in driving in highway traffic jams up to 60 km/h while the host vehicle automatically follows the vehicle ahead. Libérer le conducteur des aléas du trafic Innovation supplémentaire dans l’autonomisation progressive du véhicule, l’assistance Traffic Jam Chauffeur développée par le Groupe PSA permet au conducteur de déléguer la conduite dans les embouteillages, sans aucune supervision. Viele übersetzte Beispielsätze mit "traffic jam assistant" – Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch und Suchmaschine für Millionen von Deutsch-Übersetzungen. The traffic jam assist can take over steering work in slow-moving traffic on well-built interurban roads at speeds up to 65 km/h (40.4 mph). As a basis for this system, Lane Assist provides an Active Lane Guidance function. The new Touareg, Leading the way – Volkswagen presents the new Touareg, Volkswagen is making a statement by staging a world premiere of a new model for the first time in China – its largest market. may change the relevant vehicle parameters, such as weight, rolling resistance and aerodynamics, and, in conjunction with weather and traffic conditions and individual driving style, may affect fuel consumption, electrical power consumption, CO2 emissions and the performance figures for the vehicle. This is essentially a low-speed version of Adaptive Cruise Control. Traffic jam assist - VAGCOM ? We are currently still required by law to state the NEDC figures. À suivre. L’assistant d’embouteillage réunit le contrôle de distance (Adaptive Cruise Control) et l’assistant de maintien de la trajectoire. Starting on September 1st 2018, the New European Driving Cycle (NEDC) will be replaced by the WLTP in stages. typiques pouvant survenir dans de telles situations. Assistant d’embouteillage (Traffic Jam Assist) Votre organiseur d’embouteillage - profitez d’un plus haut niveau de sécurité et de confort en cas d’embouteillage ou de ralentissement. Bitte beachten Sie die allgemeingültigen Corona Regelungen. Nous l’avons testé sur la Passat. The system makes driving in traffic jams or stop and go conditions considerably more convenient. Across the UK and even the world, failure to effectively adjust speed is the cause of the majority of road traffic accidents. BMW HOD Emulator - Traffic Jam Assist(TJA) HOD Emulator Hand Off Detection Module for BMW F/G Series retrofit. (Page 1) – Passat VIII » Technique – Forum Passat – Des infos, des conseils, de l'aide et plus de 20000 discussions autour de la Volkswagen Passat Traffic Jam Assist brakes and accelerates the car for you, while maintaining a safe distance from the vehicle in front. In the eyes of the independent crash test experts, the SUV performed excellently in all categories. il y a 6 ans | 11.3K vues. Digitalised cockpit: Displays of the instruments and infotainment system merge into a new “Innovision Cockpit” The Traffic jam assist orientates itself by the lane markings and the other vehicles on the road. New Touareg receives five-star top rating in Euro NCAP. 4:32. In cases where the NEDC figures are specified as value ranges, these do not refer to a particular individual vehicle and do not constitute part of the sales offering. Since 1st September 2017, certain new vehicles are already being type-approved according to the Worldwide Harmonized Light Vehicles Test Procedure (WLTP), a more realistic test procedure for measuring fuel consumption and CO2 emissions. Volkswagen developed Traffic Jam Assist on the basis of Lane Assist and ACC. Abgebildet sind teilweise Sonderausstattungen der Fahrzeuge gegen Mehrpreis.